Friday 23 March 2018

GOOD DAY (24th March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[There is no provision for logic and arguments in love affair. It requires sincerity, trust and dedication. Surrender before dear, you will find yourself very near to him/her.
If you believe Allah religiously, do not shift responsibility of performing your duties to Him. Because, He has empowered you properly and accordingly. Do, what you have to do. Don't insist on taking and getting, if you are not ready to give. Dear! Revisit and revise your vision & wisdom, strategy & life-craft]
بحث برہ ۾ ۽ منطق محبت ۾ جائز ناھ،
ڪرٹو سب ڪجھ پاڻ کي بار نہ اھو لاھ،
ڳالھ اھڙي ٺاھ، جو ڄاٹین سونھن سلام کي.

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