Friday 26 July 2024

SINDH in history today (27th July). Author Dr.Pathan and Translator Mumtaz Pathan

Sindh [ including Pakistan] in history today (27th July). Chronological Selection of Events from two Centuries of Sindh History. By. Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan, Founder Gul Hayat Amina Institute. Dr.Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. [ If you want to see yourself in true colours, get rid of ego, hatred and discrimination. But, colour yourself with human love & respect, dedication and sincerity. Dear! Values, ideologies and traditions are to protect Human -Rights. Hence, not they, but human-beings are above than traditions & ideologies. Dear! What you will do with your beautiful body, golden heart, pure mind and nice soul all alone, if it is not for promotion & protection of love and love in Society? Efforts being taken by anybody in this regard are vital, important and outstanding. Dear! Take efforts. Because, this society, you and me need peace, beauty and love] نڪرین تان تون نکري پوندين نڪر کڻي انا, نفرت, متڀید منجھان، پر نڪر نہ میٺَ محبت, انساني ادب احترام آپي, محنت, ماٹھپي مان، اتم اٿئي ھر ڪو ماڻھون تنھنجن تان قدرن, نظرین, ريتن, رسمن کان، تنھنجو ڪم ڪھڑو ھوت بنا حیاتئ,تن من, وجود ۽ هن روح سان؟ سمجھین یار متان، تان آھن بیسود سرت, سونهن, سلام, ڪلام. ************* SINDH IN HISTORY TODAY {27th JULY} EVENTS: 1843: The Government of India asks Sindh Governor to furnish with sketch of the country between Sabzalkot and Rohri showing the several district possessions of ex-Rulers and their value and indicating also the several Pargnas if any, belonging to Mir Ali Murad Khan and those attached to ‘Turban’ so as to enable Governor-General to decide what portion of the country be assigned to the Nawab of Bahawalpur. (Govt. of India’s Letter No 258). 1857: The Bombay Government is taking into consideration two proposals regarding improvement of communication in Sindh. Lieutenant-General Jacob is insisting on Trunk road from Shikarpur to Karachi, whereas another proposal is to construct bridge over Indus. The Sindh Commissioner favours the construction of bridge. (Source: Commissioner’s letter No.184). 1929: A Conference of a new party, called ‘the All-India Muslim Nationalist Party’ is held at Allahabad under the presidency of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad. The object are to promote among Muslims a spirit of Nationalism, to develop a mentality above communalism, and to inspire greater confidence in Indian National Ideas (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1929). 1941: J.B.Kriplani, (Sindhi) General Secretary of the Congress, laid emphasis on the aspect of construction work by Satyagarahis as well as by those Congressmen, who did not sign the pledge, in the course of a circular issued to the several Congress Committees in the country. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11, 1941). 1952: Anti-Qadyani demonstration in Lahore is teargassed.They were demanding resignation of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Chowdri Zafarullah Khan and declaring Qadiyanis as a minority. (Source: Newspapers). 1955: One-Unit scheme to be executed within two weeks, declares Iskandar Mirza. (Source: ibid). 1972: Sindhis have never opposed Urdu. History is witness to their hospitality during the days of large scale migration of Muhajreen from India, Z.A.Bhutto advocates Sindhis non-aggressive approach and deplores language riots. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Bhutto family’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute). 1973: Jamait-i-Islami opposes recognition of Bangladesh, and JUI demands making Hamood-u-Rahman Commission Report public. Bhutto is being encircled by opposition (Source:Newspapers)). 1984: Majlas-i-Shora of Zia regime approves Qisas, Diyat Ordinance. (Source: ibid) SINDH & FREEDOM MOVEMENT: WE PAID FOR OUR FREEDOM (The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities)(Part-I Jan 42- Jul 42) 31st January 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 65 (Under Defense of India Rules-129 by Sindh Government) 07(Under the defense of India Rules -26 by Central Government) and 02 (Under Defense of India Rules-129 by the Central Government Total is 65 (b) Prosecuted : 5(Under Defense of India Rules-6), 9(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 2 (Under Defense of India Rules-24), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-81) and, 1 (Under Defense of India Rules-90).Total is 19 (c) Convicted: 34 (Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-22), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-26), 30(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-35), 38(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-93) and 1(Under Defense of India Rules-20). Total is 109. 28th February 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 38 (Under Defense of India Rules-26 by Sindh Government), 19(Under Defense of India Rules-129 by Sindh Government), Total is 57 (b) Prosecuted: 2(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-81)= Total is 6. 31st March 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 47 (Under Defense of India Rules-8), 6(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 35(Under Defense of India Rules-129), 5(Under Defense of India Rules-6), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-22),1 (Under Defense of India Rules-26), 31(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-39), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-45), 38(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-93), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-120)=Total is 133 (b) Prosecuted: 2(Under Defense of India Rules-8) total is 2 (c) Convicted: 5(Under Defense of India Rules-6, 39(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-22), (Under Defense of India Rules-24), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-26), 31((Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-39), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-45), 38(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 4(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-93), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-120), Total is 126. 30th April 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 33 (Under Defense of India Rules-129) (b) Prosecuted: 9 (Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-20), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-22), 49(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 13(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 7(Under Defense of India Rules-81) Total is 79. 31st May 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 1 (Under Defense of India Rules-26), 24(Under Defense of India Rules-129). The total is 263 and details of previously detained persons is 46(Under Defense of India Rules-26) and 217(Under Defense of India Rules-129). (b) Prosecution: 4(Under Defense of India Rules-35), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-36), 21(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 24(Under Defense of India Rules-81). Total is 58 (c) Convicted: 2(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 5(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 1 (Under Defense of India Rules-90). Total is 8. Whereas persons convicted previously are two three in number and details are 56(Under Defense of India Rules-8) ,1(Under Defense of India Rules-21), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-22), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-26), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-35), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-36), 60(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-39), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-45),65 (Under Defense of India Rules-52), 31(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 2((Under Defense of India Rules-93) and 1(Under Defense of India Rules-120). 30th June 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 329 Hurs (Under Defense of India Rules-129), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-129). Total is 330. Previously detained are 75(Under Defense of India Rules-26) and 334(Under Defense of India Rules-29). (b) Prosecuted: 2(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 10(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 9 (Under Defense of India Rules-8). Total is 25. (c) 3(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 16(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 3(Under Defense of India Rules-81). Total is 22. Previously number of detained is 250 and details are: 5(Under Defense of India Rules-6), 52(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-21), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-26), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-35), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-36), 60(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-39), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-45) , 77(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 38(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-90), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-93), 1 (Under Defense of India Rules-120) 31st July 1942: The details of persons detained, prosecuted and convicted for political and anti-war activities are: (a) Detained: 51 Hurs (Under Defense of India Rules-26), 8 Hurs (Under Defense of India Rules-129), previously detained persons are 120(Under Defense of India Rules-26) and 715(Under Defense of India Rules-129). (b) Prosecuted: 1(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-10), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 10(Under Defense of India Rules-34), 23(Under Defense of India Rules-51), 19(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 4(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 1 (Under Defense of India Rules-120). Total is 61. (c) Convicted: 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 10(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 8(Under Defense of India Rules-52) 1(Under Defense of India Rules-81). Total is 21. Previously convicted persons total is 289 and details are: 6(Under Defense of India Rules-6), 66(Under Defense of India Rules-8), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-21), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-22), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-24), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-26), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-35), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-36), 63(Under Defense of India Rules-38), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-39), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-45), 95(Under Defense of India Rules-52), 44(Under Defense of India Rules-81), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-90), 2(Under Defense of India Rules-93), 1(Under Defense of India Rules-98) and 1(Under Defense of India Rules-120). SINDHI TRANSLATION: ****** EVENTS FROM SINDH HISTORY (27th July) By: Dr. Pathan ** 1857ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي بمبئي سرڪار سنڌ ۾ مواصلاتي نظام جي بهتريءَ لاءِ ٻن تجويزن تي غور ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو، ليفٽيننٽ جنرل جيڪب جو اسرار هو ته شڪارپور کان ڪراچي تائين ٽرنڪ روڊ ٺاهيو وڃي، جڏهن ته هڪ ٻي تجويز اها هئي ته سنڌو درياءَ جي مٿان پل ٺاهي وڃي، انهن تجويزن مان سنڌ جي ڪمشنر پل جي تعمير واري تجويز جي حمايت ڪئي. ** 1929ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي آل انڊيا مسلم نيشنلسٽ پارٽي نالي ٺاهيل نئين جماعت طرفان ڀارتي شهر الهه آباد ۾ ڪانفرنس ڪوٺائي وئي، جنهن جي صدارت مولانا ابوالڪلام آزاد ڪئي، اها ڪانفرنس ڪوٺائڻ جو مقصد مسلمانن ۾ قوميت جو جذبو اڀارڻ هو. ** 1952ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي لاهور ۾ قاديانين خلاف احتجاج ڪندڙن تي شيلنگ ڪئي وئي، مظاهرين جو مطالبو هو ته پرڏيهي وزير چوڌري ظفر الله کي وزارت تان هٽايو وڃي ۽ قاديانين کي اقليت جو درجو ڏنو وڃي. ** 1955ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي گهرو وزير اسڪندر مرزا اعلان ڪيو ته ون يونٽ ايندڙ ٻن هفتن اندر لاڳو ڪيو ويندو. واضح رهي ته بعد ۾ ون يونٽ لاڳو ڪري صوبائي خودمختياري تي ضرب لڳائي وئي، جنهن خلاف سنڌ ۾ زبردست قسم جو احتجاج ٿيو، سنڌ وڏي عرصي تائين ون يونٽ کي ڀوڳيو. ** 1972ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي صدر ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو ٻوليءَ وارن فسادن کي حل ڪرڻ لاءِ اردو ڳالهائيندڙن تي واضح ڪيو ته سنڌي اردو ٻولي جي مخالفت نٿا ڪن، تاريخ شاهد آهي ته سنڌين ورهاڱي وقت ايندڙ اردو ڳالهائيندڙ ماڻهن کي وڏو مان ڏنو. ان ڪري هنگامن ڪرڻ جو ڪوبه فائدو ناهي، ٻولي وارو بل پاس ٿيڻ سان اردو کي ڪوبه نقصان نه ٿيندو. ** 1973ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي جماعت اسلامي بنگلاديش کي تسليم ڪرڻ واري معاملي جي مخالفت ڪري ڇڏي، جڏهن ته جي يو آءِ مطالبو ڪيو ته حمود الرحمان ڪميشن جي رپورٽ عوام لاءِ پڌري ڪئي وڃي. ** 1984ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي جنرل ضياءُالحق جي مجلس شوريٰ قصاص ديت آرڊيننس جي منظوري ڏئي ڇڏي. ** 1998ع ۾ اڄوڪي تاريخ تي سنڌ اسيمبليءَ تڪراري ڪالاباغ ڊيم خلاف ٺهراءُ پيش ڪرڻ واري رٿ اڪثريت راءِ سان رد ڪري ڇڏي،ڊپٽي اسپيڪر سيد جلال محمود شاهه جي صدارت ۾ ٿيل اجلاس ۾ نثار کهڙي رٿ پيش ڪندي ڪالاباغ ڊيم خلاف ٺهراءُ آڻڻ جي اجازت گهري، جنهن جي وڏي وزير لياقت جتوئي سميت سرڪاري ڌر جي ميمبرن مخالفت ڪئي، ٻئي پاسي ساڳئي اجلاس ۾ اسپيڪر نواب مرزا کي هٽائڻ لاءِ مخالف ڌر جي عدم اعتماد واري رٿ ناڪام ٿي وئي، اسپيڪر جي حق ۾ 62 ۽ مخالفت ۾ 33 ووٽ پيا. ************** اڄوڪي ڏينهن 27 جولاءِ تي جنم وٺندڙ ۽ وڇڙندڙ مشهور شخصيتون جنم ڏينهن: 27 جولاءِ 1859ع شاعر صوفي هاشم شاهه بخاري جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1919ع شاعر عبدالله خواب (ٺارو شاهه) جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1928ع شاعر ۽ تعليمدان احمد خان تنوير هيسباڻي جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1933ع ليکڪ فتن پرسواڻي جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1936ع ليکڪ سرلا تهيلراماڻي (سکر / نئين دهلي) جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1958ع صحافي علي اڪبر ساند (ڀٽ شاهه) جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1961ع سياستدان، اديب ۽ شاعرمخدوم جميل الزمان جميلجو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1966ع شاعر ۽ قومي ڪارڪن عرفان مهدي جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1982ع شاعر ڊاڪٽر سجاد سرور (پنو عاقل) جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 27 جولاءِ 1993ع نوجوان ليکڪ منصور ميراڻي (سکر) جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. وڇوڙو: 27 جولاءِ 1914ع شاعر نواب ولي محمد خان ولي جي وفات ٿي. 27 جولاءِ 1982ع ليکڪ رسول بخش ڏيرو جو انتقال ٿيو. 27 جولاءِ 1992ع باليووڊ اداڪار امجد خان(گبر سنگهه جو ڪردار ادا ڪندڙ) جو انتقال ٿيو.

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