Friday 11 October 2024

Sindh in history today (12th October). By Dr.Pathan & Mumtaz Pathan

(12th October} [Dr.Pathan's unique work on Historical Research since last decade] SINDH (including Pakistan) {12th October}. Selection of Events from two Centuries of Sindh History, in Chronological order and with analytical interpretation. Translation by his son Mumtaz Ali Pathan Dr.Pathan Wishes You Good Day. [For living own life is very difficult task and I have experienced it accordingly . It is really terrible and tough. I am born by the love and for the beauty. I found both in you. I accepted it as vision & wisdom of my life and never forgot to preach and promote it. But, since centuries you have remained annoyed and I neither have pleased you, nor made you realized that you are second to none in Beauty & Love and Vision & Wisdom ] جيئڻ ڪارڻ تان جيڏيون وڏا جتن ۽ وس ڪيام, امرت بدران زهر پيئندي صديون ڪي سال ٿيام, پل پل مون کي سي پنهنجا پرين دل تي ياد رهيام, صبح شام سلامن سان سڏيام,سي بلا ناغي سپرين. ************ SINDH IN HISTORY TODAY (12th OCTOBER) 12th October) ************* BIRTH DATES 1. Ghanshamdas Balani (Social Worker/ birth 12th October1897), 2. Syed Bagh Ali 'Bagh' (Lakhi/Poet/ birth 12th October1900), 3. Ali Gohar Lahori (Larkano/Politician/ birth 12th October1912), 4. Lakhmi Khalani (Jahan Khan/Calcutta/Writer/ birth 12th October1935) , 5. Hameed Sindhi (N.S.Feroz/Ex - V.C & Writer/ birth 12th October1939), 6. Ali Raza Gadihi (Murad Gadihi/Writer/ birth 12th October1941), 7. Madad Sindhi (Hyderabad/Journalist/ birth 12th October1952), 8. Srichand 'Jigri' (Jhonagarah/Poet/ birth 12th October1955), 9. Ali Ahmad 'Ajiz' (Khahi/Poet/ birth 12th October1962), 10. Syed Mahdi Shah (Larkano/Journalist/ birth 12th October1969), 11. Altaf Pirzado (Balhreji/Radio Producer/ birth 12th October1972) ************ DEATH DATES 1. Budhal Faqir (Sultankot/Saint Poet/ death 12th October1939), 2. Ali Bux 'Kamtar' (Poet/Poet/ death 12th October1918), 3. Sawami Ramanand (Saint/ death 12th October1952), 4. Nawaz Ali 'Niaz' (Poet/ death 12th October1959), 5. Akhtar Halai (Poet/ death 12th October1959), 6. Ghulam Latif Domki (Bakhshapur/Poet/ death 12th October1993) ************* EVENTS 1913: Haji Abdullah Haroon, Secretary “Hila Ahmar Sindh” publishes the Annual Report of the Society. It contains details of the contribution collected from Sindh, future program for establishing Persian-Arabic Institution, Hostel for college students and Home for Orphans. It is also included in future program to create awareness about the need and importance of Rais Ghulam Muhammad Bhurgri’s Education Cess Bill. 1916: A lecture Program is arranged by “Karachi Citizen’s Association” . Dr. Dhalla delivers lecture on the topic of the “Nationalism”. 1920: In its issue, the “AL_HAQ” Paper covers the proceedings of session of All-India Jamiat-ul-Hind, held at Calcutta and presided over by Moulana Taj Mahmood Amroti. 1954: Urdu and Sindhi are made compulsory subjects at Matriculation examination, in Sindh. 1955. One-Unit Scheme stands implemented at midnight. FATA and other areas are included in Peshawar District. 1956: The Electorate Bill is passed by the National Assembly providing for separate electorate in West Pakistan and Joint electorate in East Pakistan 1971: President Yahya Khan announces a Time-Table for transfer of power to the people’s representatives. 1989: G.M.Syed is put under house arrest on charge of desecration of national flag, though; he was personally involved in matter. ************** RARE COLLECTION BY GUL HAYAYAT INSTITUTE: SIR VALENTINE CHIROL- SOMETHING ABOUT HIM IN GUL HAYAT INSTITUTE. By. Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan Soon after establishing my Gul Hayat Institute at my native village Khair Muhammad Arija in 1990, I started collecting papers, documents and books of research-value. Once I purchased a few old books on history of India and book seller handed over some Clippings of Newspapers to me as to him they were useless for him. It was amazing for me to note that these Cuttings were from TIMES (Literary Supplement), THE EVENING STANDARD, THE DAILY TELEGRAPH and OBSERVER all of 1926. OBSERVER (Sunday, January 24, 1926) Cutting was about Review on ‘India’ by F.H.Brown, C.I.E. The book written by Sir Valentine Chirol and included in “ The Modern World” (Voi.V), Edited by H.A.L. Fisher, M.P. As the British Period was my field of interest in research, hence, I started searching for more information about Sir Valentine Chirol and his work on the Indian History. It was my luck that I found Letter by Chirol written in his hand to F.H.Brown, who had reviewed his work. Sir Valentine Chirol breathed his last on October 22, 1929 in his 78th year. He was born on May 23, 1852 in Huguenot family. He was younger son of the Rev. Alexander Chirol, by his wife Harriet, daughter of the Rev. Denny Ashburnham. His family left France after the Revolution of the Edict of Nantes. Sir Valentine saw educated mainly in France and Germany, taking his degree at the University of Paris. He saw the march of the German Army into Paris in 1871, and the out-break of the Commune. He outstanding Journalist and born Traveler. He made several Oriental journeys, visited Eastern countries including India which he visited for the first time in 1883. He had a deep admiration for the woek of the British Raj, but also was not blind to its imperfections, especially in regard to education. He strongly showed his sympathy with native aspirations. Loed Moreley frequently consulted him on the Morely-Minto reform program. He visited India in 1910 so as to investigate the origin and extent of the troubles, and to watch the working of the reformed Executive and Legislative Councils, and at the end of that year collected the Letters he wrote to THE TIMES into a book, “Indian Unrest”.In this book he criticized the activities of Bal Gangadhar Tilak and accused him of having by pen and speech created an atmosphere in which the germs of revolution flourished, and which led to the commission of criminal outrages. At the time of publication of that book, Tilak was in prison. He was released in 1914 and in 1915 he brought an action for liable against Sir Valentine Chirol and his publisher in the English Courts. Chirol, instead of making formal apology which was invited, and feeling it impossible to allow Tilak to obtain a coat of whitewash, he spent his much time in research and to pay special visit to India, in order to collect evidence to substantiate his statements.In January and February, 1919, this case was tried before Justice Darling and a special jury. The hearing lasted 17 days, both plaintiff and defendant were examined at length, and the Judge in his summing –up observed that he did not think he had ever tried a more serious cases, having regard to its possible public consequences. The Jury returned a verdict for Chirol and his publisher. Thanks to my humble efforts I have collected a lot of material and information on Sir Valentine Chirol, his books and his observations about Indian affairs. He was Journalist of his own right. His writ tings on Indian politics and British governance carry a lot for researchers ( 12 آڪٽوبر جي حوالي سان "سنڌ جي ڪمال ۽ مٿس ٿيل ظلم زيادتين ۽ اسان جا سنڌ جي شاندار ماضئ ۽ روشن مستقبل سان بي حسئ جي واقعاتي تاريخ".( ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جي تحقيق ۽ تاريخ ٻڌائڻ وارو روزانو سنواريل, وڌايل ۽ نظرثاني ڪيل سلسلو.) *************** توجه طلب واقعا *************** 12.10.1835: اڄ پاٽينجر پنهنجئ سرڪار کي خط لکي ٻڌايو ته خيرپور وارو مير رستم علي خان حيدرآبادي ميرن سان لڪ ڇپ ۾ هڪڙيون ڳالهيون ٿو ڪري ۽ اسان سان وري ٻيون ڳالهيون ٿو ڪري. ضرورت انھئ ڳالھ جي آھي ته شاهديون ثابتون هٿ ڪري پوء رستم علي خان سان ڳالهائجي. اهو تڏهن ڪري سگهبو جڏهن سرڪار اسان کي اهڙي اجازت ڏئي. 12.10.1916: هئ اهو دور هو جو سياست تي پابندي ڪانه هوندي هئي ۽ سرڪاري ملازم به سياست ۾ حصو وٺي سگهندا هئا. ان جو وڏو سبب اهو هو ته ڪا به سياسي پارٽي فرنگي حڪومت جي خلاف نه هوندي ۽ ان جي وفادارئ کي پنهنجي منشور ۾ رکندي ۽ مڃيندي هئي. انھئ ڇوٽ جو سياسي خواه سماجي تنظيمن اهو فائدو ورتو ته عوام ۾ سياسي ۽ قومي شعور پيدا ڪرڻ جا جتن ڪيائون. ڪراچئ ۾ ”ڪراچي سٽيزنس ائسوسيئيشن" هوندي هئي ۽ اها وقت به وقت ليڪچر ڪرائيندي هئي. اڄ انھئ پليٽ فارم تان ڊاڪٽر ڌالا "قوميت" جي موضوع تي ليڪچر ڏنو. انھئ مان هي اندازو لڳائي سگهجي ٿو ته تنظيمن قوميت جي اهميت ۽ ضرورت تي سوچڻ شروع ڪيو ۽ ماڻھن ۾ فڪري خواه نظرياتي بيداري آڻڻ جي ڪوشش شروع ڪئي. 12.10.1920: سنڌ انگريزن جي دور آل انڊيا سطح جا سياسي اڳواڻ پيدا ڪيا, جن جي حيثيت ۽ صلاحيتن کي سڄو هندستان مڃيندو هو. مولانا تاج محمود امروٽي به انھن مان هڪ هو. هن ڪلڪتي واري "جمعيت العلماء ھند" جي اجلاس جي صدارت ڪئي هئي. انھئ اجلاس جي ڪاروائئ جا تفصيل اڄوڪئ " الحق" اخبار ۾ شايع ٿيا. 12.10.1954: سنڌ سرڪار مئٽرڪ جي امتحان ۾ سنڌي ۽ اردو جا پيپر لازمي طور تي شامل ڪيا. 12.10.1955: فاٽا ۽ ٻين اهڙين ايراضين کي پشاور ضلعي ۾ ملايو ويو ۽ اڌ رات کان "ون-يونٽ" اسڪيم نافذ ڪئي وئي. 12.10.1956: پاڪستان جي نئشنل اسيمبلئ چونڊن بابت بل پاس ڪيو. جنهن مطابق اڳتي اوڀر پاڪستان ۾ ھندن ۽ مسلمانن جون گڏيل چونڊون ٿينديون. جڏهن ته اوله پاڪستان اهي الڳ الڳ ٿينديون 12.10.1989: جي.ايم.سيد کي قومي جهنڊي جي بي حرمتئ ڪرڻ واري ڏوه ۾ گرفتار ڪيو ويو. جي.ايم.سيد نه ته واردات واري هنڌ تي موجود هو ۽ نه وري انھئ واقعي جي کيس ڪا ڪن جن هئي. *************** 12 آڪٽوبر تي جنم وٺندڙ ۽ وڇڙندڙ مشهور شخصيتون *************** جنم ڏينهن: 12 آڪٽوبر 1897ع سماج سڌارڪ گهنشام داس بالم جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1900ع شاعر سيد باغ علي شاهه باغ جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1912ع سياستدان علي گوهر لاهوري جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1935ع ليکڪ لکمي ڪالاڻي جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1939ع نامياري افسانا نگار ۽ ليکڪ حميد سنڌيجو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1941ع ليکڪ رضا گاڏهي جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1952ع ليکڪ ۽ صحافي مدد علي سنڌئ جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1962ع شاعر علي احمد اعجاز جي پيدائش جو ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1965ع نامياري ڪالم نگار ۽ ليکڪ اعجاز منگيجو جنم ڏينهن آهي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1972ع صحافي ۽ ليکڪ الطاف پيزادو(ٻلهڙيجي) جو جنم ڏينهن آهي. وڇوڙو: 12 آڪٽوبر 1918ع شاعر علي بخش ڪمتر جو انتقال ٿيو. 12 آڪٽوبر 1939ع صوفي شاعر ۽ بزرگ ٻڍل فقيرجي وفات ٿي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1952ع بزرگ هستي سوامي رامانند جي ديهانت ٿي. 12 آڪٽوبر 1959ع شاعر نواز علي نياز جو انتقال ٿيو. 12 آڪٽوبر 1996ع شاعر، نقاد ۽ ليکڪ امير علي چانڊيو لاڏاڻو ڪري ويو.

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