Monday 12 March 2018

Sindh History (13th March)

13th March
Moulana Akhud Ghulam Hyder Soomro (Religious Scholar/ Born 13th March 1899),
 Dev Sabhani (Larkano > India/Writer/ Born 13th March 1911),
 Anees Maheri (Tando Muhammad Khan/Poet/ Born 13th March 1918),
 Parshotam ‘Chand’ (Karachi > Mumbai/Singer & Artist/ Born 13th March 1927),
 Abdul Ghafar Sidiqui (Shikarpur/Journalist/ Born 13th March 1941),
 Umar Sanjrani (Writer/ Born 13th March 1945),
 Tirath Chandwani (Hyderabad > Jonagarah/Poet/ Born 13th March rch 1946),
 Dr.Mazhar Mughul (Larkano/Nationalist/ Born 13th March rch 1955),
 Bashir Ahmad Abro (Tharecha/Folklore Poet/ Born 13th March 1955),
 Noor Hussain Bhatti (Tando Muhammad Khan/Journalist/ Born 13th March 1968),
 Zahid Jam ro (Ghulam Jaffar/Poet/ Born 13th March 1975),
 Arif Kanasro (Karachi/ Born 13th March 1995),
Mian Abdul Rahim (Mulan Katyar/Saint/ Death 14 March 1940).
 Qadir Bux ‘Bashir’ (Poet/ Death 14 March 1954),
 Pir Ali Muhammad Shah Rashdi (Bihman/Jornalist, Freedom Fighter,
 Sindh Minister  & Writer/ Death 14 March 1987)
1843: Charles Napier is feeling threat in northern Sindh. He has asked the Bombay Government to send two regiments of infantry and one of artillery to Sukkur. But, he is advised to contact Naval officers at Karachi to send guns and mortars.
1907: The British Empire League, Karachi branch celebrates its first anniversary. The function is presided over by its Vice President New office-bearers for the next year are also elected on the occasion. The details of the meeting and the Karachi branch of British Empire League are available at Gul Hayat website (
1929: Soon after offering celebration of EidRamzan, a public meeting is held at Amrote and it is decided to launch movement for saving demolition of mosques during construction work of canals.
1932: The Governor of the Bombay Presidency declares Congress Committees of Hyderabad and Nawabshah Districts . This action is taken under Indian Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 1908.
1934: Jageerdars of Sindh decides to hold ‘Sindh Zamindar and Jageerdar Conference’ in April at Hyderabad so as discuss the situation created by Sukkur Barrage.
1949: The Hari Committee in its meeting held at Hyderabad with HyderBuxJatoi in chair demands abolition of Jageerdari system in Sindh.
1952: Sindh Judicial court is upgraded as Chief Court.
1972: Thirteen hundred civilian officers are pre-maturely retired.
1977: PPP Government offers unconditional talks with PNA.

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