Thursday 1 August 2024


AN INDEX OF MY READING OF THE DAILY GAZETTE, KARACHI (Work done upto 23/12/2018. yet to be completed within one month) BY DR. DUR MUHAMMAD PATHAN in 1883, Colonel Corey severed his relations with the Lahore office and carried on the Karachi paper under the title of the Sind Gazette. It was converted into a daily in 1904. In 1915, the paper’s title was changed to the Daily Gazette and it first appeared with this name on July 1 of that year. The Daily Gazette was available in the library of Pakistan Archives, situated at regal Chowk, Karachi. I was lecturer in the Arts & Commerce College and was busy in collecting material for my Ph.D task. After college duty, I used to visit this library to go through pages of the Daily Gazette to get information on the Social, Political, Literary activities in Sindh during British Period. I got handsome material from the Paper. English Poetry collected from the Daily Gazette, besides other sources has been compiled by me and it has been published on my website under the title “ENGLISH POETRY OF SINDH”. As the Photo Stat facility was not available, hence, apart from taking NOTES, I noted very important material related to the history of Sindh so as to keep record with me and share with Researchers and Scholars. Here is the index of that material. The major topics those invited my attention are: Action taken by Government against political parties and leaders, Aman Shabh-Pro-Government Political Organization, Bolshevism in India with reference to Sindh, Bombay Council with reference to Sindh affairs, Cases against Sindh Press, Congress, Constitutional Reforms, Education for Upper Class Sindhi Muslims’ Children, European Education in Sindh, Hindu Sindh Loyalty with Government, Home Rule League, Indian Legislative Council with reference to Sindh Affairs, Khilafat Tahreek, Labour affairs, Law & Order Situation, Material on Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhugri, Material on various political leaders, Migration of Sindhis to Afghanistan during Hijrat Movement, Sindh Muslim League, Muslim Loyalty with Government, Rasai & Lapo menace, NGOs of Sindh, Non-Cooperation Movements, Rowlat Bill, Self-Government, Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency, Simon Commission, Sindh Muhammadan Association, Sindhi Muslim-Hindu Relations, Sind Press, Sindh Provincial Conferences held in various District Headquarters of Sindh, Sindh Union of Progress, Sindh Zamindars’ Association, Sukkur Barrage Project, Visits of Bombay Governors, Visit of Sindh by various Political leaders of All-India level, Various Political Parties and Pressure Groups (total number is 45). These are some topics those were read and noted by me and you will find more details in the INDEX given bellow:- S/No Title/Topic Date Page Remarks 1. The Sind irrigation Revenue Report for 1882-83 ( It was First Phase of the paper when it was known as The Sind Gazette) 23 March 1884 5 The Report of the Irrigation 2. “ The Sind Mission” (Article) – The Sind Gazette 29 March 1884 5 The Christianity in Sindh 3. Dramatic Club of the Glo’ster Regiment, Karachi. 5 June 1884 6 Drama & Entertainment 4. Nowrojee, Propritor of the “Parsee Theatre”, Bunder Road , Karachi is convicted and fined for assaulting one of his Actresses-Suckina. 27 Jan 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment & Women-Folk 5. The schedule of Dramas to be staged by the Parsee Theatre. On 30.1.1885= “Sindbad The Sailor” and “ Checkmate”, on 31.1.1885= “ Lady Audley’s Secret” and “ The Daughter of Regiment”. 30 Jan 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment 6. A dramatic entertainment by the “Amateurs’ of Karachi” @ Frere Hall, Karachi 10 Feb 1885 7 Drama & Entertainment 7. Rochiram Gajumal , Assistant Sindhi Translator 22 May 1896 Biography Role of the “ Sindh Sudhar”-First & oldest Sindhi Paper 22 Sept 1896 Journalism 8. A dramatic entertainment by “Every Body’s Friend,” at Frere Hall, Karachi 10 Feb 1885 7 Drama & Entertainment 9. Drama : “ Bitter Cold, “ by Battalion Worcestershire Regiment Dramatic Club, at Karachi 15 Dec 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment 10. The Young Women’s Christian Association, Karachi 12 March 1907 5 NGOs and their activities 11. Sind and Bombay Council ( It is about the candidature of S.C. Shahani). 29 March 1907 3 Bombay Legislative Council 12. The Concert and entertainment by S.W Borders Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Karachi 26 Mar 1907 7 Drama & Entertainment 13. The Death news about Kundanmal Manghirsing Lalwani 06 July 1909 5 Biography 14. The D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society, Karachi announces schedule of Lecture Programs for the month of August 1909. 03 August1909 5 D.J.College Literary & Debating Society 15. The Sanatan Dharma Sabha, (Lidbitter Road, Garden Quarters), Karachi , to arrange Series of lectures to be delivered by Shri Swami Hansaswaroopji. 5 August 1909 5 Sanatan Dharma Sabha 16. PLEADERS’ SANAD- Representation to Government by Sindh Hindu Sabha. 7 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 17. “Pleaders’ Sanads”, Sindh Hindu Sabha Writes to the Bombay Governor 27 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha & Communal Problem 18. Mohamedans on the Councils 28 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha & Communal Problem 19. The Hindu Sabha’s Protest. (Letter to Editor) 06 Oct 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 20. The Hindu Sabha’s Protest (Rejoinder to letter published on 6.10.1909 07 Oct 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 21. Drama : “Amasis, “ by Karachi Amateur Dramatic Club at Frere Hall, Karachi 14 Oct 1909 5 Drama & Entertainment 22. Concert by Parsi Institute in aid of Parsi Maternity Home, Karachi 9 Oct 1909 5 Drama & Entertainment 23. The Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanik, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 23 Nov 1909 5 Sikhs 24. About the “Parsi Alfered Theatre”, Karachi 23 July 1910 5 Drama and Entertainment 25. The Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Harkishin Rai, the 8th Guru to be celebrated tomorrow, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 29 July 1910 5 Sikhs 26. Land Trade of Sind and Balochistan 5 Aug 1910 4 Trade & Commerce 27. The Islam Club, Karachi, arranges dinner in the honour of Mir Allah Bux Talpur, Rais G.M.Bhugree and K.B.Syed Allahando Shah. 9 August 1910 5 Club 28. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Man visible and invisible” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 13 August 1910 5 Theosophy 29. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Coming Change” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 22 August 1910 5 Theosophy 30. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Coming Change” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 23 August 1910 5 Theosophy 31. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Value and training of emotions” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 24 August 1910 5 Theosophy 32. Miss K. Browning, Branch Inspector of the Indian Chapter of the Theosophical Society to visit Hyderabad, Sindh 25 August 1910 5 Theosophy 33. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Pioneers of Theosophical Society” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi 26 August 1910 5 Theosophy 34. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Races of Mankind” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi 30 August 1910 5 Theosophy 35. Location of the Sind Madressah (Editorial) 31 Aug 1910 4 Sind Madressah 36. The Guru Granth Sahib Day to be observed on 4.9.1910, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 02 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 37. Location of the Sind Madressah (Letter to Editor) 12 Sept 1910 4 Sind Madressah 38. The Anniversary of Guru Ramdas, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 19 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 39. The Function in memory of the Second Guru, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 20 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 40. The Death Anniversary of Guru Nanik Dev, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 27 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 41. Sind Madressah 10 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 42. Removal of Sind Madressah 10 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 43. About the “Hassanali Theatre”, Karachi 11 Oct 1910 Drama and Entertainment 44. The Birth Anniversary of the Fourtg Guru-Guru Ramdas, by The Gur Singh Sabha, Karachi 19 Oct 1910 5 Sikhs 45. Local Trade with Persia (Editorial) 21 Oct 1910 4 Trade & Commerce 46. Sind Madressah 21 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 47. The Death Anniversary of Guru Herkishin, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 25 Oct 1910 5 Sikhs 48. The Installation Anniversary of Guru Granth Sahib, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 02 Nov 1910 5 Sikhs 49. Guru Gobin Singh Day to be celebrated on 7.11.1910, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 04 Nov 1910 5 Sikhs 50. Prize Distribution in the Sahta Sudhar Kanya Shala, Karachi. 18 Jan 1912 5 NGOs and their activities. 51. “Tribune” of Lahore on Sind Separation 19 Jan 1912 4 Separation of Sindh 52. The Karachi Amateur Dramatic Club to stage drama “ Facing the Music” at York & Lanes Regimental Theatre, Karachi 19 Jan 1912 5 Drama and Entertainment 53. The editorial of the “Tribune” of Lahore about Sind Separation issue under title: No opening for Sindis in Bombay,” 19 Jan 1912 4 Separation of Sindh 54. The editorial of the “Civil & Military Gazette”, under title: “why Sind must be separated from Bombay.” 19 Jan 1912 5 Separation of Sindh 55. The number of Girls students studying in Kanya Shala of the Sahta Sudhar , Karachi is 137. Report issued. 23 Ian 1912 5 NGOs and their activities. 56. The Birth Anniversary of Guru Herraj, 7th Guru to be celebrated by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi on 1.2.1912. 30 Jan 1912 5 Sikhs 57. The Young Sindhis Association”, Karachi, to stage Drama “ Sati Sushila”, tomorrow, at Karachi 01 March 1912 5 Drama and Entertainment 58. Hindus and Mohammadans (Editorial) 18 Apr 1912 4 Communal problem 59. The Besakhi Festival at Karachi, organized on 13.4.1912 18 April 1912 5 Festivals 60. European Education in Karachi 02 May 1912 5 European Education 61. The debate on “ Cremation , or burial of the dead” between Muhammadan and Christian gentlemen is closed. It was arranged by the “ Arya Young Men’s Association” of Karachi. 02 May 1912 5 Arya Samaj & Communal Problem 62. Meeting of the “Anjuman Mualmul – Sharah” held at Hyderabad 04 May 1912 5 Muslim Support Secular Education in Sindh 63. The Anjuman-e-Zia-ul-Islam, Karachi decides not to participate in Religious discussions with Arya Samajists, more. 04 May 1912 5 Communal Problem 64. “The Times” on Karachi 13 May 1912 4 Karachi 65. Sind Land Lords and Mr Burgari’s Bill 14 May 1912 5 GM Burgari on Education 66. Sind Zamindars and Mr Burgari Cess Bill 22 May 1912 4-5 GM Burgari on Education 67. Sind Zamindars Association (letter to Editor) 24 May 1912 5 Politics of Upper class 68. Sind Zamindars & Cess Bill (letter to Editor) 28 May 1912 8 GM Burgari 69. Miss Sushila Khilnani Second daughter of Chatomal –gran daughter of Kauromal Chandanmal Khilnani is first Sindhi Girl to get the First Division in Matriculation Examination passed from the Calcutta University. 28 May 1912 8 Biography 70. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about insufficient facilities for passengers at Ruk Railway Station. 28 May 1912 5 Journalism 71. Sind Zamindars Association (letter to Editor) 29 May 1912 8 Politics of Upper class 72. The Dinner Party in honour of Mian Muhammad Ibrahim on his appointment as Vazir of Khairpur, by The Muhammadan Club, Karachi. 03 June 1912 8 Club 73. The Islam Club, Karachi to arrange Dinner. 4 June 1912 8 Club 74. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about deteriorating situation of Agriculture in Sindh. 11 June 1912 7 Journalism 75. Muhammadan Club of Karachi demands for half-fare concession for Ajmir Pilgrims. 11 June 912 8 Club 76. The Traffic Superintendent of the N.W.Railways regrets to allow Half-Concession in fare for Ajmir visitors. 12 June 1912 8 Club 77. 19th Annual meeting of Parsi Institute, Karachi 18 Jun 1912 8 NGOs and their activities 78. In Justice to Sind (Editorial) 21 Jun 1912 6 Grievances of Sind 79. Mr Burgari’s Cess Bill 25 Jun 1912 8 GM Burgari on Education 80. Opposition from Larkana 25 Jun 1912 8 Against Burgari’s Cess Bill 81. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about monopoly of Hindus In the Hyderabad Municipality. 26 June 1912 8 Journalism & Communal Problem. 82. Opposition from Larkana (Editorial) 27 Jun 1912 8 About Burgari’s Cess Bill 83. The Price List of essential commodities. Chicken Eggs are one Dozen in 06 Annas & 07 Paiees. 25 Oct 1912 9 Prices of commodities 84. The Mella of Mahashivratri at Clifton, Karachi 19 Feb 1914 8 Hindu Religion 85. Drama : “Aaluddin, “ by Lancashire Fusilier’s Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Regimental Theater, Napier Barracks, Karachi 19 Feb 1914 8 Drama & Entertainment 86. The Bandhu Mandal, Karachi celebrates its 4th Anniversary. 4 March 1914 NGOs and their activities 87. Activity schedule of The Sindh Madressah Old Boys’ Debating Society for April & May 1st April 1914 8 Sindh Maressah-tul-Islam 88. The Muslim Marwari Silawat Jamait of Jesalmir, Karachi. 24 April 1914 NGOs and their activities. 89. Drama : “Aaluddin, “ by Lancashire Fusilier’s Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Frere Hall, Karachi 7 Mar 1914 8 Drama & Entertainment 90. Moulvi Abdul Karim Dars delivers speech . Function is arranged by “ Anjuman Guldastai Ghous”, Karachi 15 May 1914 Muslim Religious Organizations. 91. Lecture by Shriman Pandit Shridharji Sharma of Lahore, delivered at Jethanand Dharamdas Sanatan Dharam Sabha Lecture Hall, Karachi 30 May 1914 8 Hindu Religion 92. Anjuman-i-Mussalahat, Karachi 11 Jun 1914 8 NGOs and their activities 93. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by M.R. Shirazi) 11 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 94. The Arya Samaj announces schedule of lectures to be delivered by Shriman Mahatma Munshirramji, Governor of the Guru Kula Kangri, Hardwar. 13 June 1914 8 Arya Samaj 95. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by F.B. Limki on the topic of “Zarathushtra”) 18 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 96. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by M.R. Shirazi) 25 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 97. Meeting of the “Sanatan Dharam Mandal”, Karachi 24 Jun 1914 8 Hindu Religion 98. Dakshini Brahmin Sabha Hall, Barners Street, Karachi 05 Jul 1914 2 Hall 99. Bombay Governor Replies to the Address given by the Sind Mohammadan Association 06 Jan 1916 10-11 Sindh Mohammadan Association 100. Lord and Lady Willingdon’s visit to Sind 10 Jan 1916 8 Visit by Governor 101. Sind Mohammadan’s and Communal Representation 11 Jan 1916 4 Communal Problem and Sind Mohammadan Association 102. Editorial of Al-Haq of Sukkur 12 Jan 1916 5 Communal Problem 103. Editorial of Al-Haq of Sukkur 13 Jan 1916 4 Communal Problem 104. Sindhis at the Congress 15th Jan 1916 8 Congress 105. The Preem Mandli of Karachi (Faiz Hussaini Building, Bandar Road) to arrange the lecture program in which Bhagat Naromal of Manjhand will give discourse on Shewa. 21 Jan 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 106. Sind in the future 03 Feb 1916 9 Sind Politics 107. Mr. Bhurgri to contest for the Bombay Legislative Council, meeting is held at Khairpur (Mirs). 14 Feb 1916 5 Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhugri & Bombay Legislative Council. 108. Anjuman Ashraf-ul-Islam, Karachi 15 Feb 1916 4 Muslim Religious Organizations 109. Lecture by Dr. 😭. Shahani on the topic of “Domestic and Personal Hygiene”, organized by the “ Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal” Ranchore, Karachi 11 Feb 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 110. Sindh Zamindars meet at the Homlstead Hall, Hyderabad. 25 March 1916 4 Sindh Zamindars 111. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 28 Feb 1916 5 Gandhi & Congress 112. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 01 Mar 1916 8 Gandhi & Congress 113. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 2 Mar 1916 4-5 Gandhi & Congress 114. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 8 Mar 1916 4 Gandhi & Congress 115. A Sindhi as English Poet 8 Mar 1916 6 Mirza Qaleech Baig 116. Press Association 18 Mar 1916 6 Press 117. Sind Provincial Conference (Larkana) 23 Mar 1916 6 Sind Provincial Conference 118. Sind Provincial Conference 23 Mar 1916 8 Sind Provincial Conference 119. Sind Provincial Conference (Letter of D.P. Weeb) 24 Mar 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 120. Muslman Representation on Municipalities 17 Apr 1916 5 Municipalities & Communal Problems 121. Sind Provincial Conference 24 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 122. Sind Provincial Conference 25 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 123. Sind Provincial Conference 26 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 124. Sind Provincial Conference 27 Apr 1916 4-5 Sind Provincial Conference 125. Sind Zamindar Conference at Larkana 28 Apr 1916 5 Sind Zamindar’s Conference 126. Sind Provincial Conference 28 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 127. Sind Provincial Conference 29 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 128. Sind Provincial Conference 29 Apr 1916 10-11 Sind Provincial Conference 129. Sind Provincial Conference 04 May 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 130. Activities of “Hindu Shewak Mandal”, Karachi 04 May 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 131. London and Larkana (Editorial) 26 May 1916 12 About Larkana 132. Why I withdraw from the Contest (Shahani’s grievance) 27 May 1916 10 Personal Opinion of Shahani 133. Sind Gradate Association Karachi Aim & Objects 07 Jun 1916 10 NGOs and their activities 134. Autonomy for Sind 14 Jun 1916 9-10 Speeches 135. Hindu Shewak Mandal, Karachi (Lecture by Swami Devananda) 17 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 136. Young Men’s Association, Hyderabad. (Election of Office – Bearers) 20 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 137. Hindu Shewak Mandal, Karachi (1st Anniversary held at Khalikdina Hall) 29 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 138. Shri Bhandhu Ashrami, Karachi (Lecture by A.A. Jeejibhoy on the topic of “Commerce and its Science” 20 Oct 1916 5 NGOs and their activities 139. Political Activity in Sind 2 Nov 1916 4 Politics 140. Young man in politics (Letter & Its Answer) 7 Nov 1916 10 Politics 141. Political Activity in Sind (Letter) 9 Nov 1916 10 Politics 142. The details of collection of donation for “ Imperial Indian Relief Fund”, Karachi Branch. 9 Nov 1916 6 Donation for Government 143. The Election of Office-Bearers of the Arya Samaj, Karachi, is held. 17 Nov 1916 4 Arya Samaj 144. Sind in Bombay Council 27 Nov 1916 9 Bombay Council 145. E.M Pratt, Judicial Commissioner, delivers lecture on the topic of “The Ethics 0f War”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 28 Nov 1916 4 Literary activities 146. Lecture of Rev. Fr. Boswin on the topic of “The Nature of Beauty”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 15 Dec 1916 4 Literary activities 147. Lecture by Dr. J. Fitzgerald on the topic of “Young India”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 15 Dec 1916 4 Literary activities 148. Sind in Bombay Council 27 Dec 1916 9 Bombay Council 149. The Preem Mandli of Karachi to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary, tomorrow. 30th Dec 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 150. Prize Distribution ceremony at “ Navalrai Balak Vidiyala”, School of Brahmo Smaj, Karachi. Seth Harchandrai will be in Chair. 1st March 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 151. Against indentured Labour (Meeting in Karachi) 03 Mar 1917 5 Labour union 152. Sind in Bombay Council 20 Mar 1917 4 Bombay Council 153. The Arya Samaj Mandal, Karachi to arrange lecture to be given by Tarachand Gajra 23 March 1917 5 Arya Samaj 154. Sind in the Bombay Council 20 Mar 1917 4 Bombay Council 155. Sind Provincial Conference 9 Apr 1917 4 Provincial Conference 156. Sind Provincial Conference 10 Apr 1917 8 Provincial Conference 157. Sind Provincial Conference 11 Apr 1917 4 Provincial Conference 158. Conference (Editorial) 14 Apr 1917 8 Provincial Conference 159. The Preem Mandli to arrange lecture tomorrow at New High School, Karachi. Lecture to be given by Dr. Coithram on the topic of “ The Shikarpur Sindh Provincial Conference’. 17 April 1917 5 Provincial Conference 160. Details of donation collected for Lady Dufferi Hospital, Karachi 17 April 1917 7 Donations for the Government 161. Un representation Conference : Letter 27 Apr 1917 10 Provincial Conference 162. Bombay Local Boards : Bill Karachi Congress Objects 8 May 1917 4 Column 163. Bombay Local Board’s Bills Karachi Congress objects 8th May 1917 4 Opinion of Congress party 164. A meeting of the “ D.J. Sindh College Amateur Dramatic Society” held at Hyderabad 29 May 1917 8 Drama, Entertainment & Culture 165. Karachi Protest 26 Jun 1917 4 Politics 166. Sind in the Bombay Council 31 Jul 1917 9 Bombay Council 167. Questions (Editorial) 31 Jul 1917 6 Bombay Council 168. Sind in the Bombay Council 01 Aug 1917 4 Bombay Council 169. The Shri Tarun Shubechhak Bandu Mandal, Karachi. (7th Anniversary) 11 August 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 170. The Home Rule League leader Jamshed Mehta is served notice by DSP. 17 August 1917 5 Sindh Home Rule League 171. Sind’s Champion Questions 21 Aug 1917 10 Bombay Council 172. Processions 23 Aug 1917 6 Political activities 173. Processions 23 Aug 1917 10 Law and order situation in Sind /Politics 174. Mr Lokomal explains about Home Rule 4th Sep 1917 4 Home Rule League 175. Mr Lokamal explains (Letter) 04 Sep 1917 4 Home Rule league 176. Sind in the Bombay Council 04 Sep 1917 10 Bombay Council 177. Home rule oratory (weebs replies 07 Sep 1917 4 Home Rule league 178. Home rule oratory 7th Sep 1917 4 Home Rule League 179. Primary Education in Bombay 10 Sep 1917 4 Bombay Council 180. The Shri Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal, Karachi. 29 Sept 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 181. Mussalmans and Home rule 13th Oct 1917 5 Home Rule League 182. The Arya Samaj, Karachi to celebrate 31st Anniversary. 18 Oct 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 183. Mussalmans and Home rule 19th Oct 1917 4 Home Rule League 184. Besantisam in Hyderabad (Editorial) 01 Oct 1917 6 Home Rule league 185. Mussalmans & Home Rule (Letter) 13 Oct 1917 5 Home Rule league 186. Mussalmans & Home Rule (Letter) 19 Oct 1917 4 Home Rule league 187. Sind Mohammandan Association Meeting (Letter) 24 Oct 1917 4 Sind Mohammandans Association 188. The Viceroy in Karachi (Memorandum presented) 30 Oct 1917 10 Sind Mohammandans Association 189. Viceroy in Karachi 31 Oct 1917 9-10 Visit 190. Muslims in Sind (Editorial) 2 Nov 1917 6 Position of Muslims 191. Sind Provisional Conference 5 Nov 1917 5 Provincial Conference 192. Sind Provisional Conference 5 Nov 1917 5 Provincial Conference 193. League or Conference (Editorial) 5 Nov 1917 6 Provincial Conference 194. Muslims in Sind 5 Nov 1917 6 Position of Muslims 195. Muslims in Sind (Letter) 5 Nov 1917 9 Position of Muslims 196. Sind Provisional Conference 6 Nov 1917 5 Sind Provisional Conference 197. Home Rule Arguments (Editorial) 7 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 198. Sind in Bombay Council 7 Nov 1917 8 Bombay Council 199. Muhammadans and Home Rule (Letter by Mir Ayub) 9 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 200. Home Rule Argument (Letter) 10 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 201. A challenge to Mr Bhurgri (Letter) 20 Nov 1917 4 G.M Burgri 202. Mussalmans and Home rule 9th Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 203. Mohammandan and Home Rule 09 Nov 1917 4 About Mir Ayub & Home Rule League 204. Home rule Arrangements 10th Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 205. The Muslim Reading Room & General Library, Gadikhata, Karachi. 4 Dec 1917 6 Libraries 206. Rasai and Cheer in Sind (by Bhurgri) 11 Dec 1917 4 G.M Burgri & Rasai and Cheer 207. Sind Politics (Editorial) 27 Dec 1917 4 Sind Politics 208. Sind Politics (Editorial) 28 Dec 1917 4 Sind Politics 209. Sind’s Grievances 28 Dec 1917 7 Sind Politics 210. Self – Government for India 15 Jan 1918 4 Politics 211. Sind Muhammadan Association and Mr Montagu 15 Jan 1918 7-8 Sind Muhammadon Association 212. Primary editorial (Bombay congress questions) 17 Jan 1918 7 Congress Party 213. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 30 Jan 1918 4 Home Rule League 214. Sind Muslims and Home rule 30 Jan 1918 4 Home Rule League 215. Rewachand Wasanmal Thadhani delivers lecture on the topic of “ Rural Economics”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 01 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 216. The Code of Ethics of inviting politicians and making political speeches” between the Principal of the D.J.College and Students is finalized and approved. 02 Feb 1918 4 Students’ Union 217. Abdul Ghani delivers lecture on the topic of “ Jehanger & Nurjehan”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 11 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 218. Abdul Rehman, Barrister delivers lecture on the topic of “ Landmarks in European Civilization ”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 18 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 219. Proposed Resolution of G.M Bhurgri on vernacular newspapers of Sindh, to be moved in the Bombay Council 26 Feb 1918 4 Journalism & G.M Bhurgri 220. Sind affairs in Bombay Council 20 Mar1918 10 Bombay Council 221. Home rules in Karachi 1st Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 222. Sind Congress 2nd Apr1918 6 Congress Party 223. Rasai System in Sind 5th Apr1918 6 Rasai & Lapo 224. Rasai System in Sind 5th Apr 1918 6 Rasai & Lapo 225. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting 16 Apr 1918 3 1st sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 226. Rasai System in Sind 16 Apr 1918 4 Rasai & Lapo Commision 227. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 17 Apr 1918 5 2nd sitting 228. Sind Provisional Conference 01 Apr 1918 4 Sind Provisional Conference 229. Home Rulers in Karachi 01 Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 230. Sind Congress 02 Apr 1918 6 Congress 231. Sind Provisional Conference 02 Apr 1918 10 Sind Provisional Conference 232. Sind Provisional Conference (Text of Resolutions) 03 Apr 1918 9 Sind Provisional Conference 233. Rasai System in Sind (Editorial) 05 Apr 1918 6 Rasai System 234. Rasai System in Sind (Editorial) 10 Apr 1918 6 Rasai System 235. Rasai System in Sind – Committee 1st Sitting 16 Apr 1918 3 Rasai System 236. Rasai System in Sind – Editorial 16 Apr 1918 4 Rasai System 237. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 17 Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 238. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 17tApr 1918 4 Home Rule League 239. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 18 Apr918 7 3rd sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 240. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 19 Apr 1918 6 4th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 241. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 20 Apr 1918 5 5th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 242. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 22 Apr 1918 4 6th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 243. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 24 Apr 1918 3 7th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 244. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 25 Apr 1918 5 8th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 245. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 26 Apr 1918 3 9th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 246. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Larkana 27 Apr 1918 5 10th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 247. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 1 May 1918 5 11th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 248. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 2 May 1918 5 12th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 249. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 4 May 1918 5 13th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 250. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 6 May 1918 4 14th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 251. Lapo in Sind 6 May 1918 6 Lapo & Rasai 252. Rasai Committee’s sitting 7 May 1918 3 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 253. Rasai Committee’s sitting 7 May 1918 4 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 254. Rasai Committee’s sitting 8 May 1918 4 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 255. Lapo in Sind letter 8 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 256. Rasai System in Sind 9 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 257. Rasai System in Sind 10 May 1918 10 Lapo & Rasai 258. Rent Bills in Bombay 15 May 1918 10 Bombay Council 259. Sind Newsp apers (Editorial) 16 May 1918 6 Sindh Press 260. Sind Newspapers in Bombay Council 16 May 1918 9 Bombay Council 261. Rasai System in Sind 21 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 262. Vadnagara Nagar Mandal, Karachi 08 Jul 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 263. Newspapers in Sind 05 Aug 1918 6 Bombay Council 264. Sind Provisional Conference 12 Aug 1918 4-6 Sind Provisional Conference 265. Sind Mohammandan & Indian Reform 31 Oct 1918 10-11 Sind Mohammandan Association 266. Hindu Town People’s Association, Karachi 16 Oct 1918 3 NGOs and their activities 267. Shikarpuri Panchayat, Karachi 21 Oct 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 268. Shri Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal, Karachi 30 Nov 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 269. Audichya Braham Smaj, Karachi 28 Dec 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 270. Shri Bandhu Mandal, Karachi (9th Anniversary) 22 Jan 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 271. Sind a separate province (Sind Mohammandan Association) 23 Jan 1919 9 Sind Mohammandan Association 272. Sind Mohammandan Association (Address to Governor- Sir George Ambrose Lloyd) 10 Feb 1919 13-14 Sind Mohammandan Association 273. Hyderabad Citizen’s Meeting 11 Feb 1919 3 NGOs and their activities 274. Hyderabad citizen’s meeting 11 Feb 1919 3 Sind politics 275. Hindu Muslims Unity 11 Feb 1920 8 Communal Problem 276. The Governor’s visit to Sind 18 Feb 1919 4 Visit of Governor 277. Home Rule Abuse 11 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 278. Home Rule abuse 11 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 279. Home Rule Oratory (Editorial) 11 Mar 1919 6 Home Rule League 280. Home Rule and The Rowlat Bills (Letter) 14 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 281. Home Rule and Rowlat Bills 14 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 282. Protesting day 7 Apr 1919 5 Politics 283. Hyderabad Quotation 02 Apr 1919 3 Hyderabad 284. National Protesting day in Karachi 07 Apr 1919 5 Political Activities 285. Coercion Day (Editorial) 07 Apr 1919 6 Political Activities 286. Hyderabad Quotation 12 Apr 1919 5 Hyderabad 287. Standup for Law and Order 21 Apr 1919 5 Sind Commissioner on Non-Co-operation movement 288. Sind Provincial Conference (Jacobabad) 22 Apr 1919 4 Sind Provincial Conference 289. To the women of Sind 22 Apr 1919 10 Women Folk 290. Sind Provincial Conference (Resolutions) 23 Apr 1919 4 Sind Provincial Conference 291. Sind Politics Resolutions (Editorial) 23 Apr 1919 6 Sind Provincial Conference 292. Mohammandan & Disorder 28 Apr 1919 4-5 Political Activities 293. Loyal Shikarpur Mohammandans 29 Apr 1919 5 Meeting against Non-Co-operation 294. Shri Bharat Yuvak Mitra Mandal Mandal, Karachi 02 May 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 295. Sind’s Future (Reforms) (Editorial) 25 Jun 1919 6 Constitutional Reforms 296. Indian Reforms (Editorial) 26 Jun 1919 6 Constitutional Reforms 297. Facts about Khalifate (Editorial) 15 Jul 1919 6 Moulana Faiz Al Karim against Khilafat 298. Province Turkish Tendencies in Sind (Letter) 16 Jul 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 299. Moulvi Ghulam Omar and his declaration (Letter) 24 Jul 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 300. Khilafat and Sind Muslims (Letter) 24 Jul 1919 12 Khilafat Tahreek 301. The Sind Muslims and Khilafat 26 Jul 1919 8 Khilafat Tahreek 302. The Sind Muslims & Khilafat (Letter by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto) 30 Jul 1919 10 Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto & Khilafat Tahreek 303. What happened to Mr Bhurgri 01 Aug 1919 8 Bombay Legislative Council & G.M Burghri 304. Sind & Khilafat (Letter by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto) 12 Aug 1919 10 Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto & Khilafat Tahreek 305. Sind & Khilafat (Letter) 13 Aug 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 306. The Chhapro Punchran Sudhar Sabha, Karachi 21 Aug 1919 11 NGOs and their activities 307. Khilafat (Letter) 27 Aug 1919 12 Khilafat Tahreek 308. The Khilafat (Letter) 02 Sep 1919 7 Khilafat Tahreek 309. Indian Muslims & Khilafat (Editorial) 20 Sep 1919 6 Khilafat Tahreek 310. Shri Tarun Shubech Chhak, Bandhu Mandal, Karachi (9th Anniversary) 10 Sep 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 311. Hindu Town People’s Association, Karachi 18 Sep 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 312. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Karachi 03 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 313. Khilafat Day at Karachi 18 Oct 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 314. Karachi’s Aid for Punjab 20 Oct 1919 5 Sindh and Punjab 315. Manufacturing public opinion 20 Oct 1919 9 Khilafat Tahreek 316. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Rohri (Stages drama) 23 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 317. Arya Smaj, Karachi (23rd Anniversary) 28 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 318. Marvari Nav Yuvak Sabha, Karachi 28 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 319. Larkana Muslims 17 Nov 1919 5 Against Khilafat Tahreek 320. Quotations 01 Dec 1919 5 Quotations 321. The Kaliphate / peace celebration (Editorial) 06 Dec 1919 6 Khilafat Tahreek 322. Grievance Mongering (Editorial) 08 Dec 1919 6 Journalism 323. Megh Sudhar Mandal, Karachi 14 Dec 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 324. Bombay Legislative Council 23 Dec 1919 4 Bombay Legislative Council 325. Sath Sudhar, Karachi 23 Dec 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 326. Police in Sind (Bombay Legislative Council Discussion) 07 Jan 1920 11 Bombay Legislative Council 327. Birahmo Smaj, Karachi (46 Anniversary) 16 Jan 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 328. Khalifat Agitation (Editorial) 21 Jan 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 329. Turkey & Khilafat (Letter) 04 Feb 1920 11 Khilafat Tahreek 330. Quotation (Larkana/Hyderabad) 10 Feb 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 331. The Port Cooli Strike 11 Feb 1920 5 Labour Union 332. Hindu Muslim Unity (Hyderabad) 11 Feb 1920 8 Communal Problem 333. Hindu Muslim Unity (Hyderabad) 13 Feb 1920 5 Communal Problem 334. Hindu Muslim Unity (Editorial) 14 Feb 1920 6 Communal Problem 335. The Sanatan Amateur Dramatic Society Old Sukkur (Stages Drama) 01 Mar 1920 4 Drama & entertainment 336. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Ranchore Lines, Karachi 13 Mar 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 337. The Khilafat (Letter) 15 Mar 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 338. The Khilafat (Answer) 17 Mar 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 339. Hijirat (Editorial) 18 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 340. Hartal (Editorial) 18 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 341. Khilafat Agitations (Editorial) 25 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 342. Khilafat (letter) 25 Mar 1920 11 Khilafat Tahreek 343. Vadnaglara Nagar Mandal, Karachi 29 Mar 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 344. Sind Muslim League (Meeting) 05 Apr 1920 4 Sind Muslim League 345. Sind Provincial Conference 05 Apr 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 346. Sind Muslim League (Meeting) 06 Apr 1920 5 Sind Muslim League 347. Sind Provincial Conference 06 Apr 1920 9 Sind Provincial Conference 348. Sind Provincial Conference 08 Apr 1920 4 Sind Provincial Conference 349. N.W.R Strike 18 May 1920 5 Labour Union 350. N.W.R Strike 19 May 1920 5 Labour Union 351. Quotation (Hyderabad) 26 May 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 352. Hijirat 27 May 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 353. Muslims Loyalty (Letter by Mir Ayub) 17 Jun 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 354. City Association of Shikarpur (Election of Office Bearers) 22 Jun 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 355. Young Sikh Association, Karachi 02 Jul 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 356. Hijrat (Editorial) 03 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 357. Sind Emirgrants (Editorial) 12 Jul 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 358. Hijrat (Editorial) 14 Jul 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 359. Sindh Student meeting at Burns Garden. Ram B. Motwani in Chair, it is decided to participate in Politics 22 Jul 1920 5 Student Union 360. Sind Khilafat Conference 26 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 361. Sind Khilafat Conference 27 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 362. Dangerous Speeches (Press Note) 31 Jul 1920 7 Khilafat Tahreek 363. A Riotous Hartal 02 Aug 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 364. Consequences (Editorial) 02 Aug 1920 6 Against Al Waheed, Newspaper 365. Activities of “Frawely Comedy Company”, at Karachi 02 Jul 1920 5 Drama and Entertainment 366. A Riotous Hartal 2 Aug 1920 5 Non Co-operation movement 367. Non co-operation in practice 3 Aug 1920 5 Non Co-operation movement 368. Hartal in Sind 3 Aug 1920 9 Non Co-operation movement 369. Non Co-operation in Practice 03 Aug 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 370. Hartal in Sind 03 Aug 1920 9 Khilafat Tahreek 371. Non Co-operation Condemned at Larkana 12 Aug 1920 7 Against Khilafat Tahreek 372. Hyderabad’s Divided House 28 Aug 1920 7 Sind Provincial Conference 373. Sind Provincial Conference 31 Aug 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 374. Sind Provincial Conference 01 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 375. Sind Provincial Conference 02 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 376. Sind Provincial Conference 03 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 377. Sind Provincial Conference 04 Sep 1920 7 Sind Provincial Conference 378. Sind in Budget 10 Sep 1920 11 Bombay Legislative Council 379. Activities of “H.B. Waring’s Company”, at Karachi 29 Sept 1920 5 Drama and Entertainment 380. Bombay Legislative Council (Question & Answer) 05 Oct 1920 9 Bombay Legislative Council 381. Indian Legislative Council (Question by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto ) 06 Oct 1920 10 Indian Legislative Council & Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto 382. Non Co-operation (Letter by Burghri) 13 Oct 1920 4 Non- Co-operation Movement & G.M Burghri 383. Bombay Legislative Council (Question & Answer) 28 Oct 1920 4 Bombay Legislative Council 384. Shri Bandhu Mandal, Karachi 29 Oct 1920 7 NGOs and their activities 385. Labour in India 02 Nov 1920 6 Labour Union 386. Should Sind be Separated from Bombay Presidency (Letter by Weeb) 02 Nov 1920 8 Separation of Sindh 387. Non Co-operation at work 04 Nov 1920 5 Non- Co-operation Movement 388. Maratha Union, Karachi (7th Anniversary) 06 Nov 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 389. Bolshevism in India 09 Nov 1920 8 Communism 390. Mr. Weeb and Bombay Connection 09 Nov 1920 13 Separation of Sindh 391. Sind and Bombay (Letter by Weeb) 13 Nov 1920 7 Separation of Sindh 392. Shri Halai Lohana Mahajanwadi, Karachi 27 Nov 1920 7 NGOs and their activities 393. A Sind Union of progress Sind a Separate Province 13 Dec 1920 4 Separation of Sindh & The Sind Union of Progress 394. Bombay and progress of Sind 13 Dec 1920 6 Separation of Sindh 395. Meeting of Muhammandan 11 Jan 1921 5 Non- Co-operation Movement 396. AL Wahid Case (Judgment) 26 Jan 1921 5 About Al Wahid Newspaper 397. Women’s Indian Association, Karachi (Important meeting) 29 Jan 1921 7 Female Organizations 398. Legislative Council (List of Questions) 04 Feb 1921 5 Bombay Legislative Council 399. Legislative Council (List of Questions) 10 Feb 1921 5 Bombay Legislative Council 400. Province Legislative Council 08 Mar 1921 11-12 Bombay Legislative Council 401. Province Legislative Council 09 Mar 1921 10-11 Bombay Legislative Council 402. Province Legislative Council 12 Mar 1921 6 Bombay Legislative Council 403. Rioting in Karachi 22 Mar 1921 5 Political activities 404. False Charges Against Police 22 Mar 1921 6 Press Note in favour of Nawab Shah Police 405. Indian Legislative Council (Speech by Shahani) 23 Mar 1921 4 Indian Legislative Council 406. Sukkur “Excitement over Arrest” 31 Mar 1921 5 Political activities 407. Public Notices 05 Apr 1921 6 Political activities 408. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” Condemning Non-Co-operation Movement 26 Apr 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 409. Press Note Supporting action by Police at Sinjhoro. (Rejoinder to the Sindvasi Newspaper) 27 Apr 1921 6 Law and order Situation 410. Mr Gandhi in Karachi 27 Apr 1921 5 Gandhi on visit of Sindh 411. Translation of the Editorial of “Sindh Sudhar” (30-4-1921) on Gandhi and Sindh Politics 02 May 1921 5 Gandhi and Congress 412. Mr Gandhi in Sukkur 02 May 1921 5 Gandhi on visit of Sindh 413. Hyderabad District Conference 04 May 1921 4 Political activities & Hyderabad 414. Non –Co-operation in Sind (Editorial) 12 May 1921 6 Non-Co-operation Movement 415. Campaign against Non –Co-operation (Editorial) 24 May 1921 3 Non-Co-operation Movement 416. Campaign against Non –Co-operation (Editorial) 27 May 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 417. Translation of the Editorial of “Sindh Sudhar” (28-5-1921) opposing Non-Co-operation Movement 30 May 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 418. Working for Swaraj Anti-Non-Co-operative meeting at Dharki 14 Jun 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement & Aman Sabha 419. To Combat Non-Co-operation 15 Jun 1921 5 Aman Sabha 420. Anti-Non-Co-operation meeting @ Sukkur 16 Jun 1921 5 Aman Sabha 421. To Combat Non-Co-operation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Aman Sabha 422. Mr Gandhi’s expectation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Gandhi on Non- Co-Operation 423. Sind Muhammandan & Non Co-operation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Aman Sabha 424. Against -Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Bathora 02 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 425. Against -Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Manjhand 05 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 426. Khilafatists in Karachi 06 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 427. Khilafat Conference Opening Session at Karachi 09 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 428. Khilafat Conference Opening Session at Karachi 10 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 429. “Hyderabad” Moderates State their case 18 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 430. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Larkana 25 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 431. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Badin 25 Jul 1921 10 Aman Sabha 432. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Mirpurkhas 01 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 433. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Dighri 05 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 434. Hyderabad District Aman Sbha Meeting 05 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 435. Hyderabad District Aman Sbha Meeting 08 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 436. A meeting of the League of Peace at Keti Bander 08 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 437. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 09 Aug 1921 4 Bombay Legislative Council 438. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 10 Aug 1921 4 Bombay Legislative Council 439. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Mithi 16 Aug 1921 10 Aman Sabha 440. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting by Thatta Zamindars 16 Aug 1921 10 Aman Sabha 441. Shikarpur Combating Non-Co-operation 18 Aug 1921 9 Aman Sabha 442. Sind Matters in the Assembly 20 Sept 1921 9 Bombay Legislative Council 443. Israelite Union, Karachi (Opening Ceremony of “ Nathan Abraham Hall") 20 Sep 1921 5 Israelite Activities 444. Prof Shahani asks questions 23 Sept 1921 11 Bombay Legislative Council 445. Trail of Ali Brothers 26 Sept 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 446. Trail of Ali Brothers 27 Sept 1921 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 447. Local Questions in House 27 Sept 1921 8 Indian Legislative Council 448. Case against Ali Brothers 28 Sept 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 449. Case against Ali Brothers 29 Sept 1921 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 450. Case against Ali Brothers 30 Sept 1921 4 Khilafat Tahreek 451. A meeting of the Sind Swaraj Society, Hyderabad 30 Nov 1922 7 The Sindh Swaraj Party 452. Pirs of Hyderabad (Loyalty) 05 Jan 1922 11 Aman Sabha 453. The Parsi Patients Relief Society, Karachi. 20 Jan 1922 5 NGOs and their activities 454. The Sadar Bazar Reading Room & Library, Karachi. 28 Jan 1922 7 Libraries 455. Activities of the “Social Service League”, Karachi 21 Mar 1922 5 NGOs and their activities 456. Future of Sindhi Literature 18 Apr 1922 5 Literary activities 457. Congress activities in Sukkur 22 Apr 1922 6 Congress 458. Bombay Labral Conference (Speech of Ghulam Hussain) 18 May 1922 11 Sir Ghulam Hussain Hiddayatullah 459. India Today 24 May 1922 11 Overall Situation in India 460. Educational (Editorial) 28 Jun 1922 6 Education 461. First day of Khilafat Conference 08 Jul 1922 11-12 Khilafat Tahreek 462. First day of Khilafat Conference 10 Jul 1922 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 463. Khilafat Conference Leaders in Karachi 10 Jul 1922 5 Khilafat Tahreek 464. Future of Sind (Letter) 11 Jul 1922 5 Khilafat Tahreek 465. Hartal Re-Called (Editorial) 12 Jul 1922 6 Political activities 466. Is Sind neglected? (Letter) 24 Jul 1922 4 Separation of Sindh 467. The Sindhu Sanskrit Uttejak Mandal , its library & Reading Room, Karachi. 11 July 1922 5 NGOs and their activities & Language and Literature & Libraries 468. Bombay Council (GH Kasim asks questions) 03 Aug 1922 11 Bombay Legislative Council 469. Hindu Town Peoples’s Association and its Library & Reading Room, Karachi 8 August 1922 4 NGOs and their activities & Libraries 470. View of Khilafat (Editorial) 01 Sep 1922 6 Khilafat Tahreek 471. Bombay Council (Questions & Answers) 11 Oct 1922 4 Bombay Legislative Council 472. Bombay India Council (Questions & Answers) 13 Oct 1922 13 Bombay Legislative Council 473. Bombay India Council (Questions & Answers) 23 Oct 1922 6 Bombay Legislative Council 474. The Sind League of Progress 23 Oct 1922 7 Political Parties & Pressure Groups 475. The Kandiaro affairs (Press Note) 28 Nov 1922 9 Political activities 476. Khoobchand Jethmal Chainani retires as Head Master of High School 27 Dec 1922 5 Biography 477. The Need of the Hour (letter by G.M Burghri) 24 Jan 1923 8 G.M Burghri 478. Sindhi women & politics- Dr. G.T. Wrench advises them to refrain fom Politics, delivers lecture 16 Feb 1923 5 Sindh Politics 479. Bombay Legislative Council 16 Mar 1923 5 Bombay Legislative Council 480. Formation of Shudhi Sabha at Karachi 19 Mar 1923 5 Communal Problem 481. Shudhi Sabha Meeting at Karachi 21 Mar 1923 5 Communal Problem 482. Hindu - Muslim Differences. Initiative of GM Burgri 10 Apr 1923 8 Communal Problem & G.M Burgri 483. Last Night’s Public Meeting 27 Apr 1923 9-10 Sind Politics 484. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 15 Jun 1923 9 Bombay Legislative Council 485. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 16 Jun 1923 6 Bombay Legislative Council 486. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 09 Aug 1923 11 Bombay Legislative Council 487. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 10 Aug 1923 10 Bombay Legislative Council 488. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 13 Aug 1923 11 Bombay Legislative Council 489. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 15 Aug 1923 4 Bombay Legislative Council 490. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 17 Aug 1923 10 Bombay Legislative Council 491. Mohammandan Education in Sind 03 Nov 1923 7 Letter by Mir Ayub 492. Angora and the Caliphate 24 Jan 1924 11 Khilafat Tahreek 493. The Sindh League of Progress 26 Jan 1924 7 Political Parties & Pressure Groups 494. Opening of Theosophical lodge , at Karachi 04 Feb 1924 9 Theosophy 495. Khilafat Issue (Editorial) 09 Feb 1924 9 Khilafat Tahreek 496. The schedule of “The National Baby Weak” to be celebrated in Karachi. 12 Feb 1924 5 Misc. Events 497. The Khilafat Abolished (Editorial) 04 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 498. Sind’s 3 Lac Rupees (Editorial) 05 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 499. Shoukat Ali in Karachi 05 Mar 1924 10 Khilafat Tahreek 500. Mr Shoukat Ali 06 Mar 1924 5 Khilafat Tahreek 501. A poor opinion of Sind (Editorial) 07 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 502. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 12 Mar 1924 11 Bombay Legislative Council 503. The Cooperative Movement in Sind. (Its History & Progress) 14 March 1924 7 Cooperative Society (Official NGO) 504. Agriculture & Irrigation in Sind 17 March 1924 11 Agriculture 505. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 15 Mar 1924 16 Bombay Legislative Council 506. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 21 Mar 1924 21 Bombay Legislative Council 507. The Lord Barrage 29 Mar 1924 10 English Poetry on the topic of the Lord Barrage 508. The Sindh Ladies Association for Literature is formed at Sukkur. 04 April 1924 13 Women Literature 509. The Sindh Ladies Association for Literature formed at Sukkur faces criticism 22 April 1924 6 Women Literature 510. The Local Adult Education Movement, Karachi starts classes in the Theosophical Hall. 29 April 1924 5 Education & NGOs and their activities 511. Indian Muslims and The Khilafat Tahreek 27 May 1924 3-4 Khilafat Tahreek 512. The “ Dayanand A.V.School”, Karachi 8 June 1924 8 Education 513. Honorary Magistrates in Sind 18 Aug 1924 12 The Bombay Legislative Council 514. The 12th Anniversary of the “Hindi Sahitya Bhavan”, Karachi 1st Sept 1924 5 Language & Literature 515. Larkana District Mohammdan Association presents Address to the Governor 15 Dec 1924 13-14 Governor’s visit 516. Sind Mohammadan Education Conference held at Hyderabad 17 Dec 1924 7 Muslim Education 517. Sind Mohammadan Education Conference held at Hyderabad 18 Dec 1924 11 Muslim Education 518. Khilafat Conference 26 Dec 1924 13 Khilafat Tahreek 519. Khilafat Conference 29 Dec 1924 4 Khilafat Tahreek 520. Prize Day at Sind Maddressah, Karachi 09 Mar 1925 5-6 Sind Maddressah-tul-Islam, Karachi 521. Sind Mohammadan at Home 07 Dec 1925 5 Sir Ghulam Hussain Hiddayat Ullah 522. Madrasi Association, Karachi 13 Jul 1926 7 NOGs and their activities 523. Dayaram Jethanand Khilnani Library, Karachi 02 Aug 1926 5 Libraries 524. Coronation College Students’ Association, Karachi 05 Aug 1926 7 Student Union 525. The Burns Garden Reading Room and Library, Karachi. 6 Jan 1927 7 Libraries 526. Old Sukkur Library 7 Jan 1927 5 Libraries 527. R.G.Mohatta Hindu Gymkhana, Karachi 7 Jan 1927 5 Gymkhana 528. Election of Office Bearers of Shudhi Sabha at Karachi 19 Jan 1927 7 Communal Problem 529. The Lakhpatrai D.A.V School, Karachi 22 Jan 1927 11 Education 530. The Lohana Technical Institute, Karachi 3 Feb 1927 9 Education 531. The Parsi Virbaiji School Old Boys’ Union 3 Feb 1927 9 Students’ Union 532. The Sindh Collegiate Old Boys’ Union 4 Feb 1927 7 Students’ Union 533. The Memon Free Reading Room & Library, Somarset Street, Karachi. 16 April 1927 11 Libraries 534. The Schedule of the opening ceremony (on 6.5.1927) of the Karachi Muslim Gymkhana, at Karachi. 29 April 1927 7 Gymkhana 535. The Karachi Muslim Gymkhana, Karachi 07 May 1927 17 Gymkhana 536. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address of Bhutto) 10 Jun 1927 5 Sindh Mohammadan Association & Simon Commission 537. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address by Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto Bhutto) 10 Jun 1927 12 Sind Mohammadan Association & Simon Commission & Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto 538. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address to Governor) 31 Oct 1927 12 Sind Mohammadan Association 539. Sind Mohammadan Association 10 Jan 1928 11-12 Sind Mohammadan Association 540. Sind Mohammadan Association 13 Feb 1928 17-18 Sind Mohammadan Association 541. Sind Mohammadan Association 16 Feb 1928 4 Sind Mohammadan Association 542. The Hindu Mahasbha disapproves Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency 10 Apr 1928 10 Hindu Mahasbha & Separation of Sindh 543. Sind Hundu – Muslims Pact 18 Jun 1928 5 Communal Problem 544. Sind Mohammadan Political Conference 18 Jun 1928 5 Muslim Politics 545. Sind Mohammadan Association 30 Jun 1928 17 Sind Mohammadan Association 546. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” (2 July 1928) criticizing “ Sindh Hindu Muslim Pact.” 04 Jul 1928 5 Communal Problem 547. Sind Mohammadans and Simon Commission 07 Jul 1928 3-4 Simon Commission 548. Sind Mulsim Political Conference 07 Jul 1928 7 Muslim Politics 549. Conference of Sind Muslims 09 Jul 1928 4 Muslim Politics 550. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” (20-10-1928) on the topic of “Simon Commission”, advising people not to bycott 24 Oct 1928 5 Simon Commission 551. European Association: Memorandum to the Simon Commission 12 Oct 1928 12 Simon Commission 552. Sind Hindu Association (Address to Governor) 31 Oct 1928 7-8 Sindh Hindu Association 553. Sind Hindu Association (Address to Simon Commission) 12 Nov 1928 3,4 17, 18 Sindh Hindu Association & Simon Commission 554. Simon Commission in Karachi 12 Nov 1928 13 Simon Commission 555. Simon Commission and Sind Mohammadan Association 12 Nov 1928 13 Sindh Hindu Association & Simon Commission 556. Simon Commission in Karachi 14 Nov 1928 7,8,13 Simon Commission 557. Simon Commission in Karachi 15 Nov 1928 12 Simon Commission 558. The Sind League of Progress 22 Feb 1930 9 Parties & Pressure Groups 559. The Sind League of Progress 12 Apr 1932 6 Parties & Pressure Groups 560. The death of Chelaram Bajaj of Shikarpur 25 Oct 1933 5 Biography The Currency League of India 29 Nov 1933 5 Finance 561. Luknow all Parities Muslims Conference 19 Dec 1933 7 Separation of Sindh 562. Sind Hindus Protest against Separation of Sindh 02 Apr 1934 7-8 Separation of Sindh 563. Sind Hindus Protest against Separation of Sindh (Editorial) 03 Apr 1934 6 Separation of Sindh 564. Sind Hindu Sabha on Separation issue 10 Jul 1934 7-8 Separation of Sindh 565. Anti Retort to Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah 07 Aug 1934 3,9 Separation of Sindh 566. To the Assembly Members of Sind 10 Nov 1934 6 Sindh Hindu Sabha 567. Joint Select Committee Report 27 Nov 1934 1 Separation of Sindh 568. The Death of Mukhi Esardas Jethanandani, on 28.1.1935 29 Jan 1935 3 Biography 569. The Death of K.B. Pir Bux Bhutto of Sukkur, on 25.1.1935 29 Jan 1935 Biography 570. The Life sketch of K.B.Pir Bux Bhutto of Sukkur 02 March 1935 13 Biography 571. The Death of Rijhomal Uttamsing Lalwani 03 May 1935 4 Biography 572. N.J.U High School Magzine (Critical appreciation) 23 Mar 1935 14 Education 573. The Khaksar Tahrik in Sindh 21 Jun 1935 5 Khaksar Tahriq 574. Election of the “ Young Amils Association”, Karachi 01 Jul 1935 4 NGOs and their activities 575. The Death of P.G.Thomas, President of the “Sindh Chritians’ Association”, on 8.7.1935 09 July 1935 4 Biography 576. Editorial on Sindh Politics 30 Oct 1936 2 Sindhi Muslims’ Politics 577. Rashtra Basha Parchar Samitti, Karachi 04 May 1946 2 Language and Literature 578. Sind Compounders’ Association, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 Employees’ Association 579. Agra Oudh Prantiya Sabha, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 NGOs and their activities 580. The Sind Historical Society, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 History and Research 581. The Karachi Sanskrit Association, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 Language and Literature 582. The Young Chhaproo Mitra Mandal (Formed in 1914), Karachi 09May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 583. The Shri Chhaproo Punchvaran Sudhar Sabha, Karachi. 09 May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 584. The Aligarah Old Boys’ Association, Sindh at Karachi 09 May 1946 6 Students Union 585. The Shikarpuri Shewa Mandli is opened 11 May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 586. The Sikh Educational Society, Karachi. 12 May 1945 2 Education & Sikh Community 587. The Shree Derawal Panchayat, Karachi. 23 May 1946 2 NGOs and their activities 588. The Sind Provincial Clerks’ Union, Karachi. 05 June 1946 8 Employees Union 589. The Tharoshah Association, Karachi. 18 June 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 590. The Sahtiniwasis’ Association, Karachi 18 June 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 591. Annual General Meeting of the “ Shri Saraswat Samaj”, Karachi 27 Jun 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 592. R.D. Youth Lodge, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Theosophy 593. Dawood Bohra Students’ Union, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Students’ Union 594. Jamshed Nagar Lodge, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Theosophy 595. The Kerala Smaj, Karachi 05 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 596. Dakshini Brahmin Sabha, Karachi 05 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 597. New Town Hindu Panchayat, Karachi 06 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 598. Hassan Ali Abdul Rahman speaks about unrest in Sindh Madressah, Karachi. 15 July 1947 6 Sindh Madressah 599. Rukmi Devi Youth Lodge, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 Theosophy 600. Maharashtra Mitra Mandal, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 NGOs and their activities 601. Sahiti Panchayat, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 NGOs and their activities AN INDEX OF MY READING OF THE DAILY GAZETTE, KARACHI (Work done upto 23/12/2018. yet to be completed within one month) BY DR. DUR MUHAMMAD PATHAN in 1883, Colonel Corey severed his relations with the Lahore office and carried on the Karachi paper under the title of the Sind Gazette. It was converted into a daily in 1904. In 1915, the paper’s title was changed to the Daily Gazette and it first appeared with this name on July 1 of that year. The Daily Gazette was available in the library of Pakistan Archives, situated at regal Chowk, Karachi. I was lecturer in the Arts & Commerce College and was busy in collecting material for my Ph.D task. After college duty, I used to visit this library to go through pages of the Daily Gazette to get information on the Social, Political, Literary activities in Sindh during British Period. I got handsome material from the Paper. English Poetry collected from the Daily Gazette, besides other sources has been compiled by me and it has been published on my website under the title “ENGLISH POETRY OF SINDH”. As the Photo Stat facility was not available, hence, apart from taking NOTES, I noted very important material related to the history of Sindh so as to keep record with me and share with Researchers and Scholars. Here is the index of that material. The major topics those invited my attention are: Action taken by Government against political parties and leaders, Aman Shabh-Pro-Government Political Organization, Bolshevism in India with reference to Sindh, Bombay Council with reference to Sindh affairs, Cases against Sindh Press, Congress, Constitutional Reforms, Education for Upper Class Sindhi Muslims’ Children, European Education in Sindh, Hindu Sindh Loyalty with Government, Home Rule League, Indian Legislative Council with reference to Sindh Affairs, Khilafat Tahreek, Labour affairs, Law & Order Situation, Material on Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhugri, Material on various political leaders, Migration of Sindhis to Afghanistan during Hijrat Movement, Sindh Muslim League, Muslim Loyalty with Government, Rasai & Lapo menace, NGOs of Sindh, Non-Cooperation Movements, Rowlat Bill, Self-Government, Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency, Simon Commission, Sindh Muhammadan Association, Sindhi Muslim-Hindu Relations, Sind Press, Sindh Provincial Conferences held in various District Headquarters of Sindh, Sindh Union of Progress, Sindh Zamindars’ Association, Sukkur Barrage Project, Visits of Bombay Governors, Visit of Sindh by various Political leaders of All-India level, Various Political Parties and Pressure Groups (total number is 45). These are some topics those were read and noted by me and you will find more details in the INDEX given bellow:- S/No Title/Topic Date Page Remarks 1. The Sind irrigation Revenue Report for 1882-83 ( It was First Phase of the paper when it was known as The Sind Gazette) 23 March 1884 5 The Report of the Irrigation 2. “ The Sind Mission” (Article) – The Sind Gazette 29 March 1884 5 The Christianity in Sindh 3. Dramatic Club of the Glo’ster Regiment, Karachi. 5 June 1884 6 Drama & Entertainment 4. Nowrojee, Propritor of the “Parsee Theatre”, Bunder Road , Karachi is convicted and fined for assaulting one of his Actresses-Suckina. 27 Jan 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment & Women-Folk 5. The schedule of Dramas to be staged by the Parsee Theatre. On 30.1.1885= “Sindbad The Sailor” and “ Checkmate”, on 31.1.1885= “ Lady Audley’s Secret” and “ The Daughter of Regiment”. 30 Jan 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment 6. A dramatic entertainment by the “Amateurs’ of Karachi” @ Frere Hall, Karachi 10 Feb 1885 7 Drama & Entertainment 7. Rochiram Gajumal , Assistant Sindhi Translator 22 May 1896 Biography Role of the “ Sindh Sudhar”-First & oldest Sindhi Paper 22 Sept 1896 Journalism 8. A dramatic entertainment by “Every Body’s Friend,” at Frere Hall, Karachi 10 Feb 1885 7 Drama & Entertainment 9. Drama : “ Bitter Cold, “ by Battalion Worcestershire Regiment Dramatic Club, at Karachi 15 Dec 1885 6 Drama & Entertainment 10. The Young Women’s Christian Association, Karachi 12 March 1907 5 NGOs and their activities 11. Sind and Bombay Council ( It is about the candidature of S.C. Shahani). 29 March 1907 3 Bombay Legislative Council 12. The Concert and entertainment by S.W Borders Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Karachi 26 Mar 1907 7 Drama & Entertainment 13. The Death news about Kundanmal Manghirsing Lalwani 06 July 1909 5 Biography 14. The D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society, Karachi announces schedule of Lecture Programs for the month of August 1909. 03 August1909 5 D.J.College Literary & Debating Society 15. The Sanatan Dharma Sabha, (Lidbitter Road, Garden Quarters), Karachi , to arrange Series of lectures to be delivered by Shri Swami Hansaswaroopji. 5 August 1909 5 Sanatan Dharma Sabha 16. PLEADERS’ SANAD- Representation to Government by Sindh Hindu Sabha. 7 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 17. “Pleaders’ Sanads”, Sindh Hindu Sabha Writes to the Bombay Governor 27 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha & Communal Problem 18. Mohamedans on the Councils 28 Sept 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha & Communal Problem 19. The Hindu Sabha’s Protest. (Letter to Editor) 06 Oct 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 20. The Hindu Sabha’s Protest (Rejoinder to letter published on 6.10.1909 07 Oct 1909 4 Sindh Hindu Sabha 21. Drama : “Amasis, “ by Karachi Amateur Dramatic Club at Frere Hall, Karachi 14 Oct 1909 5 Drama & Entertainment 22. Concert by Parsi Institute in aid of Parsi Maternity Home, Karachi 9 Oct 1909 5 Drama & Entertainment 23. The Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanik, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 23 Nov 1909 5 Sikhs 24. About the “Parsi Alfered Theatre”, Karachi 23 July 1910 5 Drama and Entertainment 25. The Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Harkishin Rai, the 8th Guru to be celebrated tomorrow, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 29 July 1910 5 Sikhs 26. Land Trade of Sind and Balochistan 5 Aug 1910 4 Trade & Commerce 27. The Islam Club, Karachi, arranges dinner in the honour of Mir Allah Bux Talpur, Rais G.M.Bhugree and K.B.Syed Allahando Shah. 9 August 1910 5 Club 28. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Man visible and invisible” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 13 August 1910 5 Theosophy 29. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Coming Change” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 22 August 1910 5 Theosophy 30. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Coming Change” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 23 August 1910 5 Theosophy 31. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Value and training of emotions” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi. 24 August 1910 5 Theosophy 32. Miss K. Browning, Branch Inspector of the Indian Chapter of the Theosophical Society to visit Hyderabad, Sindh 25 August 1910 5 Theosophy 33. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Pioneers of Theosophical Society” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi 26 August 1910 5 Theosophy 34. Miss K. Browning of Australia to deliver lecture on the topic of “ Races of Mankind” under the auspicious of the Theosophical Society, Karachi 30 August 1910 5 Theosophy 35. Location of the Sind Madressah (Editorial) 31 Aug 1910 4 Sind Madressah 36. The Guru Granth Sahib Day to be observed on 4.9.1910, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 02 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 37. Location of the Sind Madressah (Letter to Editor) 12 Sept 1910 4 Sind Madressah 38. The Anniversary of Guru Ramdas, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 19 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 39. The Function in memory of the Second Guru, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 20 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 40. The Death Anniversary of Guru Nanik Dev, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi 27 Sept 1910 5 Sikhs 41. Sind Madressah 10 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 42. Removal of Sind Madressah 10 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 43. About the “Hassanali Theatre”, Karachi 11 Oct 1910 Drama and Entertainment 44. The Birth Anniversary of the Fourtg Guru-Guru Ramdas, by The Gur Singh Sabha, Karachi 19 Oct 1910 5 Sikhs 45. Local Trade with Persia (Editorial) 21 Oct 1910 4 Trade & Commerce 46. Sind Madressah 21 Oct 1910 4 Sind Madressah 47. The Death Anniversary of Guru Herkishin, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 25 Oct 1910 5 Sikhs 48. The Installation Anniversary of Guru Granth Sahib, by the Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 02 Nov 1910 5 Sikhs 49. Guru Gobin Singh Day to be celebrated on 7.11.1910, by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi. 04 Nov 1910 5 Sikhs 50. Prize Distribution in the Sahta Sudhar Kanya Shala, Karachi. 18 Jan 1912 5 NGOs and their activities. 51. “Tribune” of Lahore on Sind Separation 19 Jan 1912 4 Separation of Sindh 52. The Karachi Amateur Dramatic Club to stage drama “ Facing the Music” at York & Lanes Regimental Theatre, Karachi 19 Jan 1912 5 Drama and Entertainment 53. The editorial of the “Tribune” of Lahore about Sind Separation issue under title: No opening for Sindis in Bombay,” 19 Jan 1912 4 Separation of Sindh 54. The editorial of the “Civil & Military Gazette”, under title: “why Sind must be separated from Bombay.” 19 Jan 1912 5 Separation of Sindh 55. The number of Girls students studying in Kanya Shala of the Sahta Sudhar , Karachi is 137. Report issued. 23 Ian 1912 5 NGOs and their activities. 56. The Birth Anniversary of Guru Herraj, 7th Guru to be celebrated by The Guru Singh Sabha, Karachi on 1.2.1912. 30 Jan 1912 5 Sikhs 57. The Young Sindhis Association”, Karachi, to stage Drama “ Sati Sushila”, tomorrow, at Karachi 01 March 1912 5 Drama and Entertainment 58. Hindus and Mohammadans (Editorial) 18 Apr 1912 4 Communal problem 59. The Besakhi Festival at Karachi, organized on 13.4.1912 18 April 1912 5 Festivals 60. European Education in Karachi 02 May 1912 5 European Education 61. The debate on “ Cremation , or burial of the dead” between Muhammadan and Christian gentlemen is closed. It was arranged by the “ Arya Young Men’s Association” of Karachi. 02 May 1912 5 Arya Samaj & Communal Problem 62. Meeting of the “Anjuman Mualmul – Sharah” held at Hyderabad 04 May 1912 5 Muslim Support Secular Education in Sindh 63. The Anjuman-e-Zia-ul-Islam, Karachi decides not to participate in Religious discussions with Arya Samajists, more. 04 May 1912 5 Communal Problem 64. “The Times” on Karachi 13 May 1912 4 Karachi 65. Sind Land Lords and Mr Burgari’s Bill 14 May 1912 5 GM Burgari on Education 66. Sind Zamindars and Mr Burgari Cess Bill 22 May 1912 4-5 GM Burgari on Education 67. Sind Zamindars Association (letter to Editor) 24 May 1912 5 Politics of Upper class 68. Sind Zamindars & Cess Bill (letter to Editor) 28 May 1912 8 GM Burgari 69. Miss Sushila Khilnani Second daughter of Chatomal –gran daughter of Kauromal Chandanmal Khilnani is first Sindhi Girl to get the First Division in Matriculation Examination passed from the Calcutta University. 28 May 1912 8 Biography 70. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about insufficient facilities for passengers at Ruk Railway Station. 28 May 1912 5 Journalism 71. Sind Zamindars Association (letter to Editor) 29 May 1912 8 Politics of Upper class 72. The Dinner Party in honour of Mian Muhammad Ibrahim on his appointment as Vazir of Khairpur, by The Muhammadan Club, Karachi. 03 June 1912 8 Club 73. The Islam Club, Karachi to arrange Dinner. 4 June 1912 8 Club 74. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about deteriorating situation of Agriculture in Sindh. 11 June 1912 7 Journalism 75. Muhammadan Club of Karachi demands for half-fare concession for Ajmir Pilgrims. 11 June 912 8 Club 76. The Traffic Superintendent of the N.W.Railways regrets to allow Half-Concession in fare for Ajmir visitors. 12 June 1912 8 Club 77. 19th Annual meeting of Parsi Institute, Karachi 18 Jun 1912 8 NGOs and their activities 78. In Justice to Sind (Editorial) 21 Jun 1912 6 Grievances of Sind 79. Mr Burgari’s Cess Bill 25 Jun 1912 8 GM Burgari on Education 80. Opposition from Larkana 25 Jun 1912 8 Against Burgari’s Cess Bill 81. Selection from “ The Al-Haq” Sindhi Newspaper. It is about monopoly of Hindus In the Hyderabad Municipality. 26 June 1912 8 Journalism & Communal Problem. 82. Opposition from Larkana (Editorial) 27 Jun 1912 8 About Burgari’s Cess Bill 83. The Price List of essential commodities. Chicken Eggs are one Dozen in 06 Annas & 07 Paiees. 25 Oct 1912 9 Prices of commodities 84. The Mella of Mahashivratri at Clifton, Karachi 19 Feb 1914 8 Hindu Religion 85. Drama : “Aaluddin, “ by Lancashire Fusilier’s Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Regimental Theater, Napier Barracks, Karachi 19 Feb 1914 8 Drama & Entertainment 86. The Bandhu Mandal, Karachi celebrates its 4th Anniversary. 4 March 1914 NGOs and their activities 87. Activity schedule of The Sindh Madressah Old Boys’ Debating Society for April & May 1st April 1914 8 Sindh Maressah-tul-Islam 88. The Muslim Marwari Silawat Jamait of Jesalmir, Karachi. 24 April 1914 NGOs and their activities. 89. Drama : “Aaluddin, “ by Lancashire Fusilier’s Regimental Amateur Dramatic Club at Frere Hall, Karachi 7 Mar 1914 8 Drama & Entertainment 90. Moulvi Abdul Karim Dars delivers speech . Function is arranged by “ Anjuman Guldastai Ghous”, Karachi 15 May 1914 Muslim Religious Organizations. 91. Lecture by Shriman Pandit Shridharji Sharma of Lahore, delivered at Jethanand Dharamdas Sanatan Dharam Sabha Lecture Hall, Karachi 30 May 1914 8 Hindu Religion 92. Anjuman-i-Mussalahat, Karachi 11 Jun 1914 8 NGOs and their activities 93. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by M.R. Shirazi) 11 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 94. The Arya Samaj announces schedule of lectures to be delivered by Shriman Mahatma Munshirramji, Governor of the Guru Kula Kangri, Hardwar. 13 June 1914 8 Arya Samaj 95. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by F.B. Limki on the topic of “Zarathushtra”) 18 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 96. The Theosophical Society, Karachi. (Lecture by M.R. Shirazi) 25 Jun 1914 8 Theosophy 97. Meeting of the “Sanatan Dharam Mandal”, Karachi 24 Jun 1914 8 Hindu Religion 98. Dakshini Brahmin Sabha Hall, Barners Street, Karachi 05 Jul 1914 2 Hall 99. Bombay Governor Replies to the Address given by the Sind Mohammadan Association 06 Jan 1916 10-11 Sindh Mohammadan Association 100. Lord and Lady Willingdon’s visit to Sind 10 Jan 1916 8 Visit by Governor 101. Sind Mohammadan’s and Communal Representation 11 Jan 1916 4 Communal Problem and Sind Mohammadan Association 102. Editorial of Al-Haq of Sukkur 12 Jan 1916 5 Communal Problem 103. Editorial of Al-Haq of Sukkur 13 Jan 1916 4 Communal Problem 104. Sindhis at the Congress 15th Jan 1916 8 Congress 105. The Preem Mandli of Karachi (Faiz Hussaini Building, Bandar Road) to arrange the lecture program in which Bhagat Naromal of Manjhand will give discourse on Shewa. 21 Jan 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 106. Sind in the future 03 Feb 1916 9 Sind Politics 107. Mr. Bhurgri to contest for the Bombay Legislative Council, meeting is held at Khairpur (Mirs). 14 Feb 1916 5 Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhugri & Bombay Legislative Council. 108. Anjuman Ashraf-ul-Islam, Karachi 15 Feb 1916 4 Muslim Religious Organizations 109. Lecture by Dr. 😭. Shahani on the topic of “Domestic and Personal Hygiene”, organized by the “ Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal” Ranchore, Karachi 11 Feb 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 110. Sindh Zamindars meet at the Homlstead Hall, Hyderabad. 25 March 1916 4 Sindh Zamindars 111. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 28 Feb 1916 5 Gandhi & Congress 112. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 01 Mar 1916 8 Gandhi & Congress 113. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 2 Mar 1916 4-5 Gandhi & Congress 114. Mr Gandhi Visit to Sind 8 Mar 1916 4 Gandhi & Congress 115. A Sindhi as English Poet 8 Mar 1916 6 Mirza Qaleech Baig 116. Press Association 18 Mar 1916 6 Press 117. Sind Provincial Conference (Larkana) 23 Mar 1916 6 Sind Provincial Conference 118. Sind Provincial Conference 23 Mar 1916 8 Sind Provincial Conference 119. Sind Provincial Conference (Letter of D.P. Weeb) 24 Mar 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 120. Muslman Representation on Municipalities 17 Apr 1916 5 Municipalities & Communal Problems 121. Sind Provincial Conference 24 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 122. Sind Provincial Conference 25 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 123. Sind Provincial Conference 26 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 124. Sind Provincial Conference 27 Apr 1916 4-5 Sind Provincial Conference 125. Sind Zamindar Conference at Larkana 28 Apr 1916 5 Sind Zamindar’s Conference 126. Sind Provincial Conference 28 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 127. Sind Provincial Conference 29 Apr 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 128. Sind Provincial Conference 29 Apr 1916 10-11 Sind Provincial Conference 129. Sind Provincial Conference 04 May 1916 10 Sind Provincial Conference 130. Activities of “Hindu Shewak Mandal”, Karachi 04 May 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 131. London and Larkana (Editorial) 26 May 1916 12 About Larkana 132. Why I withdraw from the Contest (Shahani’s grievance) 27 May 1916 10 Personal Opinion of Shahani 133. Sind Gradate Association Karachi Aim & Objects 07 Jun 1916 10 NGOs and their activities 134. Autonomy for Sind 14 Jun 1916 9-10 Speeches 135. Hindu Shewak Mandal, Karachi (Lecture by Swami Devananda) 17 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 136. Young Men’s Association, Hyderabad. (Election of Office – Bearers) 20 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 137. Hindu Shewak Mandal, Karachi (1st Anniversary held at Khalikdina Hall) 29 Jun 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 138. Shri Bhandhu Ashrami, Karachi (Lecture by A.A. Jeejibhoy on the topic of “Commerce and its Science” 20 Oct 1916 5 NGOs and their activities 139. Political Activity in Sind 2 Nov 1916 4 Politics 140. Young man in politics (Letter & Its Answer) 7 Nov 1916 10 Politics 141. Political Activity in Sind (Letter) 9 Nov 1916 10 Politics 142. The details of collection of donation for “ Imperial Indian Relief Fund”, Karachi Branch. 9 Nov 1916 6 Donation for Government 143. The Election of Office-Bearers of the Arya Samaj, Karachi, is held. 17 Nov 1916 4 Arya Samaj 144. Sind in Bombay Council 27 Nov 1916 9 Bombay Council 145. E.M Pratt, Judicial Commissioner, delivers lecture on the topic of “The Ethics 0f War”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 28 Nov 1916 4 Literary activities 146. Lecture of Rev. Fr. Boswin on the topic of “The Nature of Beauty”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 15 Dec 1916 4 Literary activities 147. Lecture by Dr. J. Fitzgerald on the topic of “Young India”, organized by D.J. Sindh College, Library & Debating Society, at Karachi 15 Dec 1916 4 Literary activities 148. Sind in Bombay Council 27 Dec 1916 9 Bombay Council 149. The Preem Mandli of Karachi to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary, tomorrow. 30th Dec 1916 4 NGOs and their activities 150. Prize Distribution ceremony at “ Navalrai Balak Vidiyala”, School of Brahmo Smaj, Karachi. Seth Harchandrai will be in Chair. 1st March 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 151. Against indentured Labour (Meeting in Karachi) 03 Mar 1917 5 Labour union 152. Sind in Bombay Council 20 Mar 1917 4 Bombay Council 153. The Arya Samaj Mandal, Karachi to arrange lecture to be given by Tarachand Gajra 23 March 1917 5 Arya Samaj 154. Sind in the Bombay Council 20 Mar 1917 4 Bombay Council 155. Sind Provincial Conference 9 Apr 1917 4 Provincial Conference 156. Sind Provincial Conference 10 Apr 1917 8 Provincial Conference 157. Sind Provincial Conference 11 Apr 1917 4 Provincial Conference 158. Conference (Editorial) 14 Apr 1917 8 Provincial Conference 159. The Preem Mandli to arrange lecture tomorrow at New High School, Karachi. Lecture to be given by Dr. Coithram on the topic of “ The Shikarpur Sindh Provincial Conference’. 17 April 1917 5 Provincial Conference 160. Details of donation collected for Lady Dufferi Hospital, Karachi 17 April 1917 7 Donations for the Government 161. Un representation Conference : Letter 27 Apr 1917 10 Provincial Conference 162. Bombay Local Boards : Bill Karachi Congress Objects 8 May 1917 4 Column 163. Bombay Local Board’s Bills Karachi Congress objects 8th May 1917 4 Opinion of Congress party 164. A meeting of the “ D.J. Sindh College Amateur Dramatic Society” held at Hyderabad 29 May 1917 8 Drama, Entertainment & Culture 165. Karachi Protest 26 Jun 1917 4 Politics 166. Sind in the Bombay Council 31 Jul 1917 9 Bombay Council 167. Questions (Editorial) 31 Jul 1917 6 Bombay Council 168. Sind in the Bombay Council 01 Aug 1917 4 Bombay Council 169. The Shri Tarun Shubechhak Bandu Mandal, Karachi. (7th Anniversary) 11 August 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 170. The Home Rule League leader Jamshed Mehta is served notice by DSP. 17 August 1917 5 Sindh Home Rule League 171. Sind’s Champion Questions 21 Aug 1917 10 Bombay Council 172. Processions 23 Aug 1917 6 Political activities 173. Processions 23 Aug 1917 10 Law and order situation in Sind /Politics 174. Mr Lokomal explains about Home Rule 4th Sep 1917 4 Home Rule League 175. Mr Lokamal explains (Letter) 04 Sep 1917 4 Home Rule league 176. Sind in the Bombay Council 04 Sep 1917 10 Bombay Council 177. Home rule oratory (weebs replies 07 Sep 1917 4 Home Rule league 178. Home rule oratory 7th Sep 1917 4 Home Rule League 179. Primary Education in Bombay 10 Sep 1917 4 Bombay Council 180. The Shri Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal, Karachi. 29 Sept 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 181. Mussalmans and Home rule 13th Oct 1917 5 Home Rule League 182. The Arya Samaj, Karachi to celebrate 31st Anniversary. 18 Oct 1917 5 NGOs and their activities 183. Mussalmans and Home rule 19th Oct 1917 4 Home Rule League 184. Besantisam in Hyderabad (Editorial) 01 Oct 1917 6 Home Rule league 185. Mussalmans & Home Rule (Letter) 13 Oct 1917 5 Home Rule league 186. Mussalmans & Home Rule (Letter) 19 Oct 1917 4 Home Rule league 187. Sind Mohammandan Association Meeting (Letter) 24 Oct 1917 4 Sind Mohammandans Association 188. The Viceroy in Karachi (Memorandum presented) 30 Oct 1917 10 Sind Mohammandans Association 189. Viceroy in Karachi 31 Oct 1917 9-10 Visit 190. Muslims in Sind (Editorial) 2 Nov 1917 6 Position of Muslims 191. Sind Provisional Conference 5 Nov 1917 5 Provincial Conference 192. Sind Provisional Conference 5 Nov 1917 5 Provincial Conference 193. League or Conference (Editorial) 5 Nov 1917 6 Provincial Conference 194. Muslims in Sind 5 Nov 1917 6 Position of Muslims 195. Muslims in Sind (Letter) 5 Nov 1917 9 Position of Muslims 196. Sind Provisional Conference 6 Nov 1917 5 Sind Provisional Conference 197. Home Rule Arguments (Editorial) 7 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 198. Sind in Bombay Council 7 Nov 1917 8 Bombay Council 199. Muhammadans and Home Rule (Letter by Mir Ayub) 9 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 200. Home Rule Argument (Letter) 10 Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 201. A challenge to Mr Bhurgri (Letter) 20 Nov 1917 4 G.M Burgri 202. Mussalmans and Home rule 9th Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 203. Mohammandan and Home Rule 09 Nov 1917 4 About Mir Ayub & Home Rule League 204. Home rule Arrangements 10th Nov 1917 4 Home Rule League 205. The Muslim Reading Room & General Library, Gadikhata, Karachi. 4 Dec 1917 6 Libraries 206. Rasai and Cheer in Sind (by Bhurgri) 11 Dec 1917 4 G.M Burgri & Rasai and Cheer 207. Sind Politics (Editorial) 27 Dec 1917 4 Sind Politics 208. Sind Politics (Editorial) 28 Dec 1917 4 Sind Politics 209. Sind’s Grievances 28 Dec 1917 7 Sind Politics 210. Self – Government for India 15 Jan 1918 4 Politics 211. Sind Muhammadan Association and Mr Montagu 15 Jan 1918 7-8 Sind Muhammadon Association 212. Primary editorial (Bombay congress questions) 17 Jan 1918 7 Congress Party 213. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 30 Jan 1918 4 Home Rule League 214. Sind Muslims and Home rule 30 Jan 1918 4 Home Rule League 215. Rewachand Wasanmal Thadhani delivers lecture on the topic of “ Rural Economics”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 01 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 216. The Code of Ethics of inviting politicians and making political speeches” between the Principal of the D.J.College and Students is finalized and approved. 02 Feb 1918 4 Students’ Union 217. Abdul Ghani delivers lecture on the topic of “ Jehanger & Nurjehan”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 11 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 218. Abdul Rehman, Barrister delivers lecture on the topic of “ Landmarks in European Civilization ”. It is arranged by the “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 18 Feb 1918 3 The “ D.J.Sindh College Literary & Debating Society”. 219. Proposed Resolution of G.M Bhurgri on vernacular newspapers of Sindh, to be moved in the Bombay Council 26 Feb 1918 4 Journalism & G.M Bhurgri 220. Sind affairs in Bombay Council 20 Mar1918 10 Bombay Council 221. Home rules in Karachi 1st Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 222. Sind Congress 2nd Apr1918 6 Congress Party 223. Rasai System in Sind 5th Apr1918 6 Rasai & Lapo 224. Rasai System in Sind 5th Apr 1918 6 Rasai & Lapo 225. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting 16 Apr 1918 3 1st sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 226. Rasai System in Sind 16 Apr 1918 4 Rasai & Lapo Commision 227. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 17 Apr 1918 5 2nd sitting 228. Sind Provisional Conference 01 Apr 1918 4 Sind Provisional Conference 229. Home Rulers in Karachi 01 Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 230. Sind Congress 02 Apr 1918 6 Congress 231. Sind Provisional Conference 02 Apr 1918 10 Sind Provisional Conference 232. Sind Provisional Conference (Text of Resolutions) 03 Apr 1918 9 Sind Provisional Conference 233. Rasai System in Sind (Editorial) 05 Apr 1918 6 Rasai System 234. Rasai System in Sind (Editorial) 10 Apr 1918 6 Rasai System 235. Rasai System in Sind – Committee 1st Sitting 16 Apr 1918 3 Rasai System 236. Rasai System in Sind – Editorial 16 Apr 1918 4 Rasai System 237. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 17 Apr 1918 4 Home Rule League 238. Sind Muslims and Home Rule 17tApr 1918 4 Home Rule League 239. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 18 Apr918 7 3rd sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 240. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 19 Apr 1918 6 4th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 241. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 20 Apr 1918 5 5th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 242. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Sukkur) 22 Apr 1918 4 6th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 243. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 24 Apr 1918 3 7th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 244. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 25 Apr 1918 5 8th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 245. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting (Larkana) 26 Apr 1918 3 9th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 246. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Larkana 27 Apr 1918 5 10th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 247. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 1 May 1918 5 11th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 248. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 2 May 1918 5 12th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 249. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 4 May 1918 5 13th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 250. Rasai System in Sind – Committee’s sitting at Hyderabad 6 May 1918 4 14th sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 251. Lapo in Sind 6 May 1918 6 Lapo & Rasai 252. Rasai Committee’s sitting 7 May 1918 3 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 253. Rasai Committee’s sitting 7 May 1918 4 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 254. Rasai Committee’s sitting 8 May 1918 4 Sitting of Rasai & Lapo Commission 255. Lapo in Sind letter 8 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 256. Rasai System in Sind 9 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 257. Rasai System in Sind 10 May 1918 10 Lapo & Rasai 258. Rent Bills in Bombay 15 May 1918 10 Bombay Council 259. Sind Newsp apers (Editorial) 16 May 1918 6 Sindh Press 260. Sind Newspapers in Bombay Council 16 May 1918 9 Bombay Council 261. Rasai System in Sind 21 May 1918 8 Lapo & Rasai 262. Vadnagara Nagar Mandal, Karachi 08 Jul 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 263. Newspapers in Sind 05 Aug 1918 6 Bombay Council 264. Sind Provisional Conference 12 Aug 1918 4-6 Sind Provisional Conference 265. Sind Mohammandan & Indian Reform 31 Oct 1918 10-11 Sind Mohammandan Association 266. Hindu Town People’s Association, Karachi 16 Oct 1918 3 NGOs and their activities 267. Shikarpuri Panchayat, Karachi 21 Oct 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 268. Shri Gnanodaya Mitra Mandal, Karachi 30 Nov 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 269. Audichya Braham Smaj, Karachi 28 Dec 1918 5 NGOs and their activities 270. Shri Bandhu Mandal, Karachi (9th Anniversary) 22 Jan 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 271. Sind a separate province (Sind Mohammandan Association) 23 Jan 1919 9 Sind Mohammandan Association 272. Sind Mohammandan Association (Address to Governor- Sir George Ambrose Lloyd) 10 Feb 1919 13-14 Sind Mohammandan Association 273. Hyderabad Citizen’s Meeting 11 Feb 1919 3 NGOs and their activities 274. Hyderabad citizen’s meeting 11 Feb 1919 3 Sind politics 275. Hindu Muslims Unity 11 Feb 1920 8 Communal Problem 276. The Governor’s visit to Sind 18 Feb 1919 4 Visit of Governor 277. Home Rule Abuse 11 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 278. Home Rule abuse 11 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 279. Home Rule Oratory (Editorial) 11 Mar 1919 6 Home Rule League 280. Home Rule and The Rowlat Bills (Letter) 14 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 281. Home Rule and Rowlat Bills 14 Mar 1919 5 Home Rule League 282. Protesting day 7 Apr 1919 5 Politics 283. Hyderabad Quotation 02 Apr 1919 3 Hyderabad 284. National Protesting day in Karachi 07 Apr 1919 5 Political Activities 285. Coercion Day (Editorial) 07 Apr 1919 6 Political Activities 286. Hyderabad Quotation 12 Apr 1919 5 Hyderabad 287. Standup for Law and Order 21 Apr 1919 5 Sind Commissioner on Non-Co-operation movement 288. Sind Provincial Conference (Jacobabad) 22 Apr 1919 4 Sind Provincial Conference 289. To the women of Sind 22 Apr 1919 10 Women Folk 290. Sind Provincial Conference (Resolutions) 23 Apr 1919 4 Sind Provincial Conference 291. Sind Politics Resolutions (Editorial) 23 Apr 1919 6 Sind Provincial Conference 292. Mohammandan & Disorder 28 Apr 1919 4-5 Political Activities 293. Loyal Shikarpur Mohammandans 29 Apr 1919 5 Meeting against Non-Co-operation 294. Shri Bharat Yuvak Mitra Mandal Mandal, Karachi 02 May 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 295. Sind’s Future (Reforms) (Editorial) 25 Jun 1919 6 Constitutional Reforms 296. Indian Reforms (Editorial) 26 Jun 1919 6 Constitutional Reforms 297. Facts about Khalifate (Editorial) 15 Jul 1919 6 Moulana Faiz Al Karim against Khilafat 298. Province Turkish Tendencies in Sind (Letter) 16 Jul 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 299. Moulvi Ghulam Omar and his declaration (Letter) 24 Jul 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 300. Khilafat and Sind Muslims (Letter) 24 Jul 1919 12 Khilafat Tahreek 301. The Sind Muslims and Khilafat 26 Jul 1919 8 Khilafat Tahreek 302. The Sind Muslims & Khilafat (Letter by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto) 30 Jul 1919 10 Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto & Khilafat Tahreek 303. What happened to Mr Bhurgri 01 Aug 1919 8 Bombay Legislative Council & G.M Burghri 304. Sind & Khilafat (Letter by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto) 12 Aug 1919 10 Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto & Khilafat Tahreek 305. Sind & Khilafat (Letter) 13 Aug 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 306. The Chhapro Punchran Sudhar Sabha, Karachi 21 Aug 1919 11 NGOs and their activities 307. Khilafat (Letter) 27 Aug 1919 12 Khilafat Tahreek 308. The Khilafat (Letter) 02 Sep 1919 7 Khilafat Tahreek 309. Indian Muslims & Khilafat (Editorial) 20 Sep 1919 6 Khilafat Tahreek 310. Shri Tarun Shubech Chhak, Bandhu Mandal, Karachi (9th Anniversary) 10 Sep 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 311. Hindu Town People’s Association, Karachi 18 Sep 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 312. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Karachi 03 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 313. Khilafat Day at Karachi 18 Oct 1919 5 Khilafat Tahreek 314. Karachi’s Aid for Punjab 20 Oct 1919 5 Sindh and Punjab 315. Manufacturing public opinion 20 Oct 1919 9 Khilafat Tahreek 316. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Rohri (Stages drama) 23 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 317. Arya Smaj, Karachi (23rd Anniversary) 28 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 318. Marvari Nav Yuvak Sabha, Karachi 28 Oct 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 319. Larkana Muslims 17 Nov 1919 5 Against Khilafat Tahreek 320. Quotations 01 Dec 1919 5 Quotations 321. The Kaliphate / peace celebration (Editorial) 06 Dec 1919 6 Khilafat Tahreek 322. Grievance Mongering (Editorial) 08 Dec 1919 6 Journalism 323. Megh Sudhar Mandal, Karachi 14 Dec 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 324. Bombay Legislative Council 23 Dec 1919 4 Bombay Legislative Council 325. Sath Sudhar, Karachi 23 Dec 1919 5 NGOs and their activities 326. Police in Sind (Bombay Legislative Council Discussion) 07 Jan 1920 11 Bombay Legislative Council 327. Birahmo Smaj, Karachi (46 Anniversary) 16 Jan 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 328. Khalifat Agitation (Editorial) 21 Jan 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 329. Turkey & Khilafat (Letter) 04 Feb 1920 11 Khilafat Tahreek 330. Quotation (Larkana/Hyderabad) 10 Feb 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 331. The Port Cooli Strike 11 Feb 1920 5 Labour Union 332. Hindu Muslim Unity (Hyderabad) 11 Feb 1920 8 Communal Problem 333. Hindu Muslim Unity (Hyderabad) 13 Feb 1920 5 Communal Problem 334. Hindu Muslim Unity (Editorial) 14 Feb 1920 6 Communal Problem 335. The Sanatan Amateur Dramatic Society Old Sukkur (Stages Drama) 01 Mar 1920 4 Drama & entertainment 336. Brahma Mitra Mandal, Ranchore Lines, Karachi 13 Mar 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 337. The Khilafat (Letter) 15 Mar 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 338. The Khilafat (Answer) 17 Mar 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 339. Hijirat (Editorial) 18 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 340. Hartal (Editorial) 18 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 341. Khilafat Agitations (Editorial) 25 Mar 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 342. Khilafat (letter) 25 Mar 1920 11 Khilafat Tahreek 343. Vadnaglara Nagar Mandal, Karachi 29 Mar 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 344. Sind Muslim League (Meeting) 05 Apr 1920 4 Sind Muslim League 345. Sind Provincial Conference 05 Apr 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 346. Sind Muslim League (Meeting) 06 Apr 1920 5 Sind Muslim League 347. Sind Provincial Conference 06 Apr 1920 9 Sind Provincial Conference 348. Sind Provincial Conference 08 Apr 1920 4 Sind Provincial Conference 349. N.W.R Strike 18 May 1920 5 Labour Union 350. N.W.R Strike 19 May 1920 5 Labour Union 351. Quotation (Hyderabad) 26 May 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 352. Hijirat 27 May 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 353. Muslims Loyalty (Letter by Mir Ayub) 17 Jun 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 354. City Association of Shikarpur (Election of Office Bearers) 22 Jun 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 355. Young Sikh Association, Karachi 02 Jul 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 356. Hijrat (Editorial) 03 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 357. Sind Emirgrants (Editorial) 12 Jul 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 358. Hijrat (Editorial) 14 Jul 1920 6 Khilafat Tahreek 359. Sindh Student meeting at Burns Garden. Ram B. Motwani in Chair, it is decided to participate in Politics 22 Jul 1920 5 Student Union 360. Sind Khilafat Conference 26 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 361. Sind Khilafat Conference 27 Jul 1920 4 Khilafat Tahreek 362. Dangerous Speeches (Press Note) 31 Jul 1920 7 Khilafat Tahreek 363. A Riotous Hartal 02 Aug 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 364. Consequences (Editorial) 02 Aug 1920 6 Against Al Waheed, Newspaper 365. Activities of “Frawely Comedy Company”, at Karachi 02 Jul 1920 5 Drama and Entertainment 366. A Riotous Hartal 2 Aug 1920 5 Non Co-operation movement 367. Non co-operation in practice 3 Aug 1920 5 Non Co-operation movement 368. Hartal in Sind 3 Aug 1920 9 Non Co-operation movement 369. Non Co-operation in Practice 03 Aug 1920 5 Khilafat Tahreek 370. Hartal in Sind 03 Aug 1920 9 Khilafat Tahreek 371. Non Co-operation Condemned at Larkana 12 Aug 1920 7 Against Khilafat Tahreek 372. Hyderabad’s Divided House 28 Aug 1920 7 Sind Provincial Conference 373. Sind Provincial Conference 31 Aug 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 374. Sind Provincial Conference 01 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 375. Sind Provincial Conference 02 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 376. Sind Provincial Conference 03 Sep 1920 5 Sind Provincial Conference 377. Sind Provincial Conference 04 Sep 1920 7 Sind Provincial Conference 378. Sind in Budget 10 Sep 1920 11 Bombay Legislative Council 379. Activities of “H.B. Waring’s Company”, at Karachi 29 Sept 1920 5 Drama and Entertainment 380. Bombay Legislative Council (Question & Answer) 05 Oct 1920 9 Bombay Legislative Council 381. Indian Legislative Council (Question by Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto ) 06 Oct 1920 10 Indian Legislative Council & Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto 382. Non Co-operation (Letter by Burghri) 13 Oct 1920 4 Non- Co-operation Movement & G.M Burghri 383. Bombay Legislative Council (Question & Answer) 28 Oct 1920 4 Bombay Legislative Council 384. Shri Bandhu Mandal, Karachi 29 Oct 1920 7 NGOs and their activities 385. Labour in India 02 Nov 1920 6 Labour Union 386. Should Sind be Separated from Bombay Presidency (Letter by Weeb) 02 Nov 1920 8 Separation of Sindh 387. Non Co-operation at work 04 Nov 1920 5 Non- Co-operation Movement 388. Maratha Union, Karachi (7th Anniversary) 06 Nov 1920 5 NGOs and their activities 389. Bolshevism in India 09 Nov 1920 8 Communism 390. Mr. Weeb and Bombay Connection 09 Nov 1920 13 Separation of Sindh 391. Sind and Bombay (Letter by Weeb) 13 Nov 1920 7 Separation of Sindh 392. Shri Halai Lohana Mahajanwadi, Karachi 27 Nov 1920 7 NGOs and their activities 393. A Sind Union of progress Sind a Separate Province 13 Dec 1920 4 Separation of Sindh & The Sind Union of Progress 394. Bombay and progress of Sind 13 Dec 1920 6 Separation of Sindh 395. Meeting of Muhammandan 11 Jan 1921 5 Non- Co-operation Movement 396. AL Wahid Case (Judgment) 26 Jan 1921 5 About Al Wahid Newspaper 397. Women’s Indian Association, Karachi (Important meeting) 29 Jan 1921 7 Female Organizations 398. Legislative Council (List of Questions) 04 Feb 1921 5 Bombay Legislative Council 399. Legislative Council (List of Questions) 10 Feb 1921 5 Bombay Legislative Council 400. Province Legislative Council 08 Mar 1921 11-12 Bombay Legislative Council 401. Province Legislative Council 09 Mar 1921 10-11 Bombay Legislative Council 402. Province Legislative Council 12 Mar 1921 6 Bombay Legislative Council 403. Rioting in Karachi 22 Mar 1921 5 Political activities 404. False Charges Against Police 22 Mar 1921 6 Press Note in favour of Nawab Shah Police 405. Indian Legislative Council (Speech by Shahani) 23 Mar 1921 4 Indian Legislative Council 406. Sukkur “Excitement over Arrest” 31 Mar 1921 5 Political activities 407. Public Notices 05 Apr 1921 6 Political activities 408. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” Condemning Non-Co-operation Movement 26 Apr 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 409. Press Note Supporting action by Police at Sinjhoro. (Rejoinder to the Sindvasi Newspaper) 27 Apr 1921 6 Law and order Situation 410. Mr Gandhi in Karachi 27 Apr 1921 5 Gandhi on visit of Sindh 411. Translation of the Editorial of “Sindh Sudhar” (30-4-1921) on Gandhi and Sindh Politics 02 May 1921 5 Gandhi and Congress 412. Mr Gandhi in Sukkur 02 May 1921 5 Gandhi on visit of Sindh 413. Hyderabad District Conference 04 May 1921 4 Political activities & Hyderabad 414. Non –Co-operation in Sind (Editorial) 12 May 1921 6 Non-Co-operation Movement 415. Campaign against Non –Co-operation (Editorial) 24 May 1921 3 Non-Co-operation Movement 416. Campaign against Non –Co-operation (Editorial) 27 May 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 417. Translation of the Editorial of “Sindh Sudhar” (28-5-1921) opposing Non-Co-operation Movement 30 May 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement 418. Working for Swaraj Anti-Non-Co-operative meeting at Dharki 14 Jun 1921 5 Non-Co-operation Movement & Aman Sabha 419. To Combat Non-Co-operation 15 Jun 1921 5 Aman Sabha 420. Anti-Non-Co-operation meeting @ Sukkur 16 Jun 1921 5 Aman Sabha 421. To Combat Non-Co-operation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Aman Sabha 422. Mr Gandhi’s expectation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Gandhi on Non- Co-Operation 423. Sind Muhammandan & Non Co-operation 29 Jun 1921 4-5 Aman Sabha 424. Against -Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Bathora 02 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 425. Against -Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Manjhand 05 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 426. Khilafatists in Karachi 06 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 427. Khilafat Conference Opening Session at Karachi 09 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 428. Khilafat Conference Opening Session at Karachi 10 Jul 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 429. “Hyderabad” Moderates State their case 18 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 430. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Larkana 25 Jul 1921 5 Aman Sabha 431. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Badin 25 Jul 1921 10 Aman Sabha 432. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Mirpurkhas 01 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 433. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Dighri 05 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 434. Hyderabad District Aman Sbha Meeting 05 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 435. Hyderabad District Aman Sbha Meeting 08 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 436. A meeting of the League of Peace at Keti Bander 08 Aug 1921 4 Aman Sabha 437. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 09 Aug 1921 4 Bombay Legislative Council 438. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 10 Aug 1921 4 Bombay Legislative Council 439. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting at Mithi 16 Aug 1921 10 Aman Sabha 440. Combating Non-Co-operation. A meeting by Thatta Zamindars 16 Aug 1921 10 Aman Sabha 441. Shikarpur Combating Non-Co-operation 18 Aug 1921 9 Aman Sabha 442. Sind Matters in the Assembly 20 Sept 1921 9 Bombay Legislative Council 443. Israelite Union, Karachi (Opening Ceremony of “ Nathan Abraham Hall") 20 Sep 1921 5 Israelite Activities 444. Prof Shahani asks questions 23 Sept 1921 11 Bombay Legislative Council 445. Trail of Ali Brothers 26 Sept 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 446. Trail of Ali Brothers 27 Sept 1921 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 447. Local Questions in House 27 Sept 1921 8 Indian Legislative Council 448. Case against Ali Brothers 28 Sept 1921 5 Khilafat Tahreek 449. Case against Ali Brothers 29 Sept 1921 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 450. Case against Ali Brothers 30 Sept 1921 4 Khilafat Tahreek 451. A meeting of the Sind Swaraj Society, Hyderabad 30 Nov 1922 7 The Sindh Swaraj Party 452. Pirs of Hyderabad (Loyalty) 05 Jan 1922 11 Aman Sabha 453. The Parsi Patients Relief Society, Karachi. 20 Jan 1922 5 NGOs and their activities 454. The Sadar Bazar Reading Room & Library, Karachi. 28 Jan 1922 7 Libraries 455. Activities of the “Social Service League”, Karachi 21 Mar 1922 5 NGOs and their activities 456. Future of Sindhi Literature 18 Apr 1922 5 Literary activities 457. Congress activities in Sukkur 22 Apr 1922 6 Congress 458. Bombay Labral Conference (Speech of Ghulam Hussain) 18 May 1922 11 Sir Ghulam Hussain Hiddayatullah 459. India Today 24 May 1922 11 Overall Situation in India 460. Educational (Editorial) 28 Jun 1922 6 Education 461. First day of Khilafat Conference 08 Jul 1922 11-12 Khilafat Tahreek 462. First day of Khilafat Conference 10 Jul 1922 4-5 Khilafat Tahreek 463. Khilafat Conference Leaders in Karachi 10 Jul 1922 5 Khilafat Tahreek 464. Future of Sind (Letter) 11 Jul 1922 5 Khilafat Tahreek 465. Hartal Re-Called (Editorial) 12 Jul 1922 6 Political activities 466. Is Sind neglected? (Letter) 24 Jul 1922 4 Separation of Sindh 467. The Sindhu Sanskrit Uttejak Mandal , its library & Reading Room, Karachi. 11 July 1922 5 NGOs and their activities & Language and Literature & Libraries 468. Bombay Council (GH Kasim asks questions) 03 Aug 1922 11 Bombay Legislative Council 469. Hindu Town Peoples’s Association and its Library & Reading Room, Karachi 8 August 1922 4 NGOs and their activities & Libraries 470. View of Khilafat (Editorial) 01 Sep 1922 6 Khilafat Tahreek 471. Bombay Council (Questions & Answers) 11 Oct 1922 4 Bombay Legislative Council 472. Bombay India Council (Questions & Answers) 13 Oct 1922 13 Bombay Legislative Council 473. Bombay India Council (Questions & Answers) 23 Oct 1922 6 Bombay Legislative Council 474. The Sind League of Progress 23 Oct 1922 7 Political Parties & Pressure Groups 475. The Kandiaro affairs (Press Note) 28 Nov 1922 9 Political activities 476. Khoobchand Jethmal Chainani retires as Head Master of High School 27 Dec 1922 5 Biography 477. The Need of the Hour (letter by G.M Burghri) 24 Jan 1923 8 G.M Burghri 478. Sindhi women & politics- Dr. G.T. Wrench advises them to refrain fom Politics, delivers lecture 16 Feb 1923 5 Sindh Politics 479. Bombay Legislative Council 16 Mar 1923 5 Bombay Legislative Council 480. Formation of Shudhi Sabha at Karachi 19 Mar 1923 5 Communal Problem 481. Shudhi Sabha Meeting at Karachi 21 Mar 1923 5 Communal Problem 482. Hindu - Muslim Differences. Initiative of GM Burgri 10 Apr 1923 8 Communal Problem & G.M Burgri 483. Last Night’s Public Meeting 27 Apr 1923 9-10 Sind Politics 484. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 15 Jun 1923 9 Bombay Legislative Council 485. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 16 Jun 1923 6 Bombay Legislative Council 486. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 09 Aug 1923 11 Bombay Legislative Council 487. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 10 Aug 1923 10 Bombay Legislative Council 488. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 13 Aug 1923 11 Bombay Legislative Council 489. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 15 Aug 1923 4 Bombay Legislative Council 490. Sind Matters (Questions and Answers) 17 Aug 1923 10 Bombay Legislative Council 491. Mohammandan Education in Sind 03 Nov 1923 7 Letter by Mir Ayub 492. Angora and the Caliphate 24 Jan 1924 11 Khilafat Tahreek 493. The Sindh League of Progress 26 Jan 1924 7 Political Parties & Pressure Groups 494. Opening of Theosophical lodge , at Karachi 04 Feb 1924 9 Theosophy 495. Khilafat Issue (Editorial) 09 Feb 1924 9 Khilafat Tahreek 496. The schedule of “The National Baby Weak” to be celebrated in Karachi. 12 Feb 1924 5 Misc. Events 497. The Khilafat Abolished (Editorial) 04 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 498. Sind’s 3 Lac Rupees (Editorial) 05 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 499. Shoukat Ali in Karachi 05 Mar 1924 10 Khilafat Tahreek 500. Mr Shoukat Ali 06 Mar 1924 5 Khilafat Tahreek 501. A poor opinion of Sind (Editorial) 07 Mar 1924 6 Khilafat Tahreek 502. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 12 Mar 1924 11 Bombay Legislative Council 503. The Cooperative Movement in Sind. (Its History & Progress) 14 March 1924 7 Cooperative Society (Official NGO) 504. Agriculture & Irrigation in Sind 17 March 1924 11 Agriculture 505. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 15 Mar 1924 16 Bombay Legislative Council 506. Bombay Legislative Council (Questions & Answers) 21 Mar 1924 21 Bombay Legislative Council 507. The Lord Barrage 29 Mar 1924 10 English Poetry on the topic of the Lord Barrage 508. The Sindh Ladies Association for Literature is formed at Sukkur. 04 April 1924 13 Women Literature 509. The Sindh Ladies Association for Literature formed at Sukkur faces criticism 22 April 1924 6 Women Literature 510. The Local Adult Education Movement, Karachi starts classes in the Theosophical Hall. 29 April 1924 5 Education & NGOs and their activities 511. Indian Muslims and The Khilafat Tahreek 27 May 1924 3-4 Khilafat Tahreek 512. The “ Dayanand A.V.School”, Karachi 8 June 1924 8 Education 513. Honorary Magistrates in Sind 18 Aug 1924 12 The Bombay Legislative Council 514. The 12th Anniversary of the “Hindi Sahitya Bhavan”, Karachi 1st Sept 1924 5 Language & Literature 515. Larkana District Mohammdan Association presents Address to the Governor 15 Dec 1924 13-14 Governor’s visit 516. Sind Mohammadan Education Conference held at Hyderabad 17 Dec 1924 7 Muslim Education 517. Sind Mohammadan Education Conference held at Hyderabad 18 Dec 1924 11 Muslim Education 518. Khilafat Conference 26 Dec 1924 13 Khilafat Tahreek 519. Khilafat Conference 29 Dec 1924 4 Khilafat Tahreek 520. Prize Day at Sind Maddressah, Karachi 09 Mar 1925 5-6 Sind Maddressah-tul-Islam, Karachi 521. Sind Mohammadan at Home 07 Dec 1925 5 Sir Ghulam Hussain Hiddayat Ullah 522. Madrasi Association, Karachi 13 Jul 1926 7 NOGs and their activities 523. Dayaram Jethanand Khilnani Library, Karachi 02 Aug 1926 5 Libraries 524. Coronation College Students’ Association, Karachi 05 Aug 1926 7 Student Union 525. The Burns Garden Reading Room and Library, Karachi. 6 Jan 1927 7 Libraries 526. Old Sukkur Library 7 Jan 1927 5 Libraries 527. R.G.Mohatta Hindu Gymkhana, Karachi 7 Jan 1927 5 Gymkhana 528. Election of Office Bearers of Shudhi Sabha at Karachi 19 Jan 1927 7 Communal Problem 529. The Lakhpatrai D.A.V School, Karachi 22 Jan 1927 11 Education 530. The Lohana Technical Institute, Karachi 3 Feb 1927 9 Education 531. The Parsi Virbaiji School Old Boys’ Union 3 Feb 1927 9 Students’ Union 532. The Sindh Collegiate Old Boys’ Union 4 Feb 1927 7 Students’ Union 533. The Memon Free Reading Room & Library, Somarset Street, Karachi. 16 April 1927 11 Libraries 534. The Schedule of the opening ceremony (on 6.5.1927) of the Karachi Muslim Gymkhana, at Karachi. 29 April 1927 7 Gymkhana 535. The Karachi Muslim Gymkhana, Karachi 07 May 1927 17 Gymkhana 536. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address of Bhutto) 10 Jun 1927 5 Sindh Mohammadan Association & Simon Commission 537. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address by Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto Bhutto) 10 Jun 1927 12 Sind Mohammadan Association & Simon Commission & Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto 538. Sind Mohammadan Association (Address to Governor) 31 Oct 1927 12 Sind Mohammadan Association 539. Sind Mohammadan Association 10 Jan 1928 11-12 Sind Mohammadan Association 540. Sind Mohammadan Association 13 Feb 1928 17-18 Sind Mohammadan Association 541. Sind Mohammadan Association 16 Feb 1928 4 Sind Mohammadan Association 542. The Hindu Mahasbha disapproves Separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency 10 Apr 1928 10 Hindu Mahasbha & Separation of Sindh 543. Sind Hundu – Muslims Pact 18 Jun 1928 5 Communal Problem 544. Sind Mohammadan Political Conference 18 Jun 1928 5 Muslim Politics 545. Sind Mohammadan Association 30 Jun 1928 17 Sind Mohammadan Association 546. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” (2 July 1928) criticizing “ Sindh Hindu Muslim Pact.” 04 Jul 1928 5 Communal Problem 547. Sind Mohammadans and Simon Commission 07 Jul 1928 3-4 Simon Commission 548. Sind Mulsim Political Conference 07 Jul 1928 7 Muslim Politics 549. Conference of Sind Muslims 09 Jul 1928 4 Muslim Politics 550. Translation of the Editorial of the “Sindh Sudhar” (20-10-1928) on the topic of “Simon Commission”, advising people not to bycott 24 Oct 1928 5 Simon Commission 551. European Association: Memorandum to the Simon Commission 12 Oct 1928 12 Simon Commission 552. Sind Hindu Association (Address to Governor) 31 Oct 1928 7-8 Sindh Hindu Association 553. Sind Hindu Association (Address to Simon Commission) 12 Nov 1928 3,4 17, 18 Sindh Hindu Association & Simon Commission 554. Simon Commission in Karachi 12 Nov 1928 13 Simon Commission 555. Simon Commission and Sind Mohammadan Association 12 Nov 1928 13 Sindh Hindu Association & Simon Commission 556. Simon Commission in Karachi 14 Nov 1928 7,8,13 Simon Commission 557. Simon Commission in Karachi 15 Nov 1928 12 Simon Commission 558. The Sind League of Progress 22 Feb 1930 9 Parties & Pressure Groups 559. The Sind League of Progress 12 Apr 1932 6 Parties & Pressure Groups 560. The death of Chelaram Bajaj of Shikarpur 25 Oct 1933 5 Biography The Currency League of India 29 Nov 1933 5 Finance 561. Luknow all Parities Muslims Conference 19 Dec 1933 7 Separation of Sindh 562. Sind Hindus Protest against Separation of Sindh 02 Apr 1934 7-8 Separation of Sindh 563. Sind Hindus Protest against Separation of Sindh (Editorial) 03 Apr 1934 6 Separation of Sindh 564. Sind Hindu Sabha on Separation issue 10 Jul 1934 7-8 Separation of Sindh 565. Anti Retort to Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah 07 Aug 1934 3,9 Separation of Sindh 566. To the Assembly Members of Sind 10 Nov 1934 6 Sindh Hindu Sabha 567. Joint Select Committee Report 27 Nov 1934 1 Separation of Sindh 568. The Death of Mukhi Esardas Jethanandani, on 28.1.1935 29 Jan 1935 3 Biography 569. The Death of K.B. Pir Bux Bhutto of Sukkur, on 25.1.1935 29 Jan 1935 Biography 570. The Life sketch of K.B.Pir Bux Bhutto of Sukkur 02 March 1935 13 Biography 571. The Death of Rijhomal Uttamsing Lalwani 03 May 1935 4 Biography 572. N.J.U High School Magzine (Critical appreciation) 23 Mar 1935 14 Education 573. The Khaksar Tahrik in Sindh 21 Jun 1935 5 Khaksar Tahriq 574. Election of the “ Young Amils Association”, Karachi 01 Jul 1935 4 NGOs and their activities 575. The Death of P.G.Thomas, President of the “Sindh Chritians’ Association”, on 8.7.1935 09 July 1935 4 Biography 576. Editorial on Sindh Politics 30 Oct 1936 2 Sindhi Muslims’ Politics 577. Rashtra Basha Parchar Samitti, Karachi 04 May 1946 2 Language and Literature 578. Sind Compounders’ Association, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 Employees’ Association 579. Agra Oudh Prantiya Sabha, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 NGOs and their activities 580. The Sind Historical Society, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 History and Research 581. The Karachi Sanskrit Association, Karachi 05 May 1946 2 Language and Literature 582. The Young Chhaproo Mitra Mandal (Formed in 1914), Karachi 09May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 583. The Shri Chhaproo Punchvaran Sudhar Sabha, Karachi. 09 May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 584. The Aligarah Old Boys’ Association, Sindh at Karachi 09 May 1946 6 Students Union 585. The Shikarpuri Shewa Mandli is opened 11 May 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 586. The Sikh Educational Society, Karachi. 12 May 1945 2 Education & Sikh Community 587. The Shree Derawal Panchayat, Karachi. 23 May 1946 2 NGOs and their activities 588. The Sind Provincial Clerks’ Union, Karachi. 05 June 1946 8 Employees Union 589. The Tharoshah Association, Karachi. 18 June 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 590. The Sahtiniwasis’ Association, Karachi 18 June 1946 6 NGOs and their activities 591. Annual General Meeting of the “ Shri Saraswat Samaj”, Karachi 27 Jun 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 592. R.D. Youth Lodge, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Theosophy 593. Dawood Bohra Students’ Union, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Students’ Union 594. Jamshed Nagar Lodge, Karachi 02 Jul 1947 2 Theosophy 595. The Kerala Smaj, Karachi 05 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 596. Dakshini Brahmin Sabha, Karachi 05 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 597. New Town Hindu Panchayat, Karachi 06 Jul 1947 2 NGOs and their activities 598. Hassan Ali Abdul Rahman speaks about unrest in Sindh Madressah, Karachi. 15 July 1947 6 Sindh Madressah 599. Rukmi Devi Youth Lodge, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 Theosophy 600. Maharashtra Mitra Mandal, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 NGOs and their activities 601. Sahiti Panchayat, Karachi 29 Jul 1947 8 NGOs and their activities

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