Wednesday 6 November 2019

Important letter

When Gul Hayat Institute was of only 8 years age, the Director of Asia Department of the International Institute of Social History came from Netherlands to visit Gul Hayat Institute on his request. His Visit Note is uploaded on Gul Hayat Website. On his return back, he wrote official letter to my father requesting him for affiliation between both Institutes. I am sharing that letter today. It provides evidence that my father with dedication and determination have rendered services to extant that his Institute brought name and fame for Sindh. This letter is self explanatory on the subject and eye opener for those who cannot do for Sindh except criticizing humble, simple & great people. In his letter he writes " IISH realizes that you and your family have sacrificed much for the this archives in the village of Khair Muhammad Arija." (Mumtaz Pathan)
لاکيڻي لطيف فرمايو آهي ت “ اوڳڻ رسي سڀڪو ڳڻين پرين رٺام “. ان مصداق اڪثر ڪري اهي عظيم ماڻھون وات ڳاڙھن جي تنقيد جو نشانو بڻبا آھن جيڪي چپ چاپ بي لوسي ۽ اڻ ٿڪ محنت ۽ محبت سان قوم جي خدمت ڪندا آھن ۽ ڪنهن سرڪار يا دربار جي تائيد يا ڪنهن لاٺڙيئي جي تنقيد جي پرواه ن ڪندا آھن. بابا سائين سرڪاري ايوارڊ واپس ڪري ان ڳاله کي ثابت ڪيو ت قومي خدمت لالچ يا خوف جي محتاج ن ٿيندي آھي.
جڏھن گل حيات کي قائم ٿئي اڃان اٺ سال ئي مس گذريا هئا ت هن اداري کي دنيا جهان کان مڃتا ملڻ لڳي. 1998 ۾ نيدرلينڊس مان انٽرنئشنل انسٽيٽيوٽ جو نمائندو هي ادارو ڏسڻ آيو. هن موٽي وڃي بابا سائين کي جو خط لکيو اهو اڄ مان شيئر ڪري رهيو آھيان. خط ۾ ڇا لکيو اٿس؟ اهو پاڻ پڙھو. (ممتاز پٺاڻ)


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