Monday, 27 November 2017

GOOD NIGHT (27th November)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(27th November,2017)
[Any pray or request, desire or demand is not sustainable in the court of love. Surrender and to sacrifice every thing first, and than to knock the door of heart of dear, may please beauty and requirement of Love. Nothing can be achieved or earned , but can be honored and accepted, if and when desired or required by dear ]
گھران تان گنھگار چون،
ان لاء ڏیان ۽ ڏوریان،
تن من ساہ سپرین تان، 
پيو مان ھر پل گھوریان،
پاڇي برابر نہ انهن جي،
بڻجي سون اگر توريان
بس سڳڙو پیو سوریان،
تہ رانول شال راضي رهي

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