Friday 18 May 2018

GOOD DAY (19th May)

[Dear! You are an ideal. You are second to none in beauty & love, talents & potentialities and in vision & wisdom. You are very much able and capable to lead us and guide us. But you are not playing your part and because of this we can't solve and resolve our problems. We can't get rid of sorrows & longings and our hearts & minds are being ruled by ego, hatred and discrimination. Dear! Let us not miss you as role-model. We need you, we need peace & progress. We need love & respect. Help us to bring better change] 

تون مرڪز محور هادي رهبر تون مهنجو
آھين آدرش ۽ اڳواڻ, 
تنهنجي هوندي پوء پرين ڇو ملڪن اندر
آھي هئ مانڌاڻ؟
سرت ۽ سونهن سان ٿي سرواڻ, تان ڪو
امن سلام ڏسون.

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