Saturday, 18 November 2017

Sindh History (19th November)

19th November

1. Nandlal Madhokar 'Aas' (Shikarpur - Mumbai/Poet/ birth 19th November 1922),
 2. Nanik Madnani (Rohri - Delhi/Writer/ birth 19th November 1936),
 3. Vashdev Sindhu Bharti (Hyderabad - Jaipur/ birth 19th November 1938)

1. Syed Muhammad Abid Sani Jilani (Saint/ death 19th November 1799), 
2. Alumal Tekamdas (Karachi/Politician/ death 19th November 1924),
 3. Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto (Larkano/Politician/ death 19th November 1957),
 4. Lutufullah Badvi 'Jogi' (Shikarpur/Scholar & Poet/ death 19th November 1968),
 5. Dr.Ibrahim Khalil (Karachi/Poet/ death 19th November 1982)


1838: The Governor - General of India is not happy with policy of Sindh rulers and terms it as continued treachery. He has also observations about their releases of contribution for Shah Shuja -ul- Mulk.
1928: The Star players stage drama 'Sidhartha' in Karachi. Hamayun Mirza, Sheren Mirza and Principal Goklay play part of Sidhartha, Student and Shidondha respectively. The music is composed by A.G.Chagla.
1938: The meeting of the Organizing Committee is held in Mehar with K.B.Khuhro in chair and Haji Khan Advocate as host. In this meeting office - bearers of the Mehar Muslim League are elected.
1944: Agha Ghulam Nabi, Vice President of the Sindh Muslim League is awarded party ticket to contest for election on the vacant seat of Sindh Assembly. 
1966: 'Pakistan is a modern miracle and has no parallel in world', says British Secretary of State William Ross. 
1968: East wing of Pakistan also joins the protest way against Ayub - Shahi. Students take out processions demanding unconditional release of all political detenus and restoration of democracy. Z.A.Bhutto is also in jail and is shifted to Sahiwal.
1969: Pakistan and U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) sign a ¤ 20 million loan agreement for supply of fertilizer to Pakistan.
1981: The U.S full house foreign affairs committee approves the sale of F - 16 Jets t

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