Tuesday 30 August 2022

Sindh in history today (30th August). By. Dr.Pathan

.Sindh in history today (30th August ). Selection of Events from two Centuries of Sindh History, in Chronological order and with analytical interpretation. Research by Dr.Pathan. ******** EVENTS 1835: It is decided between Colonel Pottenger and Mir Noor Muhammad Khan that survey of Indus shall not stop. However, it will be conducted on boats and vessels will not be used for that purpose. (Source: Colonel Pottenger’s letter No.58 to his Government). 1933: Central Literary Group organizes lecture program in Hopeful School at Arambagh. M.U.Abbasi delivers his on the History and importance of Drama. Abbasi was from Muhabatdero and Education officer in Karachi. He wrote biographies of Sir Agha Khan, quaid-i-Azam and others. I interviewed him for so many times. He was witness to our history. He told me that he has visited Jhirk School and saw General Register of School and name of M.A.Jinnah in it also. He wrote that fact in his book, biography of Jinnah. (Source: Interview with M.U.Abbasi). 1951: India refutes allegation that she is creating conditions to compel Indian Muslims to migrate. They are leaving country on their own, the Government of India declares. (Source: Newspapers). 1959: Consequent upon introducing Basic Democracy system in the Pakistan, all Municipalities are divided/reorganized into Wards. (Source: Newspapers). 1977: Probe into the case regarding murder of Nawab Muhammad Ahmad is completed. PNA demands trial of Z.A.Bhutto. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute). 1979: Gen.Zia promulgates new political parties’ law making it compulsory for all political parties to get themselves registered with Election Commission. (Source: Government Notification). 1990: In politics of our society, everything is right. Asghar Khan never recognized PPP Government of Z.A.Bhutto, but PPP today enters into alliance with Tahrik-i-Istaqlal. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute). 1991: Benazir Bhutto and Nawabzado Nasrullah Khan to take combined steps against IJI Government. Decision is taken in their meeting. (Source: ibid).Sindh in history today (30th August ). Selection of Events from two Centuries of Sindh History, in Chronological order and with analytical interpretation. Research by Dr.Pathan. ******** EVENTS 1835: It is decided between Colonel Pottenger and Mir Noor Muhammad Khan that survey of Indus shall not stop. However, it will be conducted on boats and vessels will not be used for that purpose. (Source: Colonel Pottenger’s letter No.58 to his Government). 1933: Central Literary Group organizes lecture program in Hopeful School at Arambagh. M.U.Abbasi delivers his on the History and importance of Drama. Abbasi was from Muhabatdero and Education officer in Karachi. He wrote biographies of Sir Agha Khan, quaid-i-Azam and others. I interviewed him for so many times. He was witness to our history. He told me that he has visited Jhirk School and saw General Register of School and name of M.A.Jinnah in it also. He wrote that fact in his book, biography of Jinnah. (Source: Interview with M.U.Abbasi). 1951: India refutes allegation that she is creating conditions to compel Indian Muslims to migrate. They are leaving country on their own, the Government of India declares. (Source: Newspapers). 1959: Consequent upon introducing Basic Democracy system in the Pakistan, all Municipalities are divided/reorganized into Wards. (Source: Newspapers). 1977: Probe into the case regarding murder of Nawab Muhammad Ahmad is completed. PNA demands trial of Z.A.Bhutto. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute). 1979: Gen.Zia promulgates new political parties’ law making it compulsory for all political parties to get themselves registered with Election Commission. (Source: Government Notification). 1990: In politics of our society, everything is right. Asghar Khan never recognized PPP Government of Z.A.Bhutto, but PPP today enters into alliance with Tahrik-i-Istaqlal. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute). 1991: Benazir Bhutto and Nawabzado Nasrullah Khan to take combined steps against IJI Government. Decision is taken in their meeting. (Source: ibid). ( 30 آگسٽ جي حوالي سان "سنڌ جي ڪمال ۽ مٿس ٿيل ظلم زيادتين جي واقعاتي تاريخ".( ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جي تحقيق ۽ تاريخ ٻڌائڻ وارو روزانو سنواريل, وڌايل ۽ نظرثاني ڪيل سلسلو.) *************** توجه طلب واقعا *************** 30.8.1835: اڄ پاٽينجر ۽ نور محمد خان جي وچ ۾ طئي ٿيو ته سنڌوندئ جي سروي/جاچ پڙتال جو ڪم بند نه ڪبو. اهو فرنگي سرڪار جاري رکندي, پر ان ڪم لاء ويزلس/آگبوٽ ڪم نه آڻبا. ڇو ته ان سان بندن کي نقصان ٿئي ٿو. اهو ڪم هاڻي ٻيڙين تي چڙھي ڪبو. [اسان جي حڪمرانن فرنگين کي اختيار ۽ ايڏي آزادي ڏني, پر اهو نه سوچيائون ته ان مان پنهنجي ملڪ جي آزادي به خطري ۾ پئجي سگهندي. اڄوڪي دور ۾ ٿر مان ڪوئلو ڪڍرائڻ, ٻيٽن تي شھر اڏڻ ۽ گيسن جا کوه کوٽائڻ جي اجازت ڏيڻ به سنڌ جي حڪمرانن جي ساڳئ نفسيات جو پڙاڏو آھي] 30.8.1841: ڪجھ ڏينھن ٿيندا جو اتر سنڌ جو پوليٽيڪل ايجنٽ بيل مري ويو. هن جي جاء تي ڪجھ وقت کان پوء آئوٽرام کي سنڌ سان گڏ بلوچستان جو پوليٽيڪل ايجنٽ مقرر ڪيو ويو. 30.8.1843: ڪمپني حڪومت جي سيڪريٽرئ پنهنجئ حڪومت کي راء ڏني ته نيپيئر جيڪا مير علي مراد خان جي ڌر وٺي سندس تائيد ڪري ٿو ته مير رستم خان هن کي پڳ ۽ ملڪيت ڏئي واپس وٺي نه ٿو سگهي, سو سندس فيصلو درست آھي. ڇو ته پنهنجئ مرضئ سان تحفي ۾ ڪا ملڪيت زال يا اولاد کان ته واپس وٺي سگهجي ٿي, پاڻ جهڙي حيثيت واري ڀاء کان واپس نه ٿي وٺي سگهجي. مير رستم علئ پڳ ۽ ملڪيت پنهنجئ رضا خوشئ سان مير علي مراد کي ڏئي, جهڙوڪ پنهنجا هٿ وڍي ڇڏيا. هاڻي هو ڪجھ به واپس نه ٿو وٺي سگهي ۽ مير علي مراد هاڻي قانوني طور تي خيرپور جو حڪمران ۽ کيس ڏنل ملڪيت جو وارث آھي. 30.8.1848: سنڌ جي ڪمشنر اپر سنڌ جي پوليٽيڪل سپريڊنٽ کي هدايت ڪئي ته بگٽي ۽ مزاري جنگي قيدين کي تڪڙو آزاد نه ڪبو. بلڪ, انھن تي سختئ سان نظر رکبي ته هو ڀڄي نه وڃن. [ياد رهي ته انھن جنگي قيدين مان ڪيترا ٽنڊي غلام علئ ۾ لوڙھن ۾ رکيا ويا هئا. ڪنهن وقت کان پوء سندن چال چلت کي ڏسي, کين ٻني ٻاري لاء زمينون ڏئي آزاد ڪري, سنڌ ۾ آباد ڪيو ويو هو] 30.8.1951: انڊيا گورنمينٽ کليل لفظن ۾ وضاحت ڪئي ته هتي مسلمانن کي زورئ لڏائي پاڪستان ڪونه پيو اماڻيو وڃي. پر هو پنھنجي شوق ۽ مرضئ سان هي ملڪ پيا ڇڏين. 30.8.1959: صدر ايوب "بنيادي جمهورت" جو نظام لاڳو ڪيو ته ان سان ميونسپالٽين جو وجود ختم ڪيو ويو. ان جي جاء تي ميونسپالٽين کي وارڊن ۾ ورهايو ويو. 30.8.1979: ضياء الحق جي مارشلائي حڪومت حڪم نامو جاري ڪيو ته سياسي پارٽيون اليڪشن ڪميشن وٽ پنهنجي رجسٽريشن ڪرائن. 30.8.1991: بينظير ڀٽو ۽ نوابزادي نصرالله خان وچ ۾ سياسي مامرن تي ڳالھ ٻولھ ٿي ۽ اهو فيصلو ڪيو ويو ته آء.آء.جي حڪومت خلاف گڏجي ڪوشش ڪنداسين. *************** 30 آگسٽ تي جنم وٺندڙ ۽ وڇڙندڙ مشهور شخصيتون *************** جنم ڏينهن: 30 آگسٽ 1899ع شاعر محمد موسى راز جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 30 آگسٽ 1948ع شاعر غلام قادر دلدار جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 30 آگسٽ 1953ع شاعر شاد ڪولاچي جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 30 آگسٽ 1956ع شاعر گُل حسن ساٿي (لاڙڪاڻو) جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 30 آگسٽ 1965ع ليکڪ، سماجي ۽ سياسي ورڪر ڊاڪٽر اسلم آزاد جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 30 آگسٽ 1980ع ليکڪ نور محمد ڪنڀر جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. وڇوڙو: 30 آگسٽ 1968ع سماج سڌارڪ پير محمد پانڌياڻي جي وفات ٿي.

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