Sunday 25 March 2018

GOOD DAY (25th March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[When your act of love and respect start creating selfishness, ego and hypocrisy in other hearts, believe that you are misusing human values and also you will be misused for interests of other minds. Neither you will be accepted, nor respected accordingly. You will not be responded and reciprocated properly. Change the place and change the people. Time, place and circumstances are not supporting you to share and promote love & beauty, sincerity & sacrifice and vision & wisdom ]
محبت نسبت خدمت وجهي جي خانن کي کاري،
اھي ماڳ اھي ماٹھون ڇڏجن دل تان وساري،
قدر نہ ڪن پنھنجو سي ڇڏن در تان ڌڪاري،
متان رويا ساري، ویھین وساري سونھن سلام کي.

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