Monday 26 March 2018

Sindh History (26th March)

26th March
Laxman Komal (Kandyaro - New Delhi/Writer/ Born 26th March 1936),
 Aasandas Visani (Sindh - Ahmadabad/Artist/ Born 26th March 1938),
 Moulana Abdul Wahab Chachar(Religious Scholar/ Born 26th March 1942)

1843: The Governor - General approves proposal of Charles Napier to carry on the general Government ofSindh from Karachi and measurers be adopted for facilitating communication between Karachi and Hyderabad. 
1920: Sindh Khilafat Conference is held at the Dargah of Makhdoom Bilawal. It is attended by more than ten thousand people.
1931: Jawahrlal Nehru presides over 'All - India Students Conference' heldin Khalikdina Hall, Karachi. The Conference disapproves 'Gandhi - Irwin Settlement/Agreement' and resolve to form Provincial Working Committees of students. Tirath Sabhani, A.J.Mamtora, H.P.Mirchandani, H.G.Butani, B.T.Shahani, H.R.Wadhwani and V.I.Jagtiani played vital role in managing the Conference.
1950: JUP demands separate ministry for Religious Affairs and ban forever on appointment of non - muslims/pakistanis on key military posts.
1956: Military officers can be removed from service without Court Martial, decides Govt. 
1961: It is decided in Governors' Conference that Karachi Division shall be merged into West Pakistan.
1971: Awami League is banned, Shaikh Mujeeb is arrested and military is asked to restore writ of the govt. in East Pakistan.
1973: Bhutto appeals opposition to end boycott and opt for dialogue.
1977: PNA boycotts oath taking ceremony. However, 161 members of the National Assembly take oath.
1991: Four persons at Singapur Airport try to hijack Pakistan Plane but are killed. PPP was blamed for that act and arrests are made in Pakistan.

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