Tuesday 13 March 2018

GOOD NIGHT (13th March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[My Dear! It is darkness here because of night, situation and circumstances. How can I dare to ask you to be with me? Let me accept 'distance', but I cannot afford 'difference'. I am not all alone here: light of your remembrance besides, brightness of your beauty are with me. If you are here, it will be a wonderful dawn of my life]
اچین تان اچ اکین تي، ھت اٿئي پر اونداھي رات،
آئون اڪیلو هت ناھیان، گڏ آھي سندء یاد ۽ تات،
ایندین تان ٿیندي پرپات، سندء صورت سونھن سان.

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