Saturday 8 June 2024

SINDH in history today (9th June). By. Dr.Pathan

SINDH (including Pakistan)IN HISTORY TODAY {9th JUNE} Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. [ We are passing through an era of relationship that is to be kept and maintained unilaterally. You will never be recognized or accepted due to your experience & age, vision & wisdom and talents & potentialities. Because, everybody believes that only and only he/she is second to none in all these qualities, besides beauty. Hence, Ground Reality is that to what extent you are useful or of use for others] پاڻ رکي پيو پاڻ نڀائج هلي رشتن جو ايئن جهان, نہ تہ ڪم نہ دم دنيا کي هرڪو هتڙي خانئ خان پنهنجي مطلب غرض طمع ۾ ماڻھون هت مستان متان ڪرين ارمان, تہ ناهي قدر سرت سلام جو. EVENTS: 1910: Prof. T.L.Vaswani leaves for Barlin to participate in 'World Congress of the Free Christianity and Religious progress'.

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