Friday 23 March 2018

GOOD DAY (23rd March)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[Under the shadow & shelter of any ideology, value and tradition, and availing them as hide-outs, people design their faith & belief in a way so as to save their own interests. Because of this we have so many ideologies, values and traditions in world. Because of this accepting, respecting and promoting beauty & love and peace & sincerity have not been univarsally adopted and applied in human societies]
جوڙي ھن جھان ۾ ھر ڪو ماٹھو پنھنجا قدر نظریا ۽ مفروضا،
ڪي مطلب پرستی ۾ مست تہ ڪي خود پرستئ منجھ پورا،
پر رستا سچا اھي سمورا، جي وڃن سونھن سچ ۽ سلام طرف.

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