Saturday 31 July 2021

Sinsh History (31st July)


31st July
Hakim Ghulam Mustafa Soofi (Kandhra/Writer/ birth 31st July 1949),
Zubedah Metlo (Kambar/Poetess/ birth 31st July 1955)
1920: Traffic Manager of Railways is approached by ‘Hijrat Committee’ to hire special train for Sindhi migrants. The Committee is asked to furnish information about the numbers of passengers, date of departure and other information. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid,
The Daily Al-Wahid is in trouble and is not in position to pay required amount of Security. Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi sold jewelry of his wife in Rs.50 to contribute towards fund. (Source: ibid)
1966: Six opposition parties evolve a common program for the restoration of Democracy. Meeting is held at
with Noor-ul-Amin in chair. (Source: Newspapers)
"سنڌ جي واقعاتي تاريخ-( 31 جولاءِ)- ڊاڪٽر درمحمد پٺاڻ جي تحقيق".
[ ڪجھ واقعا]
اتر سنڌ لاء مقرر ڪيل فرنگين جو پوليٽيڪل ايجنٽ راس بيل گورنر جنرل کي سندس سيڪريٽرئ معرفت خط لکي مير علي مراد خان سان سندس ٿيل خط و ڪتابت ۽ سفارتڪارئ بابت تفصيل ڏيندي چئي ٿو هي مير باقي حڪمرانن کان هر ڳالھ ۾ منفرد آھي. هن اسان جي سرڪار سان ڪجھ اره زورائي ڪئي, پر هن سان تڪرار ڪرڻ مان اسان کي گهڻو فائدو نه ملندو. هن سان جهيڙي بدران ڳالهيون ڪرڻيون پونديون. هن جي فوج ۾ بلوچن کان وڌيڪ افغاني آھن. (ڊاڪيومينٽ نمبر 205, راس بيل جو سکر مان لکيل خط).
سنڌ جي ڏکڻ-اوڀر حصي ۾ کوسن ۽ ڪن هندن انگريزن کي نڪ ۾ دم ڏنو. کين سنڌ ۾ داخل ٿيڻ وقت لٽيندا ڦريندا هئا.
اڄ ڪمپني حڪومت جوڌپور جي راجا کان مدد گهري ته ڦورن خلاف آپريشن ۾ ساٿ به ڏئي ۽ اهو به ڏسي ته جيئن فرنگين کي ڦريندڙ ھن جي ملڪ ۾ پناه نه وٺن. (حوالو: ممبئي سرڪار جو مراسلو نمبر 159).
ڪمپني حڪومت سنڌ جي شاندار ماضئ کي تاريخ جي ورقن ۾ محفوظ ڪرڻ لاء صوبائي حڪومت معرفت سنڌ جي ڪمشنر کي هدايت ڪئي ته هو پنهنجي زيردست عملدارن کي لکي ته اهي کيس مندرن, غارن ۽ تاريخي يادگارن جي تفصيل گڏ ڪري موڪلن, پوء اها معلومات مرڪزي حڪومت کي موڪلي وڃي. (حوالو: ممبئي سرڪار جو مراسلو نمبر 2803).
سنڌ خلافت ڪميٽئ پڪو په ڪيو ته هجرت ڪبي. ان ڪري ريلوي ٽرئفڪ مئنيجر سان رابطو ڪيو ويو ته جيئن خاص ريل بڪ ڪجي. اڄ ريلوي جي ٽريفڪ مئنيجر کين لکيو ته ٻڌايو ته ڪيترا مسافر هوندا ۽ ٽرين ڪهڙئ تاريخ تي ۽ ڪٽان رواني ٿيندي ۽ ڪيسيتائين ويندي. (معلومات جو ذريعو: روزانه الوحيد ، ڪراچي).
روزانو "الوحيد" مٿان مالي مصيبت آئي ۽ اخبار جي انتظاميه سرڪار طرفان مڙھيل سيڪيورٽي جي رقم ادا ڪرڻ جي پوزيشن ۾ نه هئي. پر شيخ عبدالمجيد سنڌئ پنهنجي زال جا زيور وڪڻي, 60 روپيا فنڊ ۾ جمع ڪرايا. (ذريعو: "الوحيد")
انگريزن جي دور جي سماجي تنظيمن لاء اهو جهڙوڪ لازمي ڪم هوندو ته هڪ ڀرپور لائبرري قائم ڪن. ڪراچئ ۾ ”ھندو ٽائون پيپلز ائسوسيئيشن" لائبرري کولي ۽ اڄ سيٺ ھرچندراء وشنداس ان جو افتتاح ڪيو.
پاڪستان ۾ آمرن ۽ سياستدانن جي ڄنڊا-پٽ سياسي ڪلچر جو پڪو رنگ رهيو آھي. آمر جڏهن اقتدار کي پنهنجي جاگير بڻائڻ جو پڪو په ڪندا آھن ته پوء سياسي اتحاد جوڙيا ويندا آھن. اڄ نورالامين جي صدارت ۾ ڇهن سياسي پارٽين جو ميڙاڪو ٿيو ۽ فيصلو ڪيو ويو ته ملڪ ۾ جمهوريت جي بحالئ لاء ڀرپور تحريڪ هلائبي.
نيٺ ڀير تي ڏونڪو لڳو. احمد رضا قصورئ جيڪا پنهنجي پئ جي قتل تي پٽيشن داخل ڪئي هئي, اڄ ان ڪيس جي شنوائي ٿي.
31 جولاءِ 1955ع صحافي صوفي غلام مصطفى ڪانڌڙو.
31 جولاءِ 1955ع شاعره زبيده ميتلو (قمبر).
31 جولاءِ 1966ع شاعر ۽ قومي ڪارڪن عرفان مهدي (هالا).
31 جولاءِ 1971ع صحافي رام ڀوراڻي (سکر).
31 جولاءِ 1974ع مذهبي اسڪالر مولانا الهورايو بروهي .
31 جولاءِ 2003ع شاعر ابراهيم منشي.
31 جولاءِ 2008ع وڪيل اڳواڻ ۽ سياستدان امداد علي اعواڻ (سکر).

Friday 30 July 2021

Sindh History (30th July)


30th July
Moulvi Nazir Hussain ‘Jalali’ (Larkano/Freedom Fighter/ birth 30th July 1903),
Parsram ‘Zia’ (Tando Adam >Ajmir/Poet/ birth 30th July 1911),
Arbab Noor Muhammad Palijo (Bano/Politician/ birth 30th July 1915),
Eshwar Chandar (Hyderabad >Ajmir/Fiction writer/ birth 30th July 1937),
Syed Akbar Rashdi (Pir Jo Goth Larkano/Politician/ birth 30th July 1951),
Dr.Razia Khokhar (Sukkur/Writer/ birth 30th July 1962)
Mian Abdul HalimMekan (Shahdadkot/Religious Scholar/ date 30th July 1979)
1857: The Collector of Upper Sindh request Sindh Commissioner for approval and sanction of the construction of a cause way at Rohri. The estimated cost is told as Rs.3,300 and it is pointed out that expenditure be met partly from the Ferry Fund and partly from municipal funds. (Source: The Collector’s letter No.242)
1920: The Hyderabad District Congress Committee decides by 17 to 10 votes to recommend the principle of Non-Co-Operation to the Special Indian Congress. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Sindh Congress’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1954: Tribunal constituted to probe into anti-Qayani riots completes it job. The report is submitted to the Punjab Government. (Source: Newspapers).
1969: Government relaxes restrictions on activities of political parties which can hold indoor meetings of Working Committees and Conventions also. (Source: ibid).
1978: Bhutto Government damaged name, fame and democratic norms of the country, polls after accountability, says Lt. General Chishti. (Source: ibid).
1993: Pakistan has the technical capacity to manufacture a nuclear device. Caretaker Prime Minister Moeen Qureshi tells Vice President of U.S.A in Washington. (Source: ibid).
1996: Transport strike to protest against imposition of new taxes paralyses life in Pakistan. (Source: ibid).

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Sind History (28th July)


28th July
Kazi Ali Akbar Darazi (Rohri/Poet & writer/ birth 28th July 1895),
Laxman Punjabi (TandoAllahyar>Ajmir/Freedom Fighter &Writer/ birth 28th July 1921),
BihariKaramchand (Shikarpur>Mumbai/Writer/ birth 28th July 1934),
NirmalJadwani (Karachi >Mumbai/Artist/ birth 28th July 1946),
Dr. Jawed Qazi (Shikarpur/Writer/ birth 28th July 1953),
Badar Ansari (Kamber/Poet/ birth 28th July 1983)
Khowaja Muhammad ZamanSani (Lunwari/Saint/ date 28th July 1831),
Mir Ahmad Ali Faiz Muhammad Khan (Khairpur/ date 28th July 1907),
Syed Ghulam Abbas Shah (Shahjahanyan/Saint/ date 28th July 1939),
Mushtaq Ali ‘Mustaq’ (Poet/ date 28th July 1972),
Muhammad Alim ‘Shanmam’ Dogar (GulDogar/Poet/ date 28th July 1988),
Muhammad Ramzan Naval (Poet/ date 28th July 2005).
1909: Anjuman Momenin of Karachi requests Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhurgri to head the Anjuman as its President. (Source: The Daily Sindh Gazette, Karachi)
1920: Responding the call of Sindh Khilafat not to co-operate with the Government, following Khilafat workers of Larkano District tender their resignation from Government service. They are: Allah Bux (Primary Teacher, School Mangwani), Jahan Khan , Muhammad Hussain; Imdad Ali ; Hout Khan; Soomar; Haji Ahmad,; Mureed Ahmad; Muhammad Bux (All from Police Department, Kambar), Muhammad Musa (Kotwal, Kambar), Noor Muhammad (Kotwal, Kambar). Sirai Muhammad Khan Gopang and Sirai Allahdino Siyal resigned as member of the Kambar Municipality.(Source: Newspapers).
1934: 4th Sindh Azad Conference is held at Karachi and it is presided over by Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah. The object of the Conference is to make the public opinion in favour of the separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency.(Source: The Daily Sindh Gazette, Karachi). This may kindly be noted that prior to this three Conferences were held on 18th of April, 1932 (At Karachi with Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi in chair), on 15th of November, 1932 (At Hyderabad with Allama Yousif Ali of Punjab in chair) and on 26th of April, 1934 (At Sukkur with K.B.Pir Bux in chair).
1969: Swat, Dir and Chitral are annexed to West Pakistan (Source: ibid).
1977: All political leaders including Z.A.Bhutto and Moulana Mufti are released. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto Family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).

Monday 26 July 2021

Sindh History (27th July)


27th July
Soofi Syed Hajan Shah Bukhari (Goth Ilyas/Poet/ birth 27th July 1859),
Abdullah ‘Khuwab’ (Poet/ birth 27th July 1919),
Fakir Ahmad Khan Hesbani ‘Tanwer’ (Hesab Hesbani/Poet/ birth 27th July 1928),
Fatan Parwani (SoiChanna> Ulhasnagar/Writer/ birth 27th July 1933),
SarlaTahilramani (Sukkur> New Delhi/Writer/ birth 27th July 1936),
Irfan Mehdi (Poet/ birth 27th July 1966),
Dr. SajjadSarwar (Pano Aqil/Poet/ birth 27th July 1982)
Muhabat Khan Marri (TandoMasti/General/ date 27th July 1856),
Nawab Wali Muhammad ‘Wali’ (Tajpur/Poet/ date 27th July 1914),
LoknathJetle (Karachi/Freedom Fighter/ date 27th July 1921),
Rasool BuxDero (Faridabad/Writer/ date 27th July 1982)
1843: The Government of India asks Sindh Governor to furnish with sketch of the country between Sabzalkot and Rohri showing the several district possessions of ex-Rulers and their value and indicating also the several Pargnas if any, belonging to Mir Ali Murad Khan and those attached to ‘Turban’ so as to enable Governor-General to decide what portion of the country be assigned to the Nawab of Bahawalpur. (Govt. of India’s Letter No 258).
1857: The Bombay Government is taking into consideration two proposals regarding improvement of communication in Sindh. Lieutenant-General Jacob is insisting on Trunk road from Shikarpur to Karachi, whereas another proposal is to construct bridge over Indus. The Sindh Commissioner favours the construction of bridge. (Source: Commissioner’s letter No.184).
1929: A Conference of a new party, called ‘the All-India Muslim Nationalist Party’ is held at Allahabad under the presidency of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad. The object are to promote among Muslims a spirit of Nationalism, to develop a mentality above communalism, and to inspire greater confidence in Indian National Ideas (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1929).
1941: J.B.Kriplani, (Sindhi) General Secretary of the Congress, laid emphasis on the aspect of construction work by Satyagarahis as well as by those Congressmen, who did not sign the pledge, in the course of a circular issued to the several Congress Committees in the country. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1941).
1952: Anti-Qadyani demonstration in Lahore is teargassed.They were demanding resignation of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Chowdri Zafarullah Khan and declaring Qadiyanis as a minority. (Source: Newspapers).
1955: One-Unit scheme to be executed within two weeks, declares Iskandar Mirza. (Source: ibd).
1972: Sindhis have never opposed Urdu. History is witness to their hospitality during the days of large scale migration of Muhajreen from India, Z.A.Bhutto advocates Sindhis non-aggressive approach and deplores language riots. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1973: Jamait-i-Islami opposes recognition of Bangladesh, and JUI demands making Hamood-u-Rahman Commission Report public. Bhutto is being encircled by opposition (Source:Newspapers)).
1984: Majlas-i-Shora of Zia regime approves Qisas, Diyat Ordinance. (Source: ibid).

Sindh History (26th July)


26th July
Syed Ali Muhammad Shah Daerai (Saint/ birth 26th July 1811),
Allah Bux ‘Anees’ Ansari (Larkano/Poet & writer/ birth 26th July 1923),
NazirBhund (Bilal Bhand/Writer/ birth 26th July 1947),
AsifZardari (Ex-President of Pakistan/ birth 26th July 1955),
Ali Akbar Sand (Bhit Shah/Writer & Journalist/ birth 26th July 1958),
Riaz Memon (Mirpurkhas/Journalist/ birth 26th July 1963),
Moulana Muhammad Akram Ansari (Religious Scholar/ date 26th July 1958),
1840: The Government of Bombay asks Captain Robert Oliver, Superintendent of Indian Navy to draft Rules & Regulation for Steam Flotilla on the Indus. (Source: The Bombay Government’s letter, dated 26th July 1840). This may kindly be noted that later on Steam Communication between Karachi and Mulatan was established but, in 1857 it was stopped due to Persian Expedition.
1950: Indian Muslim Migrants take out procession demanding their proper rehabilitation. (Source: Newspapers).
1954: Restrictions are imposed on undue movement /activities of Russian diplomats in Pakistan. (Source: Newspapers).
1955: Red Shirt politicians will not be allowed to launch movement against One-Unit, declares Major General Iskandar Mirza, Home Minister of Pakistan. (Resources: ibid).
1965: American diplomats are free to contact any politician and record his opinion on vital issues relating to Pakistan. Government takes notice and asks them to refrain from such activities. (Source: Ibd).
1972: Indian cabinet approves Simla Agreement. Though, it is a big achievement of PPP Government but, Bhutto faces serious problems. Simla Agreement is being criticized in Punjab and Sindh is burning due to language riots. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1996: 15-party’s opposition alliance finalizes pla

Saturday 24 July 2021

Sindh History (25th July)



25th July 

Imam Bux ‘Sabir’ jatoi (New Jatoi/Poet & Politician/ birth 25th July 1881),

 ‘Shad’ Abbasi (Borrai/Poet/ birth 25th July 1934),

 Muhammad SalihKumbhar (Sinjhoro/Journalist/ birth 25th July 1947),

Imtiaz Ali Channo (Valid/Writer/ birth 25th July 1958),

 AllahdinoaliesBhejo Fakir (Saeendad/Social Worker & Poet/ birth 25th July 1959) 



 Ali Muhammad ‘Ajiz’ Sakrai (Poet/ date 25th July 1959)



1938: Gandhi refuses to accept All-India Muslim League as the sole representative of the entire Muslim Population of India. He writes to Jinnah. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1938).
1940: Sir Haji Abdullah Haroon President of the Sindh Provincial Muslim League in the course of a statement to press from Lahore declares that Mr. Jinnah has committed no crime in calling spade a spade; our province whole-heartedly supports the stand he has taken in dealing with Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1940).
1947: Lord Mountbatten asks Chamber of Princes to take into account consideration such as the geographical location, economic and strategic factors and wishes of people in arriving at decision whether to accede to India or Pakistan. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1947).
1966: N.M.Uqueli is appointed as Finance Minister of Pakistan.(Source: Newspapers).
1974: I will not order for withdrawal of military or to stop operation in Balochistan as it will be taken and termed as weakness of the Government, says Z.A.Bhutto (Source: Newspapers).
1978: A White Paper ‘Conduct of General election in March 1977, by Z.A.Bhutto Government’ is issued by the Government of Pakistan. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).

Sindh History (24th July)


24th July
Lekhraj Thakur (Hyderabad/Social worker/ birth 24th July 1921),
Lilaram Dewandas (Thar Shah > Ahmadabad/Journalist/ birth 24th July 1924),
Akhtar Adeeb (Lakhi/Poet/ birth 24th July 1932),
Syed Murad Ali Shah (Politician/ birth 24th July 1938),
Tolaram Raheja (Sukkur > Poono/Writer/ birth 24th July 1939),
Mahboob Qadri (Dhour/Poet/ birth 24th July 1980)
Khowaja Ghulam Farid (Mithankot/Saint & poet/ date 24th July 1901),
Wahadat Ali Nuqrij (Poet/ date 24th July 1965),
Miskeen Jahan Khan Khoso (Social worker/ date 24th July 1980),
1925: Khadhar dress is made indispensable for Congress members in party meetings. Secretary of the All-India Congress Committee issues circular. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1925).
1939: Masjid Manzilgah Restoration Committee of the Sindh Muslim League , in its meeting held at Sukkur with Muhammad Ayub Khuhro condemns Sindh Government’s policy regarding Masjid Manzilgah issue and decides to observe ‘Masjid Manzilgah Day’ on 18th of August. (Source: Newspapers).
1946: A resolution opposing grooping of Sindh with Punjab is passed at a Conference held under the auspices of the Sindh Provincial Muslim League. Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi presiding. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1946).
1950: Muhajreen have submitted 60 applications for party tickets to contest election for Sindh Provincial Assembly. The number of application is not less than the number of applications submitted by Old Sindhis. The matter is discussed in the meeting of the Sindh Muslim League Parliamentary Board. Muhammad Ayub Khuhro is in chair.(Source: Newspapers).
1954: The Communist Party of Pakistan and its all branches are declared unlawful. (Source: ibid).
1964: Combined Opposition Parties (COP) in its meeting held at Dhaka decides to take part in the next election. The Alliance agree on a manifesto providing for Parliamentary system, Provincial Autonomy, Freedom of Judiciary and lifting ban on political parties.(Source: Newspapers).
1965: Moulana Bhashani of East Pakistan demands Pakistan’s withdrawal from CENTO, SEATO and military alliances. (Source: ibd).
1972: Conditions of Karachi are taking new shape. Peace will not be needed by some people. Violence erupts and curfew is imposed in many areas. The city opted for blood-bath from this year and will complete its half century very soon.

Thursday 22 July 2021

Sindh History (23rd July)


23rd July
Abdul Aziz ‘Aziz’ Abro (Piyaro Wahan/Poet/ birth 23rd July 1920),
Atta Muhammad Siddiqui (Shahdadkot/Journalist/ birth 23rd July 1950),
Sanam Najib (Poetess/ birth 23rd July 1968)
Minyon Abdul Rahim (Religious Scholar/ date 23rd July 1885),
Asadullah Shah Hussaini ‘Bekhud’ (Takhur/Poet/ date 23rd July 1980),
Kazi Abdul Hai ‘Qail’ (Ratodero/Poet/ date 23rd July 1989),
1843: The Governor-General of India writes to the Sindh Governor making enquiries and asking for some papers required in connection with the alleged cession to His Highness Mir Ali Murad Khan of lands held by Mir Rustom Khan. (Source: The Governor-General’s letter No.260).
1846: The Governor-General of India asks the Sindh Governor to apprise him of the steps he will take for making and proposing Rules for administration of Civil Justice in Sindh (Source: Governor-General’s letter No.263).
1948: Karachi is now under control of the Pakistan Government. Hashim Raza is appointed first Administrator, whereas Kazim Raza is made Inspector-General of Police. Sindhi nationalists fear about the future of their biggest city. Some of them blame that a ‘protected constituency’ is being managed with vote bank of Muhajreen. (Source: Newspapers).
1952: Muhajreen take out procession and encircle Prime Minister House in Karachi. They demand proper rehabilitation. (Source: Newspapers).
1961: Alliance of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey can be misused against Soviet Union, doubts USSR. (Source: Newspapers).
1963: Ghulam Nabi Memon and Muhammad Khan Junijo are inducted in West Pakistan ministry (Source: Newspapers).
1973: Pakistan recognizes new Kabul regime led bu Daud. (Source: Newspapers).
1988: MRD rejects Ziz’s decision of non-party polls. (Source: ‘Source-Material on MRD’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Sindh History (22nd July)


22nd July
Habib-u-ullahPathan ‘Habib’ (Arija/Poet/ birth 22nd July 1929),
Narayan Shyam (NausheroFerz/Poet/ birth 22nd July 1922),
Saleem Channa (Shikarpur/Writer/ birth 22nd July 1947),
Noor-ul-Huda Shah (Hyderabad/Writer & Minister in interim Sindh Government/ birth 22nd July 1957),
Muhammad Khan Brohi (Nasirabad/Journalist/ birth 22nd July 1962),
Nizam Sarhandi (Hyderabad/Journalist/ birth 22nd July 1962),
Ghulam Qadir Panhwar (Sinjhoro/Writer/ birth 22nd July 1963),
Sikandar Memon (Nazar/Poet/ birth 22nd July 1971),
Asif Baloch (Khairpur/Poet/ birth 22nd July 1981),
:Moulvi Abdul SattarRustami (Religious Scholar/ date 22nd July 1902),
Mir Allah BuxTalpur (Politician/ date 22nd July 1953),
Dost Muhammad Abro (Politician/ date 22nd July 1983),
AzharGilani (Ghotki/Poet, Journalist & Political Activist/ date 22nd July 2006),
1919: On the victory of the Allies, sincere and loyal Sindhi subjects send congratulation message to the Government of Bombay. They are: Parsaram Babumal Udesi of Jacobabad, Dhagchand Asardas Mukhtyarkar of Kambar; Dharamdas Bhagwandas of Nawalshah and Hindu Zamindar of Tayab, taluka Ratodero. (Source: The Bombay Government’s Notification).
1931: A student named Vasudev Balwant fires two revolver’s shots at Sir Earnest Hoston, the Governor of Bombay, when he was entering the Reading Room of Fergussion College, Poona. It was luck for the Governor, who is safe and bad luck for a brave boy, who is arrested on the spot. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1931).
1939: Speaker of Sindh Assembly, Syed Miran Muhammad Shah alongwith K.B.Muhammad Sidik Memon visits ‘Anjuman Himayat Islam’ office at Lahore. He wants to establish a Society/Anjuman in Sindh for Muslims. (Source: G.M.Syed’s book:’Rihan’).
1941: Both M.A.Jinnah and Gandhi react unfavourably to the Simla announcement regarding the expansion of the Viceroy’s Executive Council. ‘ It will not secure the whole hearted, willing and genuine support, if that is honestly required, of Muslim India’, say Jinnah. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1941).Three members of the Working Committee of Muslim League joined that Council, and one of that Chowdhri Zafarullah became the Foreign Minister of Pakistan !
1948: Karachi and other 5668 sq.miles are put under the control of the federal/Pakistan Government. An Ordinance is promulgated by the Governor General of Pakistan. (Source: Ordinance). This may kindly be noted that the Governor General, Quaid-i-Azam is in Ziyarat at eleventh hour of his age.
1950: Two sons of Soorih Badshah Shaheed Sabghatullah Pir Pagaro, are reaching Karachi.(Source: Newspapers). One of them takes over as Pir Pagaro later on. This may kindly be noted that in their absence from country, one influential man from Rashdi caste tried to become Pir Pagaro but, failed to get Government support.
1955: Ayub Khuhro is elected UN-opposed as the member of Sindh Assembly from Tando Adam-Shapur constituency. (Source: Newspapers). The stage is being set for imposing One-Unit on Sindh. This may kindly be noted that Ayub Khuhro played vital role in the movement for separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency and he also played key role in annexing Sindh with Punjab and other provinces under the shadow of One-Unit.
1964: Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) is formed by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. (Source: Newspapers).
1989: Ethnic violence erupts in Sindh. Ten are shot dead in Hyderabad and one in Dadu. (Source :ibid).

Sindh History (21st July)


21st July
MianShahal Muhammad (General of Kalhora Government/ birth 2st July 1593),
Abdullah Abbasi (Mohabadero> Karachi/Educationist & Writer/ birth 21st July 1903),
LutfullahBadvi (Shikarpur/Educationist, Scholar & Poet/ birth 21st July 1904),
Dadan Fakir (MiandadChinjni/Saint Poet/ birth 21st July 1906),
KishinchandJetli (Hyderabad >Poono/Poet/ birth 21st July 1910),
MurliMukhi (Hyderabad >Mumbai/Writer/ birth 21st July 1926),
Ratan Jhamnani (Ahmadabad/Artist/ birth 21st July 1958)
Moulvi Muhammad Salih ‘Aajiz’ (Religious Scholar, Freedom Fighter & Poet/ date 21st July 1982),
Masoom Halai (Poet/ date 21st July 1991)
1920: A big public meeting is held at village Buthi of taluka Mirokhan by the local branch of Khilafat Committee. It is presided over by Qazi Abu-al-Hassan Azizullah. It has been notified by the Khilfat Committee that in response to its call for Non-Co-Operation, Haji Ghulam Rasool of village Mevo Jalbani, Mula Gul Muhammad of Daro, Warah and Din Muhammad of Badah have announced that they will not take Government grants for their Maktabs/Schools in future. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1925: Ban on Akhand Panth and pilgrimage to Gurdwara Gangar is lifted. Sikh Community is happy to see positive results of their struggle. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1925).
1939: A public meeting is held at Buthi Hakra by the local branch of Muslim League. It is presided over by Moulana Shah Muhammad. The meeting condemns the agitation of Hindus against Nazim of Hyderabad Dakkan. It demands the imposition of ban on selling of Quran by Bookstores run by Hindus. An appeal is also made to elected Sindh Assembly members from the District Larkano to join Muslim League. (Source: Newspapers).
1946: Sindh Assembly election results are declared. G.M.Syed in midist of strong opposition of All-India Muslim League returns un-opposed. Party-wise result is: Muslim League (27 Seats), Congress (21 Seats), G.M.Syed Group (04 Seats), Muslim Nationalists (04 Seats), Europeans (03 Seats).
1949: The property of Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto in Mumbai is forfeited. When he was Nazim of Hyderabad Dakkan , he did his level to annex that State with Pakistan (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1953: Habib Ibrahim Rahmatullah is appointed Sindh Governor (Source: Newspapers).
1964: The Alliance named Combined Opposition Parties (COP) is formed by Council Muslim League, Jamait-i-Islami, National Awami Party and Nizam-i-Islam Party. (Source: Newspapers).
1988: Zia promise to hold general elections on November 16, addresses Pakistan Senate. (Source: ibid).

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Sindh History (20th July)


20th July
Santdas Jhangyani (Hyderabad > New Delhi/Scholar/ birth 20th July 1926),
Saqi Halai (Manjhand/Poet/ birth 20th July 1932),
Hakim Ghulab Khan ‘Mahjoor’ (Rasool Bux Brohi/Poet/ birth 20th July 1934),
Haresh ChandarJethmilani (Shikarpur> Baroda/Writer/ birth 20th July 1936),
GirdharilalRatnani (Shikarpur> Ulhasnagar/Singer/ birth 20th July 1939),
Muneer Gozai (LalBuxRahooja/Writer/ birth 20th July 1941),
Padan Sharma (Mirpur>Mumbai/Writer/ birth 20th July 1942),
Dr. Sahir Imdad (Hyderabad/Scholar & Poetess/ birth 20th July 1951),
Razaq Mahar (Mahar/Writer/ birth 20th July 1954),
Anwar Memon (Sukkur/Writer/ birth 20th July 1956),
Pahlaj Jewani (Daharki/Poet/ birth 20th July 1959),
Ramzan Naval (Moro/Writer/ birth 20th July 1961),
Mir Syed Ghulam Ali ‘Mail’ (Thatta/Poet/ date 20th July 1859),
Ghulam Muhammad (Karachi/Sindhi Cricketer who participated in many Matches of international level/ date 20th July 1966),
Wali Daudpoto (Writer/ date 20th July 1979)
1849: The Sindh Commissioner request the Bombay Government to supply copy of rules and practice on the subject of marrying, baptizing and burying Christian members of civil establishment. (Source: Commissioner’s letter No.1523).
1920: The Al-Wahid, Karachi, in the course of its editorial advocates ‘Non-Co-Operation Movement’ and advises people to join hands with Khilafat Tahrik. The editor of this Newspaper on contributing this earned imprisonment. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1932: On behalf of the Sindh Azad Jamait, Muhammad Ayub Khuhro presents Memorandum to the Joint Parliamentary Committee in London requesting for separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid).
1947: NWFP decides by vote to join Pakistan. (Source: Newspapers)
1954; The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan resolves to make Karachi as permanent Capital of Pakistan (Source: ibid).
1973: It is very difficult to work with Z.A.Bhutto. Baluchistan has been badly victimized in his tenure, says Attaullah Khan Mengal. (Source: Newspapers).

Monday 19 July 2021

Sindh History (19th July)


19th July
ParwatiChavila (Karachi >Mumbai/Singer/ birth 19th July 1932),
S.Kumar (Nasirabad>Mumbai/Stage Director/ birth 19th July 1941),
SitalHemrajani (Writer/ birth 19th July 1941),
QaziShafiq Ahmad Mahesar (Arif Mahesar/Politician/ birth 19th July 1947),
Muhammad ShafiQureshi (Dadu/Journalist/ birth 19th July 1950),
ParwanoSehwani (Sehwan/Poet/ birth 19th July 1958),
Dr.Sakhi Qabool Muhammad 1V (Daraza/Gadi Nasheen/ birth 19th July 1962),
Nasir Mirza (TandoThorho/Poet/ birth 19th July 1956),
Ali Bux ‘Raza’ (Mirzapur/Poet/ birth 19th July 1960),
MunshiUdharamThanwardas (Text Book writer & Educationist/ date 19th July 1883),
Syed ‘Miskeen’ Hajan Shah (Khahi/Poet/ date 19 July 1937),
Moulvi Abdul Haq (Pad eidan/Religious Scholar & Freedom Fighter/ date 19th July 1958),
1909: Mr. Wright, Educational Inspector of Sindh presides over Conference in N.J.V.High School at Karachi in which Course Outline for Anglo-Vernacular schools was discussed. The Conference is also attended by the principals of N.H. Academy of Hyderabad and Nau Vidyala of Hyderabad including Head Masters of A.V. schools. (Source: The Daily Sindh Gazette, Karachi)
1910: The Sindh Commissioner directs to the District Local Board Larkano to open Dispensaries at Dadu, Bubak and Warah (Source: Commissioner’s letter No 1416).
1920: First Karwan of Sindhi migrants reaches Jalalabad. They migrated on the call of Khilafat Committee and in protest against Government’s anti-Turkey and anti-Islam policy. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1921: Aman Sabha is formed at Ladyoon and our upper class of the area is in fron row of the Sabha. Khair Muhammad Chandio (President), Metharam Ajit Sing (Vice Presidnt), Varomal Parmanand (Secretary) and Bulchand Bhupatrai (Treasurer) are elected as office-bearers. There is lengthy list of members of the Working Committee.(Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi). Aman Sabha will guide people to be faithful, loyal and sincere subjects of the Government and remain away from freedom fighters.
1936: The Socialist Conference is held at Karachi and attended by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. In this conference the attitude of the Socialists towards Congress is explained and Congress is advised to include socialism in its program )Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1936).
1950: We want to make Pakistan a America of East, says Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan (Source: Newspapers).
1958: General elections are postponed till February 1959. (Source: Official Announcement).
1969: Shaikh Mujeeb was not author of 6-points, but it was assignment for him designed by Government officer, says Chowdhri Muhammad Ali in an interview. (Source:The Chittan, journal).

Saturday 17 July 2021

Sindh History (18th July)


18th July
NanikChawla (Ulhasnagar/Singer/ birth 18th July 1948),
BarkatBaoch (Hussainabad/Poet/ birth 18th July 1953),
Moulana Muhammad Ali Shah (Khairpur/Religious Scholar/ date 18th July 1967),
MushtaqBhurgri (Poet/ date 18th July 2007)
1914: Hindus are serious in reconstruction of their society by virtue of forming NGOs of their own. Today, ‘Shri Barhma Khastri Sahitya Mandli’ is established in Karachi. Seth Naraindas Variram Chapter, Dr.Narsidas Pitambardas Sodho; Jamnadas Vilabhdas Sadani; Rochiram Gangaram Sadani; Maniklal Maghomal Jethmilani and Pahlajrai Haromal are its founder members. This may kindly be noted that Rochiram Sadani was an outstanding writer and it was his initiate to form NGO of this type. (Source: Annual Report of the Mandli).
1926: All-India Cow Conference is held in Calcutta in which Government is urged to regulate salaughter og cattle by legislation. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1926).
1931: The Bengal Provincial Hindu Conference held at Burdwan under presidency of Mahraj Srish Chandra Nundy of Kasimabad passes the resolution on the issue of separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency. The text of the resolution is :’ The question is utter disregard of determined opposition of the Hindus of Sindh who will have to bear a large proportion of the inevitable increased taxation in relation to their population, as compared with Moslems of Sindh’.(Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi).
1932: Prof. J.S.Kriplani of Sindh and Director of the Gandhi Ashram is sentenced to six months’ imprisonment under Section 17 (A) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act. He will be placed in ‘A’ class. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1932).
1935: The Daily Al-Wahid of Karachi in the course of its editorial criticizes G.M.Syed and other leaders for not taking interest in enrolment of peasants as qualified voters. The editorial blames that leaders of upper class formed HARI COMMITTEE a few years ago for protection of their own interests, where as they have nothing to do with welfare of working class. It is time to create vote-bank of this lower class, but our leaders are now avoiding and depriving lower class of their Right of vote. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1936: Indian States Peoples’ Conference is held at Karachi and attitude of subjects of States was discussed and defined. (Source: The Indian Annual Register,Vol-11,1936)
1939: Sj. Subash Chandra Bose deploring the policy of Congress says that ‘ a wave of intolerance is now sweeping over higher ranks of Congress leadership. The slightest criticism of any action of their throws them into a rage and the whole machinery of propaganda in their hands is at once put in operation. In this way the ordinary Congressman is terrorized into silence’. (Source; The Indian Register, Vol-11,1939).
1947: First Special train reaches Karachi. It is beginning of the greatest migration of Indian Muslims to Sindh and wave continued after reaching of Biharis in 1972 and onward. (Source: Newspapers).
1948: By virtue of promulgation of an ordinance, clause 92 A is added in the interim Constitution of Pakistan that empowers Governor-General to dissolve any provincial government.(Source: Newspapers). This may kindly be noted that very drastic decisions are taken when Quaid-i-Azam is in Ziyarat and health is in serious condition.
1955: Government of Pakistan files a petition praying for special leave to appeal against the judgment of a Full Bench of Lahore High court in the habes corpus petitions filed on behalf of ex-Major General Akbar Khan and other Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case prisoners including Faiz Ahmad Faiz. (Source: Newspapers).
1993: Entire political setup in the Pakistan is changed. Assemblies are dissolved. President Ishaq and Prime Minister Nawaz quit their offices. World Bank Vice President Moeen Qureshi is sworn in as care taker Prime Minister. National Assembly polls will be on 6th of October and Provincial Assemblies polls are due on 9th October.(Source: ibid)

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Sindh History (15th July)


15th July
Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhurgri (Dengan/Freedom Fighter/ birth 15th July 1887),
Narayan Shyam (KhaiRahu>India/Poet/ birth 15th July 1922),
Ali Nawaz Soomro (Wagan/Journalist/ birth 15th July 1934),
Fakir HadiBuxAbro (Shikarpur/Journalist/ birth 15th July 1942),
MueshisGilani (Ghotki/Poet, Journalist & Political Activist/ birth 15th July 1942),
AltafAbbasi (Writer/ birth 15th July 1942),
Srichand ‘Jani’ (Sindh > Ahmadabad/Poet & Singer/ birth 15th July 1945),
Saewar Nawaz Bughio (DhaniBux/Poet & Political Activist/ birth 15th July 1948),
BakhshalShahani (Moondar/Poet/ birth 15th July 1951),
Sajan Sindhi (Dokri/Singer & Political Activist/ birth 15th July 1952),
Inam Azad Larik (Panjodero/Poet/ birth 15th July 1953),
AmanRahi (Larkano/Poet/ birth 15th July 1955),
Ashraf ZamanPirchandami (Writer/ birth 15th July 1962),
NisarShaheen (Pathan/Writer& / birth 15th July 1963),
Zulfiqar ‘Niaz’ Panhwar (ShadiPali/Poet & Journalist/ birth 15th July 1965),
Suhail Pirzado (Writer/ birth 15th July 1971),
Raz Shahani (Johi/Journalist/ birth 15th July 1976),
Hameed Soomro (Karachi/Journalist/ birth 15th July 1977),
Abid Sehwai (Sehwan/Writer/ birth 15th July 1978),
Moulvi Dr.Umar (Religious Scholar/ date 15th July 1968),
1921: The Karachi Congress Committee appeals to the Business community of Sindh not to import more foreign-made cloth. (Source: “Source-Material on Sindh Congress’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1924: Delhi, Nagpur and other cities of India witnesses Hindu-Muslim riots on the eve of Bari Eid. Muslims are blamed for slaughtering Cows. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1924).
1940: In the Punjab Legislative Assembly, the first secret Session in the history of Indian Legislatures commenced when the Assembly by 91 to 48 accepted the motion of Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan , Premier that proceedings of the day be held in camera. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-!1, 1940).
1947: Indian Independence Bill is passed by the House of Lords.(Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1947),
1950: Jamait-i-Islami opts fpr politics.Moulana Moodudi announces 14-point Manifesto of the Party that is going to contest polls. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Jamait-I Islami’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1957: Dr.Khan Sahib resigns as the Chief Minister of the West Pakistan (Source: Newspapers).
1963: U.S.A has started supporting separationists in East Pakistan,. Reports are appearing in the press. (Source: Newspapers).
1969: Makhdoom Muhammad Zaman Talib-ul-Moula joins PPP. (Source: Newspapers).
1971: Pakistan has played a praise-worthy role in bringing U.S.A and China near to each other, says U.S President Nixon.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Sindh History (14th July)


14th July
Gobindram Bakhro (Writer/ birth 14th July 1914),
Abdullah ‘Asar’ (BeroChandio/Poet/ birth 14th July 1920),
ParmAbechandani (Khairpur> New Delhi/Writer/ birth 14th July 1926),
Syed Madad Ali Shah ‘Manzar’ (Poet/ birth 14th July 1942),
Asghar Khaskhili (Bhirya/Poet/ birth 14th July 1937),
Syed Zafar Hussain (Hyderabad/Professor & writer/ birth 14th July 1937),
Mahtab Mahboob (Karachi/Writer/ birth 14th July 1945),
Ahmad Ali Chandio ‘Sabir’ (Shahdadkot/Poet & Artist/ birth 14th July 1952),
Mir Inayat Ali Talpur (Tando Muhammad Khan/Politician/ birth 14th July 1952),
Muzafar Hussain ‘Tayab’ (Hala/Poet/ birth 14th July 1957),
Muhabati Manzoor Zardari (Jam Zardari/Poet/ birth 14th July 1961),
Shah Khalid Bukhari (BukhariBerri/Poet/ birth 14th July 1979),
Imam Bux ‘Aajiz’ Jamali (Shahbeg Jamali/Poet/ birth 14th July 1984),
Moulvi Muhammad Hashim Ansari (Phulji/Religious Scholar/ date 14th July 1962).
1909: Brahamu Samaj Mandil celebrates Sadhu Hiranand Memorial Day at Khalikdina Hall. Seth Harchandrai is in chair. Prof. S.C.Shahani and Prof.T.L.Wasvani pay homage to the founder of Brahma Samaj, Social reformer, founder of N.H. Academy of Hyderabad- Sadhu Hiranand. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi).
1920: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi carries the report about departure of Special Train booked by Jan Muhammad Junijo and other for Sindhi migrants. It is told that more than 50000 people were present at Larkana Railway station on this occasion. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).
1924: Chaudhri Lal, minister of Punjab is unseated for procuring votes by false personation. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1924).
1930: In a meeting of Hindus and Muslims of Kambar taluka, Non-Cooperation Movement launched by Khilafat & Congress is condemned at length and it is resoled to ask Government to take proper steps for separating Sindh from Bombay Presidency. Mukhi Gobindram- the Mukhi of 74 Hindu Panchayats takes active part. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi).
1940: The important meeting of the Working Committee of the Sindh Muslim League held at Karachi with Haji Abdullah Haroon in chair resolve to hold Sindh Provincial Muslim League Conference at Larkana and Sir Sikandar Hayat, Premier of Punjab be requested to preside. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Sindh Muslim League’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute)
1942: The All-India Congress Committee passes ‘Quit-India Resolution’.
1945: The official announcement of the failure of the leaders conference is made by Lord Wavell when the conference resumed its sitting at Simla for the last time.”On final examination and analysis of the Wavell Plan we found that it was a snare. There was the contribution of Gandhi Hindu Congress, who stand for Indian’s Hindu National independence as one India”, says M.A.Jinnah. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1945).
1955: Muslim League adopts resolution ‘One-Unit’ resolution. (Source: Newspapers).
1972: Larkano witnesses ugly language riots. Curfew is imposed. (Source: ibid)
1977: Civil war had knocked doors of our society , my action was timely and it will pave way for restoration of peace in the country, says Zia in its first Press Conference. (Source: Newspapers).

Monday 12 July 2021

Sindh History (13th July)



13th July 

Gano Samtani (Hyderabad >Mumbai/Writer/ birth 13th July 1934),

SarlaKanAhuja (Sukkur> Ulhasnagar/Writer/ birth 13th July 1937),

 Shabnam Shalwani (Writer/ birth 13th July 1951),

 Jam Jamali (ShahbegJamali/English Poet & Social Worker/ birth 13th July 1959),

 Hamiz Ali Sohu (Haji Mashori/Writer/ birth 13th July 1962),

Iqbal Halipoto (Poet/ birth 13th July 1977)


‘Piyasi’ Ranjho Khan (Poet/ date 13th July 1978),

 Ahmad Khan ‘Asif’ Misrani (Mitho Babar/While defending his family he was killed by dacoits along with family members/ date 13th July 1989),

Nazim Mangi (Tharri Muhabat/ date 13th July Poet)




1844: The Governor-General of India disposed to sanction as experimental measures the establishment of dispensaries at Sukkur, Shikarpur, Hyderabad and at Karachi and asks for submission of a specific proposition, the plan and cost of the buildings and the expense for establishment that would be required for the purpose. (Source: Letter No.359).
1945: Sir Hugh Dow, Governor of Sindh addresses general meeting of the Sindh Scout’s Association. This be kept in mind that Sindh Scout’s Association was most active Association of Sindh during the British era. It was established much before 1900 and a Journal in Sindhi & English ‘Scout’ was also published for years. In April 1939, Sea Scout Group Council was also formed with efforts of Rai Sahib Gokaldas Ahuja. (Source: Dr.Pathan’s Ph.D Thesis and Bheromal Advani’s book Sindh Ji Hindu Ji Tarekh).
1950: Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan refuse to answer to the question of a journalist that Pakistan will send troops to Korea as desired by U.S.A. (Source: Newspapers).
1951: In recent election Punjab Muslim League members worked against candidates of the party. 474 involved members are expelled from the party. (Source: ibid).
1952: Acting General Secretary of the Communist Party of Pakistan is released from Lahore Jail. He was arrested last year in July under Pakistan Safety Act. (Source: ibid).
1960: Khuhro and Nawab Akbar Bugti are disqualified for taking part in politics. (Source: ibid).
1962: I was asked and advised by U.S.A for taking extra-constitutional step, admits ex-President Iskandar Mirza. (ibid).
1965: U.S.A is bent upon to postpone the World Bank Consortium, but Pakistan will, in no case subject itself to economic or political domination from any Great Power, says Z.A.Bhutto, Foreign Minister of Pakistan. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1966: The full bench of the West Pakistan High Court dismisses writ petition of 22 opposition leaders detained under defense of Pakistan Rule. (Source: ibid).
1972: Language issue in Sindh has political motives behind it, says Hafiz Pirzado, Education Minister of Pakistan. (Source: ibid).

Sunday 11 July 2021

Sindh History (12th July)


12th July
His Highness Mir Hassan Ali Khan/ birth 12th July (1852),
Hadi Bux Channo (WalidadGabar/Folklore Poet/ birth 12th July 1921),
Dr. Abdu lHadi Surahio (Larkano/Scholar/ birth 12th July 1928),
Muhammad Khan Siyal (Naudero/Folklore Poet/ birth 12th July 1936),
Ali Hassan Jamali (Nabi BuxJamali/Journalist/ birth 12th July 1938),
Leal Bana (Writer/ birth 12 th July 1942),
Makhdoom Muhammad Rafiq (Gadeji/Journalist/ birth 12th July 1945),
Tabish Bukhari (Sher Muhammad Davich/Poet/ birth 12th July 1965),
Naseer Shah ‘Naseer’ (Dabi/Poet/ birth 12th July 1971),
Akhtar Brohi (Faridabad/Writer/ birth 12th July 1971)
BugamZeenatChanna (Founder of ‘Adyoon’/ date 12th July 1974),
Moulvi Jan Muhammad (Tamachani/Religious Scholar/ date 12th July 1974),
Dr. Abdul Jabbar Junijo ‘Sham’ (Badin/Scholar & Poet/ date 12th July 2911)
1836: Colonel Pottenger writes to the Government of India informing that Mir Noor Muhammad Khan accompanied by five camel loads of mangoes has sent to him as gesture of Goodwill and friendship. (Source: Pottenger’s letter No.62).
1903: L.G. Mount ford, The Collector of the District Larkano writes to the Sindh Commissioner updating him about efforts regarding preservation of archival material at Larkano. He writes that in July 1901 the official record was shifted from Sukkur and Karachi to this newly established District. Head Munshi of the Collector is custodian of record in Sindhi language, whereas record in English is being kept under custody of Head Clerk. The correspondence on ‘Indus Valley State Railway’ has been kept in the office of the Assistant Collector of Larkano. (Source: Larkana Collector’s office letter No.3918). During tenure of Iqbal Bablani and Dr.Badar Ujan as D.C of Larkano District, Gul Hayat Institute approached District Administration to establish ‘LARKANA ARCHIVES’ there.
1925: Delhi Hindu Sabha protests against Bengal Government’s decision regarding music before Mosque. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1925).
1926: Sindh Journalists’ Conference is held at Karachi and a Journalists’ Society is formed. It is first initiate to unite journalists of Sindh for taking care about press and freedom of expression. (Source: The Sindh Daily Gazette, Karachi).
1927: Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar in series of articles dislikes the Muslim agitation in Punjab demanding Justice Dalip Sing’s resignation. The judgment of the Justice Dalip Sing was taken as partial decision in case of writer who attacked Muhammad (PBUH) in his book. (Source: Newspapers).
1930: Sindh Hari Conference is held at Mirpurkhas under the presidency of Jamshed Mehta. (Source: M.Phil thesis on ‘Hari Tahrik’, by Solangi). It is attended by eminent politicians belonging to class of Pirs and Landlords.They seems to be worried about sorrows and longings of the peasants of Sindh, but inner story is to take care of their own interests during the disposal of barrage land.
1949: Khowaja Shahab-u-ddin, federal minister for Home & Information asks Sindh Press to plat it role in bringing Sindhis and Mohajirs near to each other. (Source: Newspapers).
1952: Khowaja Naziu-u-ddin, Prime Minister of Pakistan assures the status of High court for Sindh Chief Court. (Source: ibid).
1955: Home Minister, Major-General Iskandar Mirza announces lifting of ban on political activities of Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan. (Source:’Source-Material on ANP’,\compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1957: Pakistan mourns death of Sir Agha Khan. Meanwhile Prince Karim takes over as the spiritual leader of the Khowaja community. (Source: Newspapers)
1960: Agha Ghulam Nabi Khan Pathan and Kazi Muhammad Akbar are disqualified for taking part in politics for six years. (Source: ibid).
1963: Abdul Baqi Baloch files petition in Lahore High court that the Pakistan Government be asked not to handover 3000 sq.miles of Balochistan to Iran.(Source: Ibid).