Sunday 1 September 2024

SINDH in history today (2nd September). Author Dr.Pathan & Translator Mumtaz Pathan

2nd September The Movement of creating awareness, interest & affection about Sindh History at Gross root and Micro level by an individual (Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan since the last forty years] SINDH IN HISTORY TODAY (2nd SEPTEMBER) 2nd September BIRTH DATES Moulana Dur Muhammad ‘Khak’ (Kandhra/Religious Scholar, Poet & Freedom Fighter/ birth 2 September 1895), Sakhomal Bagai (Tando Bago>Mombai/Poet/ birth 2 September 1917), Totaram Valechha (Ratodero>Adhipur/Journalist/ birth 2 September 1921), Mangharam ‘Dewano’ (Matli>Jetpur/Poet/ birth 2 September 1939), Ali Muhammad Parvez (Lakha/Poet/ birth 2 September 1945), LeloPanjwani (Sukkur>Mumbai/Singer/ birth 2 September 1945), Ali Murtaza Dharejo (Larkano/Writer/ birth 2September 1950), Muhammad RafiqMemon (Mirpurkhas/Journalist/ birth 2 September 1957), Ali Dost ‘Ajiz’ (Fareedabad/Poet/ birth 2 September 1964) Razaq Sarohi (Ali BuxSarohi/Journalist/ birth 2 September 1965) DEATH DATES Mian Noor Muhammad Kalhoro (Sindh Ruler/ death 2 September 1762), Makhdoom Muhammad Zaman ‘Sarkar’ (Hala/Saint & Poet/ death 2 September 1913), Usman Ali Ansari (Shikarpur/Educationist & writer/ death 2 September 1962). EVENTS 1846: Captain Scott, Superintendent of Canals submits his report to the Government of Sindh on the method of clearance of Canals in Sindh. He suggests that Deputy Collectors and Kardars should have opportunity to interfere with the Canal Department and laborers working on the clearance of Canals be made payment half in money and half in grain. (Source: letter No.225). 1845: Malik Boola Khan Noomrio submits his petition to the Collector of Karachi for compensation of losses sustained by him due to abolition of town duties in Unarpur. He claims the ‘Kana’ [weighing fees] as well as ‘Dhull’ on measurement. (Source: Dy.Collector of Kotri’s letter No.257) 1857: The Government of Bombay asks Sindh Commissioner to prepare report on the ‘Commercial Fairs in Sindh and their effects on Sindhi society’. It is advised that Brigadier General Jacob be asked to give his input. (Source: 4039). 1919: On the victory of the Allies, Karachi Municipality sends its resolution as a message to the Government of Bombay. It is history in a way that such type of Institutions also wanted to please Government. The Resolution reads: ‘That Karachi Municipality express profound thankfulness and heartfelt joy and tenders sincerest congratulations to His Majesty the King-Emperor on the successful termination by the Allied Nations of the gigantic World War and the conclusion of a just and glorious treaty of Peace which they trust usher in a long era of peace, prosperity, and progress throughout the world in which the city of Karachi and whole of the country will participate.’ (Source: KMC record). 1921: Vishno Sharma, editor of ‘Hindu’ is arrested under Section 124 of the Indian Penal Code for writing against the Government. He was awarded two years imprisonment in this case. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi). Sindh Journalism played a vital role in the Freedom Movement but, it has been ignored while compiling history. 1922: The Sindh Khilafat Tahreek proved to be most popular and active political party. Three important and big public functions are held in Goth Panhwar, near Nasirabad; Goth Talh and Tando Muhammad Khan. Function at Tando Muhammad Khan is presided over by Qazi Asadullah Shah. (Source: Al-Wahid, Karachi). 1924: “Hindi Sahtya Bhavan’, an organization for the progress and development of Hindi literature formed in 1912, celebrates if Annual function with T.L.Vaswani in Chair. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi). 1932: First ever ‘Sindh Bar Council’ takes birth. Election was held yesterday evening in the Judicial Commissioner’s Court premises. The Registrar is its Presiding Officer. 218 votes were recorded. Result is notified today. Mr. Dipchand Chandumal tops the list and other elected members are: Fatihchand Assudomal, Tolasing K. Advani, Kimatrai Bhojraj; Khanchand Gopaldas ; Motiram Idanmal [all from Karachi]; Parsram Tolaram Bhavnani; Gopaldas Jhamatmal,; Tejomal Hassamal and Santdas Mangharam [all from Hyderabad]. None from Sukkur and Larkano get elected. (Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi). Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. [Either it is door of dear, or desert or sea. It seems to be beautiful, but terrible in experience. You will not find your dear near to you. No will be there to save your soul. Only sorrows and longings will be with you. Day & night, sin & crime will lost their traditional identification there. Only sacrifice can protect you in trouble situation there] برہ، بحر، بر ۽ ھو جو چون سونھن-نگر، پھتین تان ڏسندين پنھنجو حشر نشر، نيڻان وسائیندین وڏ-ڦڙو ھوندء غم گذر، سک، سور جو تون کٹجان خلوص ثمر، اتي ملي ھڪ ٿین ڏینھن رات پل پھر، ات نہ ھوت نہ موت نہ گناھ ثواب ڏمر ، متان ٿئي اثر، جي لونين لات سلام جي. ‏‎ TRANSLATION INTO SINDHI: سنڌ جي ڪمال ۽ قوميت جي زوال جي واقعاتي تاريخ-(2 سيپٽمبر)- ڊاڪٽر درمحمد پٺاڻ جي تحقيق". [ ڪجھ واقعا ] 2.9.1839: فرنگي گورنر جنرل جي سيڪريٽرئ اڄ سنڌ ۾ مقيم پنھنجي ريزيڊنٽ تي خط لکي هدايتون ڏنيون, جن مان ڪي هي آھن: 1. مير فرنگي سرڪار کي سنڌ ۾ فوج رکڻ لاء ٽي لک روپيا ساليانو خرچ ڏيندا. اهو "حيدرآبادي روپيئي" ۾ نه هوندو پر “ڪمپني روپيئي" ۾ هوندو, 2. مير ڪنهن خوشفهمئ يا اميد ۾ نه رهن ته ڪو ڪراچي شهر هنن کي واپس ملندو. ڪراچي هاڻي اسان انگريزن جو شھر آھي, 3. نئين معاهدي تي دستخط ڪرڻ ۾ ڪن ميرن ڪيٻايو آھي, ان تي پريشان نه ٿبو. اڳي پوء سڀ دستخط ڪندا, 4. شاه شجاء لاء ڪن ميرن ڏن/خراج جي پهرين قسط ڏني آھي, کين هوشيار ڪر ته باقي رهت ڏيڻ ۾ ٽال مٽول نه ڪن. (حوالو: گورنر جنرل جي سيڪريٽرئ جو خط- متن گل حيات ۾ موجود آھي). 2.9.1857: اڄ صوبائي حڪومت سنڌ جي ڪمشنر کي لکيو ته هو سنڌوندئ ذريعي واپاري ۽ تجارتي سامان آڻڻ نيڻ تي ڪيترو ڀاڙو ورتو وڃي ٿو ۽ ان جا واپار ۽ تجارت تي ڪهڙا منفي يا مثبت اثر پون ٿا. (حوالو: صوبائي حڪومت جو مراسلو نمبر 4039). 2.9.1919: برطانيه ۽ ان جي اتحادين طرفان ترڪئ تي فتح ۽ پنهنجئ مرضئ مطابق ٺاه مڙھڻ تي اڄ ڪراچي ميونسپالٽئ ٺھراء پاس ڪري, فرنگي سرڪار کي مبارڪ ڏني. (حوالو: ڊيلي گزيٽ اخبار). 2.9.1921: وشنو نئنارام شرما ڪانگريس جي ڌر سان واسطو رکندڙ تحريڪ آزادئ جو پرچارڪ صحافي ۽ سياسي ڪارڪن هو. هن پنهنجي اخبار “ھندو" ۾ سرڪار خلاف ايڊيٽوريل لکيو. کيس گرفتار ڪري I.C.P جي قلم 124 موجب ڪيس هلايو ويو. اڄ کيس ٻن سالن جي ٽيپ ڏني وئي. (حوالو: ڊيلي گزيٽ). 2.9.1922: اڄ ڳوٺ پنھور لڳ نصيرآباد, ڳوٺ ٿالھ ۽ ٽنڊي محمد خان ۾ اتان جي مقامي خلافت ڪميٽين طرفان عوامي ميڙاڪا ٿيا. هنن جلسن ۾ ٻين ڳالهين سان گڏ عوام کي مقامي صنعت کي زور وٺرائڻ جو تاڪيد ڪيو ويو. ٽنڊي محمد خان واري جلسي جي صدارت قاضي اسدالله شاه ٽکڙائئ ڪئي.(حوالو: الوحيد اخبار). 2.9.1924: ڪراچئ ۾ 1912 ۾ “ھندي ساهتيه ڀون" نالي ادبي تنظيم قائم ٿي ته جيئن هندي ادب ۽ ٻولئ جي خدمت ڪري سگهجي. اڄ ان جو ٻارهون سال ملهايو ويو. هن فنڪشن جي صدارت ٽي.ايل.واسواڻئ ڪئي. (حوالو: ڊيلي گزيٽ). [جنم ڏينهن]: 1879ع مذهبي اسڪالر مولانا خليل الله مهر. 1895ع شاعر در محمد خاڪ ڪانڌيلوي. 1917ع شاعر سکو مل باگائي (ٽنڊو باگو / بمبئي). 1921ع صحافي طوطا رام وليچا (رتوديرو / آديپور). 1924ع مشهور لائبريرين ۽ ليکڪ پروفيسر ڊاڪٽر انيس خورشيد. 1939ع شاعر منگهارام ديوانو (ماتلي / انڊيا) . 1941ع سنڌ ڄائي باليووڊ اداڪاره ساڌنا شوداساڻي. 1945ع شاعر علي محمد پرويز . 1950ع ليکڪ علي مرتضى ڌاريجو (لاڙڪاڻو). 1957ع صحافي محمد رفيق ميمڻ (ميرپور خاص). 1964ع شاعر علي دوست عاجز(فريد آباد). 1965ع صحافي رزاق سروهي. 1976ع شاعره ۽ آرٽسٽ بختاور پليجو. [وڇوڙو]: 1762ع سنڌ جي اڳوڻو حڪمران ميان نور محمد ڪلهوڙو . 1913ع شاعر مخدوم محمد زمان سرڪار. 1962ع تعليمي ماهر عثمان علي انصاري

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