Thursday 1 March 2018

GOOD DAY (2nd March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[in the name of an ideology, human-being has been killed. In the love of self -interest, others have been exploited terribly . In the name of respect, most of people have been deprived of love & beauty.
Dear! If any ideology, traditions and values promote hatred & discrimination in your mind, it means you are dodged and misguided in life-craft. You can't understand sincerity & sacrifice. You will be high-risk for love & beauty, hope & trust and peace & progress ]
دل، دنیا ۽ دین جي نالي ھي ویچارو،
انسان ابن آدم ویو ڌڪاریو ۽ ماریو،
جن نیٹن بہ پیار ۽ پاٻوھ مان نھاریو،
سو روح وجود ویو ٽانڊن تي ٻاریو،
قرب داد امداد لاء جنھن دل پڪاریو،
ڪنھن لڌي نہ سار نہ ان کي ساریو،
پر جئ اسان پنھنجو سدائین جیاریو،
سندء سڪ سونھن سلامن سان ٺاریو. ‏‎

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