Saturday 17 March 2018

GOOD NIGHT (17th March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[Heart and mind of my dear are like Black Holes or Bermuda Triangle, where my cries and requests are lost and cannot return back with any response. The problem is that there is no door, except the door of my dear, to knock for vision & wisdom and beauty & love. Such a situation has made my days like nights and nights very dark and terrible]
پرین جو من جیئن پولار، ڪوئي دڪو داخل نہ ٿئي،
ملي نہ مھت ۽ موٽ ڪا، ھئ دل ڪنھن کي دانھن ڏئي؟
پئي راتیون رئندي جيئي، جیئن زھر پيئي ھئ زندگي

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