Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Good Night (28th November)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[Dear! Neither you can find me, nor accept me. Because, I am lost since centuries and am in search of myself and heart in which you live. Let me find myself first. It will enable me to identify you.
Dear! Come on and see that Sky and Earth, being at distance, are near to each other, but not you & me .Though, you are beyond the paradise, in spite of that I know, understand and see your beauty. But you don't know me and my love properly]
آئون جو ناھیان پاڻ سان، ساجن سڃاٹي پوء ڪیئن؟
ڪنھن تان ڪارڻ گم ڪیو، جو پاڻ وڃائي ٿیا ڏینھن،
پیا جت محبت جا مینھن، ات نہ ھئس سونهن سان.

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