Friday 30 September 2016


1st October
Khowaja Muhammad Zaman (Luwari/Religious Scholar, Poet & Founder of Luwari School of spiritual thought/ birth 1st October1713),
 Shewak Bhojraj (Larkano > Bapo Gaanu/Freedom Fighter, Writer & Founder of ‘Balkan-ji-Bari’/1906),
 Abdul Haq ‘Zaib’ Aqli (Aqil/Poet, Journalist & Political Activist/ birth 1st October1920),
 Faiz Muhammad Soomro (Village Khokhar/Folklore Poet/1922),
 Inayatullah Suhail (Writer/ birth 1st October1930),
 Shiyam Sing Morjani (Sindh > Ajmir/Writer/ birth 1st October1936),
Sundar Agnani (Shahdadpur > Jaipur/Witer, Stage Director & Painter/ birth 1st October1936),
 Jadogar Nimano (Larkano > Baroda/Poet & Juggeler/ birth 1st October1937),
 Sarkash Sindhi (Ali Khan Vasil/Poet, ex-teacher & political Activist/ birth 1st October1940),
Ghulam Muhammad ‘Ghulam’ (Poet/ birth 1st October1948),
Ghulab Gul Muhammad (Sita Road/Writer/ birth 1st October1949),
Imdad Ali ‘Udas’ (Poet/1952), Chandar Balani (Ahmadabad/Actor, Artist/ birth 1st October1956),
 Kishor Sachdev (Naryad/Actor, Artist/ birth 1st October1958),
 Abdul Rahman ‘Sahir’ Rahu (Shahmir Rahu/Poet/ birth 1st October1963),
 Mumtaz ‘Khadim’ Memon (Kazi Ahmad/Poet birth 1st October/1965),
 Yousif Sindhi (Daro/Poet, Publisher & ex-Secretary General Sindhi Adabi Sangat/ birth 1st October1967),
 Tariq Buriro (Yaqoob Buriro/Writer/ birth 1st October1970),
 Amanullah ‘Aamir’ (Muhammadpur Odho/Poet/ birth 1st October1971),
 Sunhi Paras Panhwar (Karachi/Poetess & Journalist/ birth 1st October1975),
Niaz Nadeem Kandhar (Ghulam Hussain Kandhar/Poet/ birth 1st October1977),
 Sohrab Gopang (Radio Announcer/ birth 1st October1977),
Sarang Latif (Rustam/Writer/1985),
Abdul Haq ‘Haji’ (Rustam/Poet/ birth 1st October1985),
 Yaseen Kumbhar (Sultanpur/Poet/ birth 1st October1979).

Moulvi Muhammad Usman Qirani (Qiran/Religious Scholar & Freedom Fighter/death 1st October1936),
Moulvi Abdullah (Hala/Religious Scholar & Freedom Fighter/ death 1st October1975),
Dadan Faqir (Poet/ death 1st October1979)


1847: Sindh, an independent country lost its freedom in 1843 and became Governor’s province with Sir Charles Napier as her first Governor. Today, her provincial status is also snatched and is annexed with Bombay Presidency and R.K.Pringle is appointed as Commissioner. Today, he informs Officer Commanding the Forces in Sindh about his appointment. (Source: letter No.2788).
1878: Bombay Act V1 of 1873 is extended to Sindh and following are declared as Municipal Commissions in Larkanao and Hyderabad Districts. Larkano District: 1) Kambar, 2). Ratodero, 3). Sehwan, 4). Bubak. Hyderabad District: 1). Tando Muhammad Khan, 2). Tando Allahyar, 3). Hala, 4). Nasrpur, 5). Matiari. (Source: Government of Bombay’s Notification).
1918: Karachi Home Rule League celebrates Birthday of Dr. Anni Besant with Jairamdas Doulatram in chair. Shrikrishandas Lula, R.K.Sidhwa, Chainrai Virbhandas and others spoke on the occasion and threw light on the life & achievements of the founder of the Home Rule League, Dr. Anni Besant. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi).
1920: Sindh Khilafat celebrates ‘Election Boycott Week’. It is first day and public meetings are held in the length and breadth of Sindh to aware the people that election is some sort of an opportunity to be availed by Government to purchase loyalties. (Source: The Dail Alwahid, Karachi).
1922: Kambar Khilafat Committee elects its office-bearers and they are: Moulvi Ghulam Sidik (President), Syed Hassan Shah (Vice President), Haji Muhammad Usman (Secretary), Gul Muhammad Pathan (Joint Secretary) and Muhammad Essa (Treasurer).
1930: Shahnawaz Khan Bhutto is given At Home by Sardar Wahid Bux Bhutto at Gandhi Garden of Karachi. While speaking on the occasion, Shahnawaz Khan said that the case of separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency will be presented in the Round Table Conference and he is leaving for London very soon. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1940: Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan, addressing a gathering at Nuh says that Gandhi was among the first Indians to denounce Hitler’s acts and to declare that his sympathy lay entirely on the side of Britain in this war. Since that declaration was made the Congress had been changing its position from time to time until at last Gandhi had formulated his demand for freedom. (Source: Annual Indian Register, Vol-11, 1940).
1945: The meeting of the Sindh Muslim League Parliamentary Board is held at Hyder Manzil, Karachi with G.M.Syed in Chair. It is attended by Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, Mir Ghulam Ali, Pir Illahi Bux; K.B. Khuhro; Syed Khair Shah and Agha Ghulam Nabi Pathan. 70 applications are received for 35 seats. The meeting proved to be division of the Board. Sir Ghulam Hussain left the meeting in protest and headed a separate meeting at Khuhro’s residence. Mir Ghulam Ali, Pir Illahi Bux and attended the meeting. (Source: G.M.Syed’s book ‘Nai Sindh Lai Jidojuhud’)
1947: Parsram, an Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister is arrested on grounds that he was possessing secret documents. (Source: Newspapers).
1950: New Department is established by the federal Government for Migrants’ affairs. (Source: ibid).
1955: All involved in Rawalpindi Conspiracy case are released. (Source: Newspapers).
1977: Zia postpones elections and impose ban on all kinds of political activities. (Source: Newspapers).
1982: Lawyers’ Conventions held in various cities demand restoration of basic rights of citizens. Hafiz Lakho and other lawyers are arrested. (Source: Newspapers).

EVENTS FROM SINDH HISTORY (30th September)) By: Dr. Pathan

** 1857ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي تعليم کاتي سنڌ جي چارج رکندڙ اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنر
 سنڌ جي ڪمشنر کي رپورٽ پيش ڪئي ته ڪراچي انگلش اسڪول
  ۾ اسسٽنٽ ماسٽر نارائڻ جڳن ناٿ سنڌي ۾ امتحان پاس ڪيو
 آهي، ان ڪري سندس پگهار ۾ 20 رپيا واڌ ڪرڻ جو ڪيس 
بمبئي سرڪار کي موڪليو وڃي، واضح رهي ته اين جي وي هاءِ
 اسڪول ڪراچي سندس نالي سان منسوب آهي، نارائڻ جڳن
 ناٿ تعليم جي بهتري لاءِ اهم ڪردار ادا ڪيو.
** 1885ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي ڪراچي ۾ قائم ٿيل ميڪس ڊينسو
 هال ادبي سوسائٽي طرفان ليڪچر پروگرام منعقد ڪرايو ويو، جنهن
 جو عنوان ”هندو بيواهه عورت“ هو، اها پهرين سنڌي ادبي سوسائٽي 
هئي، جنهن ۾ ناليوارن سنڌي ليکڪن شموليت ڪئي، سوسائٽي طرفان
 ٿيل ڪيترين ئي گڏجاڻين ۾ ديوان ديارام گدومل،
 ڪوڙومل چندن مل ۽ هيرانند شرڪت ڪئي.
** 1920ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي رئيس المهاجرين جو خطاب ماڻيندڙ
 بئريسٽر جان محمد جوڻيجو افغانستان مان لاڙڪاڻي پهتو،
 هن جو چوڻ هو ته افغانستان ۾ هجرت ڪري ويل سنڌين 
جي مدد لاءِ فنڊ گڏ ڪرڻ خاطر آيو آهي، افغانستان ۾ موجود
 سنڌي ڪيترن ئي مالي ۽ رهائشي مسئلن کي منهن ڏئي رهيا آهن،
 هجرت ڪندڙ سنڌين جي ڪير به
 مدد ڪرڻ لاءِ تيار ناهي، اهي بي يارو مددگار آهن.
** 1938ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي مسلم ليگ طرفان ميرو خان
 ويجهو ڳوٺ محبوب تنيو ۾ گڏجاڻي ڪوٺائي وئي،
 جنهن جي صدارت ميان جي محمد يوسف قريشي ۽ ابو عبيد الله
 ڪئي، جڏهن ته مولوي محمد دائود مک مقرر هو،
 گڏجاڻي ۾ جمعيت علماءِ سنڌ کي ڪانگريس 
جي حامي پارٽي قرار ڏنو ويو.
** 1955ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي پاڪستان جي دستور ساز اسيمبلي
 ۾ ون يونٽ وارو معاملو پيش ڪيو ويو، جنهن جي حمايت
 ۾ 43 ووٽ پيا، جڏهن ته 13 ميمبرن ون يونٽ جي مخالفت ۾ ووٽ ڏنو.
** 2002ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي صدر جنرل پرويز مشرف
 اعلان ڪيو ته ڪالاباغ ڊيم ضرور ٺاهينداسين، جيتوڻيڪ 
صوبن جو ان تي اتفاق راءِ ناهي پر اسان جلد اتفاق راءِ پيدا 
ڪري وٺنداسين، ڀاشاڊيم کانپوءِ ڪالاباغ ڊيم ٺاهيو ويندو،
 اهي ڳالهيون هن آزاد ڪشمير ۾ منگلا ڊيم جي اوچائي 
وڌائڻ واري رٿا جي حوالي سان تقريب کي خطاب ڪندي ڪيو.

Good Day(30-09-2016)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[My Dear! Look at your Golden Heart 

and witness your wonderful status
 in its true colours. I am not mad to
 praise your beauty & love, vision &
 wisdom without any reason.
 It is my cause to tell the world that you are beauty & love] .
در کولي پنھنجئ دل جو، تون جانب ان ۾ تہ جھاتي پاء،
ڏسي سرت سندرتا پنھنجي، رکي دل تي ھٿ پوء ٻڌاء،
تہ آئون ڇو ۽ ڇاجي لاء؟ ديوانو سندء سرت سلام جو.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Good Day (30th September)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[My Dear! Look at your Golden Heart
 and witness your wonderful status 
in its true colours. I am not mad to 
praise your beauty & love, vision & 
wisdom without any reason. It is my
 cause to tell the world that you are beauty & love] . 
در کولي پنھنجئ دل جو، تون جانب ان ۾ تہ جھاتي پاء،
ڏسي سرت سندرتا پنھنجي، رکي دل تي ھٿ پوء ٻڌاء،
تہ آئون ڇو ۽ ڇاجي لاء؟ ديوانو سندء سرت سلام جو.

HISTORY TODAY (30th September)

KhowajaGul Muhammad (Luwari/Saint/birth 30 September 1961),
HariMotwani (Larkano>Mumbai/Journalist &Film maker/birth 30 September 1929),
 Abdul Majeed ‘Abid’ Soomro (Khan Miyani/Poet/ birth 30 September 1935),
 Mahesh Chandar (Tharo Shah >Mumbai/Singer/birth 30 September 1943),
Haji MunawarAbbasi (Valid/ex-Minister & Founder of AbbasiTanzim/birth 30 September 1944),
PoonamBirj Mohan (Mombai/Artist/birth 30 September 1948)
, AftabKaloi (Village Khan Muhammad/Poet & MRD Activist/birth 30 September 1952)
, TulsidasBahrani (Ulhasnagar/Writer/birth 30 September 1954),
PirSajjad Jan Sarhandi (TandoSaeendad/Politician/birth 30 September 1962),
 Ali MuradGadahi (Luwari/Journalist/birth 30 September 1974),
 Hakim Ali ‘Gul’ Mahar (Malhi/Poet/birth 30 September 1975), 

Pir Muhammad Ashraf (Kamaro/Saint/ death 30 September 1860),
MunshiAwatraiMalkani (Historian & Politician/ death 30 September 1901),
AllamaMuhmood Ahmad (Paat/Religious Scholar/ death 30 September 1932),
Agha Taj Muhammad (Educationist & Writer/ death 30 September 1959),


1857: Assistant Commissioner in charge of the Education Department in Sindh reports to the Commissioner that NarainJaganNath, Assistant Master in English school at Karachi has passed examination in Sindhi language and the case for an increase of Rs.20 in his salary be forwarded to the Bombay Government. (Source: letter No.13). This may kindly be noted that NJV High school is named to remember his services. He remained officer in Education Department also.
1885: Recently formed ‘Max Denso Hall Literary Society’ of Karachi organizes lecture program on the topic of ‘Hindu widow has right to search better-half’.The lecture was delivered by Father Bambridge, the founder of the Society. This was the first ever Literary Society and eminent writers of Sindh attended sittings and meetings of this Society. Some of them were: DiwanDiyaramGidumal, KauromalChandanmal and Hiranand etc. (Source: Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan’sPh.D Thesis).
1920: Rais-ul-Muhajreen, Jan Muhammad Junijo reaches Larkano from Afghanistan so as collect donations for Sindhi migrants at present in Afghanistan facing financial problems in connection with their settlement there. (Source: MoulanaWafai’s book ‘Yad-i-Janan’).
1938: A public meeting is held at village MahboobTunio of TalukaMirokhan by local branch of Muslim League. It is presided over by Mianji Muhammad Yousif Qureshi and Abu ObedullahMoulvi Muhammad Daud was the main speaker. The meeting termed Jamiat-ul-Ulema, Sindh as pro-congress party. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Sindh Muslim League’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1955: One-Unit Bill is supported by 43 votes and gets 13 votes against, in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. (Source: Newspapers).
1956: East Pakistan Provincial Assembly unanimously adopts Non-official Resolution on making of Bengali as an official language of the province. (Source: Newspapers)

EVENTS FROM SINDH HISTORY (29th September) By: Dr. Pathan

** 1838ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي انگريز عملدار ڪرنل پوٽينجر پنهنجي 
سرڪار کي صلاح ڏني ته ڪراچي جي قلعي تي قبضو ڪيو وڃي، 
جڏهن ته حيدرآباد ۾ موڪليل فورس کي وڌيڪ طاقتور بڻائڻ لاءِ 
ڪڇ ۽ ڊيسا واري علائقي مان وڌيڪ فوجي موڪليا وڃن.
** 1911ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي ڪراچي ۾ سنڌ هلال احمر سوسائٽي 
جو قيام عمل ۾ آندو ويو، مير ايوب پهريون صدر ۽ حاجي عبدالله هارون 
سيڪريٽري هو، اها سوسائٽي قائم ڪرڻ جو مقصد فنڊ گڏ ڪرڻ ۽
 اٽلي ۾ متاثر ٿيل مسلمانن لاءِ امداد موڪلڻ هو.
** 1948ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي پاڪستان جي قيام کانپوءِ پهرين 
منارٽي ڪانفرنس ڍاڪا ۾ منعقد ڪئي وئي،
 جنهن جي صدارت ايسٽ پاڪستان جي وڏي وزير نورالامين ڪئي،
 ڪانفرنس ۾ مطالبو ڪيو ويو ته سڀني مذهبن
 جي ماڻهن کي مذهبي آزادي ڏني وڃي.
** 1952ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي وفاقي حڪومت سنڌ سرڪار 
جي جاگيرداري نظام جي خاتمي واري سفارش تي
 غور ويچار شروع ڪري ڇڏيو.
** 1977ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي ساهيوال ۾ بينظير ڀٽو هڪ 
عوامي گڏجاڻي کي خطاب ڪندي جنرل ضياءُالحق کي چتاءُ ڏنو
 ته جيڪڏهن سندس والد کي ڦاهيءَ تي لٽڪايو ويو ته پوءِ
 ملڪ جي پنجن دريائن جو پاڻي رت ۾ ڳاڙهو ٿي ويندو، 
اهڙي اعلان کانپوءِ جنرل ضياءَ بينظير ڀٽو کي نظربند ڪرائي ڇڏيو.
**1997ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي افغانستان ۾ طالبان مزار شريف 
تي ٻيهر قبضي جي دعويٰ ڪئي، طالبان اڳواڻن بيان
 ۾ چيو ته مزار شريف جو هوائي اڏو قبضي ۾ اچي ويو آهي 
۽ شهر جو گهيراءُ ڪري ٻاهرين فورسز کي
 ٻاهر نڪرڻ تي مجبور ڪري ڇڏيو آهي.
**1999ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي نواز شريف جي سرڪار
جي ترجمان اعلان ڪيو ته جنرل پرويز مشرف آڪٽوبر
 2001ع تائين آرمي چيف ۽ چيئرمين جوائنٽ چيفس آف 
اسٽاف ڪاميٽي جي عهدن تي رهندو، تبديلي جا رڳو افواهه آهن،
صدر رفيق تارڙ پرويز مشرف جي چيئرمين
 جوائنٽ چيفس آف اسٽاف ڪاميٽي طور مدي ۾ واڌ ڪئي آهي،
 وزيراعظم هائوس جي ترجمان جو چوڻ هو ته سرڪار ۽ 
آرمي چيف ۾ ڪي به اختلاف ناهن، واضح رهي ته نواز شريف
 ۽ جنرل مشرف ۾ وڏي عرصي کان اختلاف هلي رهيا هئا، 
جنهن جون خبرون اخبارن ۾ اچي رهيون هيون، ۽ پوءِ 
جنرل پرويز مشرف 12 آڪٽوبر 1999ع تي نواز شريف 
جي حڪومت جو تختو اونڌو ڪري کيس گرفتار ڪرائي ڇڏيو هو.

(Design by Nasir Ifikhar Warraich)

if not seen each other, so what? 
If we have not meet, so what? 
Human-love and respect are our
common factors. Let the world know
that Nasir Ifikhar Warraich and 
Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan are
two sides of a same coin."
(Design by Nasir Ifikhar Warraich)

Good Day (29-09-2016)

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[Do not be proud of your sincerity or sacrifice.
They are not your plus points any way. 
Apart from it, remove black dots of discrimination,
mistrust and ego from your heart & mind. 
Surrender your self. May it please
beloved & beauty to accept your love]
ڪٽ ڪین ۽ ڪیني کي ڪوري، من ! وڃ تون در جان کي گھوري،
پوء بہ قدم کٹندء توري توري، تون سوري سڳڙو هل سلام جو.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

My Poetry

My Poetry

HISTORY TODAY (29th September)

29th September
NandarRejhsinghani (Larkano>Mumbai/Writer/birth 29 September 1929),
DoulatEdnani (Panhyar>Poono/Poet/birth 29 September 1939),
‘Wafa’ Langah (Poet/birth 29 September 1959),
ManikMalah (Sakrand/Poet/birth 29 September 1967).

Haji QadirBux Shah (Bhan/Local politician/ death 29 September 1955),
GulNasrpuri (Poet & writer/ death 29 September 1965),
Shah Abbasi (Poet/ death 29 September 1981),
Syed Imdad Ali Shah (Matiari/Politician/ death 29 September 1971).


1838: Colonel Pottenger advises his Government for to occupy the fort of Karachi either by force, or consent of Talpurs. To make demonstration of power and force at Hyderabad and send troops either from Cutch, or Deesa. (Source: letter No.283)
1911: Sindh Hilal-i-Ahmar Society is formed at Karachi with Mir Ayub as its President and Haji Abdullah Haroon as Secretary. Main object of the Society is to collect donation and send financial help to the Muslims those are being victimized by Itly. (Source: G.M.Syed’s book ‘JanabGuzaryam Jan seen’).
1922: Public meetings are held at Buthi,DaimMashori and Village Deedar by local branches of the Khilafat Committee. At Buthi, the meeting is presided over by QaziAzizullah and Hassan-u-ullah and Moulvi Ghulam Sidik spoke on the occasion. Munshi Muhammad Suleman presided over the public meeting at DaimMashori. Whereas MoulviKarimBux was main speaker at Deedar. On this occasion, 60 people joined Khilafat Committee. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1948: First ever Minority Conference after creation of Pakistan is held at Dhaka and that is presided over by Noor-ul-Amin, the Chief Minister of East wing. The Conference demands religious freedom. (Source: Newspapers).
1952: Federal Government is considering the recommendation of the Sindh Government on abolition of Jageerdari system in Sindh. (Newspapers).

1977: Benazir Bhutto while addressing a big public meeting at Sahiwal warns that if his father Z.A.Bhutto is hanged, water of all five rivers will turn red. And soon after she is put under house arrest! (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).