Sunday 1 May 2016



[History of Khaksar Movement in Sindh (1937-1947) as has been recorded and reported by the Government of Sindh. It consists of ‘secret reports’ sent by the Home Department of the Sindh Government sent to the Government of India. Every entry carries reference at its end-Dr.Pathan].
1. The Khaksar movement is gaining ground in almost all districts of the Province. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 5th October 1939 Fortnightly report for the Second half of September 1939]. 
2. There has been considerable among the Khaksars of the Province, the new members being Mr. M.H. Gazdar, M.L.A. Speeches have been delivered and parades help where the attitude of the United Provinces Government towards Khaksars has been severely criticised. Jathas are in readiness to be sent to Lucknow either direct or by way of Lahore and Delhi. It is reported that one jutha has already left Karachi for Lucknow. The Sind Khaksars are very sore over the arrest of Inayatallah Khan Mashraqi and others at Lucknow. The jatha which left Karachi included four men of whom it is reported that they wrote their applications for inclusion in the jatha in their own blood. Attempts are being made by responsible leaders to prevent the despatch of any more jathas to Lucknow, and the cost of the journey is itself a serious obstacle, as each volunteer has to bear his own expenses. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 5th October 1939 Fortnightly report for the Second half of September 1939].
3. The Khaksar movement continues to grow in intensity - meetings having been held at most places in the Province where speeches were made criticising the United Provinces Government for imposing restrictions on the activities of the Khaksars and also Congress as it had no desire to help Muslims in India. The Khaksars were called upon to be ready to proceed to the United Provinces if required. Speeches delivered during the fortnight by Khaksar leaders showed a distinct turn for the worse so far as Hindus were concerned. Time and again it was alleged that the United Provinces Government was responsible for the Sunni-Shiah trouble in Lucknow, that the Congress was representative of the Hindus and not of Muslims, and that the Congress have always been trying to crush the Muslims. They also alleged that the congress thought that there were only two powers in India, Congress and the British, and that the nine crores of Muslims were disregarded. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 17th October 1939 Fortnightly report for the First half of October 1939]. 
4. Isolated batches of Khaksars continue to go to Lucknow to ofter satyagraha and some of them go in disguise in order to escape detection. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 17th October 1939 Fortnightly report for the First half of October 1939].
5. The khaksaran movement has been gradually spreading in the province and there was a spate of Khaksar activities during the fortnight. Several rallies, which included the usual parades and sham fights, were held at various places on the 1st and 2nd July. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 17th July 1939 Fortnightly report for the First half of July 1939]  
6. Batches of Khaksars continued to go to the United Provinces during the fortnight under report, but news has reached Sind that no more Sindhi Khuksars are wanted in the United Provinces because they come inadequately provided with funds. Signs of a reaction in this province are also noticed from the fact that anti-Khaksar speeches are now being made. On the 18th October a strong anti-Khaksar speeches was made in Thar Parkar district when the speaker said that the founder of the Khaksar movement had stated that Muslims, in reality, were the followers of Christ. Another meeting held on the 17th October passed resolution corrdemning the Khaksar movement. However meetings continue to be held in which the anti-Khaksar attitude of the United Provinces Government is being criticized. The khaksaran movement has been gradually spreading in the province and there was a spate of Khaksar activities during the fortnight. Several rallies, which included the usual parades and sham fights, were held at various places on the 1st and 2nd July.[Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 3rd November 1939 Fortnightly report for the Second half of October 1939].

7. A tendency is noticeable among the Hindus of Sind to organize themselves on Khaksar lines. Batches of small volunteers associations are continually being formed for the defence of Hindu rights and property. These young men also parade the streets and some of them have asopted a grey uniform. One such association applied to the District Magistrate of Hyderabad for permission to carry spears, which was refused. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 3rd November 1939 Fortnightly report for the Second half of October 1939].

8. Khaksars activities are at a low ebb. Except for their holding a camp at Jhudo, Thar Parkar District, on the 8th December no other Khaksars activity has come to notice. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 22nd December 1939 Fortnightly report for the First half of December 1939].
9. Khaksar activity has again come to notice during the fortnight under report - particularly in Hyderabad District =, which seems to be their stronghold in Sind. The Magistrate of that district reported that they were becoming increasingly provocative, but details of the provocation given are lacking. About sixty Khaksars paraded during the fortnight under report at the Idgah Maidan at Karachi, but it seems that the idea of a camp, which it was proposed to hold there during December, has been abandoned. In Hyderabad the Khaksars have divided themselves into eight sub-divisions, each under a captain. The Central Office has been placed under three commanders - viz., Camp Commander, Office Commander and Propaganda Commander Several Khaksar parades were held in Hyderabad, while small batches in their respective beats. . [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 13th January 1940 Fortnightly report for the Second half of December 1939].
10. Khaksars activities were not particularly noticeable during the fortnight Thirty Karachi Khaksars went to Keamari, and were addressed by Moulvi Muhammad Usif, who congratulated then on their success in the United Provinces. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 18th January 1940 Fortnightly report for the First half of January 1940].
11. Khaksar activities continue in a quiet way. The Khaksars of Karachi held a parade on the Idgah Maidan under the leadership of Muhammad Ismail. They were asked to muster strong at the railway station, Karachi, on the 25th to meet Muhammad Akram Khan, Chief Salar for Sind. An interesting ceremony was held at Hyderabad when a salute of honour was presented by the Khaksars to Dr. Sachanand of the Henderson Blind Relief Association. The usual parades and enlistment propaganda were carried on during the fortnight under report, the Khaksar band being in attendance. Almost daily marches were held in Hyderabad City, and parades at Karachi, Hyderabad, Lankana and Jacobabad. Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 4th March 1940 Fortnightly report for the Second half of February 1940].
12. There was considerable activity among the Khaksars of Karachi on account of the visit of the Chief Salar for Sind and, also on account of the firing at Lahore. Muhammad Akram Jalis at a meeting on the Idagah, held to protest against the action of the Punjab Government, informed the audience of the Lahore firing and severely criticised the Punjab Ministry. He said that it was no new thing for Islam to suffer at the hands of Muslims, and that the Khaksars had no grievance against the British or any other community in India. He assured Government that Khaksar movement was a religious and peaceful one and did not lend support to any political party. The meeting ended with prayers for the souls of those Khaksars who were killed at Lahore. The leader of the Shikarpur Khaksars is said to have been greatly agitated at the firing in Lahore and has informed the Chief Salar in Sind that the Khaksars of Shikarpur and Sukkur were ready for action and were awaiting instructions. Another Khaksar leader drew attention to the use of tear gas having facilitated the arrests of Khaksars, and to the necessity of offering themselves for arrest in large numbers. It seems however that instruction regarding the future programme are awaited from Head Quarters, and no extra-provincial activity by Sind Khaksars has yet come to notice. The District Magistrate, Hyderabad, was personally assured by the leaders there that did not intend to participate in the Punjab agitation. A camp, which it was intended to hold in that district, has been postponed. Khaksar parades were, however, held at many places, and at a meeting at the Sir Leslie Wilson Muslim Hostel, Karachi, the Chief Salar urged students to join the Khaksar movement... Meanwhile an anti-Khaksar movement has been organized. Fatwas issued by the Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind against Inayatullah Khan Mashraqi were explained to Muslim in various mosques in Karachi. At a Muslim meeting at Larkana the Khaksar movement was criticised and Muslims were warned not to join it. The Imam of the Jamia Mosque, Keamari, did the same after Juma prayers, and went so far as to say that Allama Mashraqi and his followers were 'kafirs'. This had such an effect that the Chief Salar had to abandon a projected meeting at Keamari. .[SourceNo. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 5th April 1940 Fortnightly report for the Second half of March 1940].
13. The usual Khaksar parades were held at Karachi and Hyderabad. During the course of a parade at Hyderabad, Mir Ali Ahmed Nabi Bakhsh, who has been appointed Khaksar Hakim Ala for Sind, refuted the allegation of the Punjab Government that Khaksars had pro-Nazi leanings. The weekly "Bab-ul-Islam" of Hyderabad, under the caption "The Bloody Tragedy at Khanewal", strongly condemns the Punjab Government for its alleged highhanded policy  towards the Khaksars in stopping the supply of food and water to Khaksars who had taken shelter in Lahore mosques. The paper referring to "the cruel bayonet attack on Khaksars in a close railway compartment at Khanewa" remarks "for how long are happy homes to be sacrifice for the Sikandar Ministry? Does he mean to increase his power by using guns and bayonets against unarmed people?" Ghaibana funeral Prayers were offered at Hyderabad Jacobabad and Kotri for Hafiz Rukanuddin, who was killed at Khanewal. It appears that the Khaksars are not perturbed at the Sind Government's ban on their journey to the Punjab Government have, however, informed us that the ban is effective and that there has been no influx of Khaksars from this province since it was issued. Khaksar parades at Hyderabad, which has the Largest numbers of Khaksars in Sind, are causing some anxiety to the local authorities, and the District Magistrate, Hyderabad, has more than once emphasized that the organization should be declared unlawful and suppressed as early as possible. Action on these lines will presumably become necessary, when the question of taking concerted measures against all unauthorised volunteer bodies s recently proposed by the Government of the India is considered. If properly managed, it ought to be possible to divert some of this enthusiasm towards the newly formed Civic Guards, Preparations for the enrolment of these are proceeding in all districts though details remain to be worked out as regards their equipment and subsistence allowance. In some quarters there is scepticism as to their effectiveness unless traimed in the use of fire-arms, while those whose natural tendency is to mistrust the police look askance at the Civic Guards as a mere appanage to the former. Experience with the volunteer constables previously recruited in Karachi, however, gives ground for hope that at any rate in towns the movement will be a success.[Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 10th July 1940 Fortnightly report for the Second half of June 1940].

14. Khaksar parades were held in Karachi, Hyderabad and Larkana. The Khaksar movement is on the increase in Hyderabad district. Their Hakim Ala, Mir Ali Ahmed Nabi Bakhsh, has left for Lucknow to attend a Conference. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 5th August 1940 Fortnightly report for the Second half of July 1940].

15. The Khaksars have been fairly quiet. There have been no activities beyond the usual parades at Karachi, Hyderabad and Larkana. A meeting of the Council of the Sind Provincial Muslim League was held in Karachi to consider whether the Muslim League Ministers should be allowed to carry on, or called upon to resign. The Hon’ble khan Bahadur M.A.Khuhro, Minister, Public Works Department, the Hon’ble Khan Bahadur M.A. Khuhro, Minister, Public Works Department, the Hon’ble Mr. Sheikh Abdul Majid, Finance Minister and the Hon’ble Mr. G.M. Sayed, Education Minister, attended the meeting. After a prolonged discussion the Council passed a resolution expressing confidence in the three Muslim League Ministers.[Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S) 40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 22nd July1940. Fortnightly Report for the first half of July 1940].
16. Khaksar parades were held at Karachi and Hyderabad in Karachi, Khaksar Day was observed on 17th May, and prayers were offered for those who are said to be fasting in Lahore mosques. At one parade it was stated it was stated that the Imam of the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore had supported the action of the Khaksars who took shelter in mosques. About twenty- five Khaksars are reported to have left Sind in small beacuse for Lahore, during the fortnight. It is difficut to estimate the correct numbers leaving the province as they usually travel without uniform or equipment. Moreever, they do not take tickets to Lahore, but book to various stations on the main line. The Punjab Government has requested this Government to prohibit the departure of Khaksars from Sind for destination in Punjab. But following a similar request made last year by the United Provinces Government, we were in some double as to which of the Defence of Indai Rules was applicable to the case. The Government of India have since pointed out that action can be taken under the new Rule 85-B, according to which any persons can be prevented from travelling by railway, and this is being done accordingly.[Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 7th June 1940. Fortnightly Report for the second half of May1940].  
17. Khaksar parades were held at Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana and other places. The parades of the rival association, the Fauj-e-Muhammadi, are dwindling and the anti-Khaksar movement was not much in evidence during the fortnight under report. The fissiparous tendency in all organizations in Sind is also evident in the Khaksar movement. At a weekly parade in Hyderabad, the khaksars refused to carry the Khaksar flag as a mark of sorrow at Allama Mashriqi's internment, whereupon the leaders did not accept the salute and the parade dispersed. It appears that the Hyderabad Khaksars have received secret instructions from the centre to leave for Lahore as soon as possible, though few are likely to respond, while the improvement in the relations between Khaksars and the Punjab Government will presumably mean the end of this agitation. An All-Sind Khaksar Camp at Nawabshah from 24th to 26th May 1940 is contemplated. Among Hindus the Arya Vir Dal and Arya Samaj were active. At a meeting of the Anjuman Imamia at Hyderabad, resolutions were passed requesting the Sind Government to move the United Provinces Government to rescind the Madhe Sahba communique issued by the latter during the Congress regime, requesting the Sind Government (sic) to restore the Ruler of Khairpur to his state and condemning the 'ashura' bomb incident at Sukkur and urging Government to trace the culprits. [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 16th May 1940. Fortnightly Report for the First half of May1940].  
18. The Khaksar firing incident at Lahore had no serious at Lahore had no serious repercussions in Sind. It is felt in Khaksar circles that the Punjab Government have now yielded, though emphasis is being laid on being firm, and keeping in readiness for proceeding to Lahore, if necessary. The Muslim Leaguers seem to have been asked not to interfere or to help the Khaksars. It is learnt that Dr. Muhammad Ismail Nami of Amritsar has issued a statement showing the demands of the Khaksars, which include the payment of compensation by the Punjab Government to the dependents of those killed in the firing at Lahore. The statement says that negotiations can only be carrid out by Allama Mashriqi, and threatens that if any Salar or Khaksar negotiates direct with Government he will be publicly punished. Information has been received that arrangements for sending batches of Khaksars from Peshawar- and Naushera to Rawilpindi have been made, as the formed centre of the movement, Haripur, has now been shifted to Rawalpindi, whither Khaksars have been asked to proceed in plain clothes. Emphasis has been laid on the necessity of sending, when necessary, batches of Khaksars from all centres surrounding the Punjab in order to attain success. Prayers were offered at many mosques in memory of the Khaksars who died at Lahore.     [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 20th April 1940. Fortnightly Report for the First half of April 1940].
19. Muhammad Akram Jalis the Chief salar for Sind, left for Meeruten route to Delhi where a conferences was to be held to consider negotiations with the Punjab Government. He has since returned. Recruitment to the Khaksar movement continues, with instruction in drill etcetra. It is said that twenty Khaksars, strangely enough gave a salute to the Congress Flag at Ratodero, in Larkana District, where they paraded the streets delivering short speeches. The Khaksar movement has been revived at Nawabshah while Khaksar parades were held as usual at Karachi, Larkana, Hyderabad and Jamesabad. [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 20th April 1940. Fortnightly Report for the First half of April 1940].
20. Movement on Khaksar lines continue to be encouraged among the Hindus. For instance, the Arya Shevak Dal has formed an off-shoot called the Arya Black Part in Karachi which is said to be an imitation of a namesake at Lahore. The volunteers were black and carry whistles, spears, pick-axes and torches and have a captain own. The party has not yet announced its aims and objects, but it is said to have been formed on the lines of, though in opposition to the Khaksar and other Muslim organisations. A Hindu Kasrat Shala has lately been opened at Khanpur (Sukkur District) which has about forty members on its rolls. A Sheva Mandli has been formed at Abdu (Sukkur District), the object of which is to impart military training to Hindu youths, its present membership being thirty. One of these mushroom bodies naively approached the Ex-Services Association in Karachi to supply them with a drill instruction. It is now learnt that Santsingh Birsingh, the Drill Instructor of the "Bachav Sena", Sukkur, referred to in paragraph of my last letter, who is an ex-Police Constable, was dismissed from Government service on being sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment for assaulting another Constable. It is significant that during the celebration of the anniversary of the Arya samaj (College Section), Islam, Christianity and Sanatan Dharma were criticized impartially, and Hindus were advised to become powerful enough to defend themselves and to adopt a "tit for tat" communal policy. A resolution to the effect that the creed of non-violence was not practical in every struggle was adopted. [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 20th April 1940. Fortnightly Report for the First half of April 1940].
21. Khaksar parades were held at Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Larkana, Ratodero and Jacobabad. At  Ratodero a Khaksar Anjuman has been formed. Some Khaksars of Karachi gave a rception to Noor Ahmed Shah, Khaksars Nazim of Lahore, on his arrival at Karachi. In Hyderabad, the Khaksars parade daily in their respective beats a weekly parade having been held during the fortnight, were the Khaksars marched throughout the city. The Hyderabad Khaksars seems to be more active than those of any other place in Sind. It is understood that Khaksar activity has been revived again in Mirpurkhas town. A prominent Khaksar of Hyderabad (Sind), accompanied by two other Khaksars od the Punjab, visited Jacobabad, on the 15th and 1th January, when the Khaksars paraded through the main streets of the town in their honour, and presented them with a salute. [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 2nd  February 1940. Fortnightly Report for the Second half of January 1940].
22. About forty Khaksars held a rally at Hyderabad on the 7th December and Collected at the meeting placed in military formation. Six were in Khaki mufti and twelve carried 'belchas'. Their conduct comes within the mischief of rule 58 of the Defence of India Rules and the question of taking action against them is under the consideration of Government. [ Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 18th December 1940 Fortnightly report for the first half on December 1940].
23. It is reported that the there was a Khaksar police clash at Khanewal. A batch of twenty nine Khaksars was noticed at the railway station, Khanpur, on the 31st May. They were pursued and eventually arrested at Khanewal on the morning of the 1st June. Twenty eight were arrested and one-died of injuries received during the scuffle. The person who met death was a clerk in the office of the Collector of Karachi. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 21st June  1940 Fortnightly report for the first half on June 1940].
24. It appears that at the end of April 1940 there were 1,214 Khaksars enrolled in Sind, 1,172 ordinary Khaksars and 41 Jarrbaz. Hyderabad heads the list with 527 Khaksars and Dadu records the least number with 50. As briefly mentioned in my report, a notification has been issued by Government under sub-rule 1 of Rule 85(b) of the Defence of India Rules, which requires that no person belonging to or wearing the uniform of the "Anjuman-i- Khaksaran" and proposing to proceed to any place in the Punjab shall be carried on a railway, and prohibits the travelling by railway of any such person. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 21st June  1940 Fortnightly report for the first half on June 1940].
25. The Khaksars have stopped their parades in Karachi and Larkana, following the issue of the Government of India Ordinance restricting the activities of such organizations. The Khaksars Camp which was to be held at Hyderabad from 16th to 18th August was cancelled. Prominent Khaksars of Hyderabad met and decided not to violate the Government orders without first taking advice from their headquarter. Some influential Khaksars have been deputed to meet the Hon'ble Ministers and members of the Sind Legislative Assembly at Karachi and to obtain their advice in the matter. The Arya Vir Dal volunteers, Hyderabad, have also decided not to violate the Government of India ban. The Sind Gothani Fauj is at present inactive. The Volunteer Dal, Mirpurkhas, is however, reported to be holding parades of about 25 volunteer Dal, Mirpurkhas, is however, reported to be holding parades of about 25 volunteers at night. The District Magistrate has been instructed to deal with the matter.  [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 3rd  September 1940. Fortnightly Report for the Second half of August 1940].
26. The Khaksars have toned down their activities and the usual parades have stopped. The local Students' Union organised a Students' Rally at the Khalikdina Hall on the 1st of September which was attended by about 200 students. Hashu T. Kewalramani, President of the Students 'Union moved a resolution confirming the stand taken by the Congress Working Committee. A demonstration was organised with the usual flage and placards. A public meeting was held under the auspices of the local League of the Radical Congressmen to observe an anti-Fascist Day. Moulvi Muhammad Yakub Hingoro presided. He stated that the Radical Congressmen were not opposed to the principles of the Congress, but to the policy of certain members of the Congress High Command. Din Muhammad Khatib moved a resolution to the effect that the struggle for the emancipation of mankind from Fascism could not be separated from the struggle for India's freedom. The right to grant or not to grant freedom to Indian people. He said that a new enemy of freedom had appeared whose name was Hitler. He was crushing the freedom of the world. Najendra Kumar Vyas, while seconding the resolution, condemned Fascism, Nazism and Imperialism, criticised the Congress High Command and made some adverse remarks about Mr. Gandhi and Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru, which infuriated some of the members present. The meeting ended in an uproar. On the 4th of September thee local Students'. Union held a meeting to protest against the arrest of Hashu T. Kewalramani and Pritam Tahilramani under the Defence of India Rules. They have been arrested as they were found in possession of certain proscribed communist pamphlets. Dr. Popatlal A. Bhoopatkar, M.L.A., joined the students in their protest against the arrest of these two persons [Source Government of Sind Home Department (Special) No. P-25-H(S)/40. Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 21st  September 1940. Fortnightly Report for the First half of September 1940].
27.There has been a good deal of activity in Karachi among the local Khaksars im connection with the visit of Hakim Muhammad Akram Jalis, the Chief Salar for Sind. He has been touring Sind and everywhere he was received with a salute of forty-one crackers. At a demonstration parade at Hyderabad, the Chief Salar read out a written address on the Knaksar movement commenting on the down-trodden condition of the Muslim. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 19th March 1940 Fortnightly report for the first half of March 1940].
28.Khaksars parades were held in Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas and Larkana. While the parade was in progress at Larkana on 2nd March, a short speech was made criticizing the Punjab Government for oppressing Khaksars. On his arrival in Karachi. Hakim Muhammad Akram Jalis was presented with a salute and was taken in procession, at the end of which a public meeting was held where he announced that Sind had to contribute its quota of two lakhs of Khaksars by 30th June 1940. A Khaksar rally was organized in Karachi on 2nd March. Yusuf son of Sir Abdullah Haroon, who has lately joined the Khaksar movement, was presented with a salute. In a short speech he remarked that the Muslim League had realised that democracy should be-ended, as it was already dead in Europe. [Source No. P-25-h(s)/37, Home Department (Special), Sind Secretariat, Karachi, 19th March 1940 Fortnightly report for the first half of March 1940].



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