Saturday 10 March 2018

GOOD DAY (11th March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ If you are avoided & ignored, not accepted & respected, so what? Do not be difficult, because, you are different. You are an ideal of your own right. You are role-model. Be promoter and project human values, love and beauty.and sincerity & hope. Set new trends in sincerity & sacrifice and trust & hope]
ھو سارن نہ سارن ڀلي لاهي پاهي وسارن،
تان جو کٹي پنهنجي در تان هر پل ڌڪارن،
تنهنجو تن ۽ من تن بنا گھنگھر پيا گھارن،
پر دل روح پڪارن، سرت سونهن سلام سان.

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